Chapter 150 That was the day I was reborn
Mo Lan suddenly had an idea, she looked at Gu Jingcheng, "Do you still remember the birthday present I said?"

Gu Jingcheng didn't expect Mo Lan to mention this matter. He knew that Mo Lan might not be prepared, so he didn't plan to talk about it anymore.

He looked at Mo Lan, "What gift did you prepare for me?" Mo Lan said, "I will give you myself as a gift." After speaking, Mo Lan kissed Gu Jingcheng's lips.

Gu Jingcheng was stunned. In his impression, this was the first time Mo Lan kissed himself proactively. Gu Jingcheng's mouth curled into a smile.

When Mo Lan woke up the next day, she experienced soreness and weakness again. She sighed, Gu Jingcheng just doesn't know how to control himself.

Mo Lan touched the place next to him, Gu Jingcheng was no longer there, and he couldn't lose it anyway, Mo Lan wanted to continue sleeping with the quilt covered.

"Lan'er, get up and have breakfast." Gu Jingcheng's voice came from the door, and Mo Lan couldn't help but blush when she remembered what happened last night.

She hid in the quilt, "No need, I'm not hungry, you can eat first."

Mo Lan couldn't see Gu Jingcheng's expression, but his voice revealed helplessness, "Lan'er, we've been engaged a long time ago, aren't you still shy now?"

Mo Lan didn't speak, but she just didn't get out of the quilt. Gu Jingcheng looked at Mo Lan's lock of hair just outside the quilt.Shaking his head, he put the plate down.

"I'm going to clean up first. You can get up and wash up and then eat. You can go to bed after eating. It's what you said. Eat three meals on time or it will be bad for your health."

Mo Lan heard the sound of the dinner plate being placed on the table, and after making sure the door was closing, Mo Lan slowly poked her head out of the quilt.

She sat up and met Gu Jingcheng's smiling eyes. Mo Lan was stunned for a moment, took the pillow and threw it over.

"Didn't you say that you have something to prepare?" Mo Lan said angrily, Gu Jingcheng shrugged his shoulders very wronged, "I really have to prepare to change clothes to go to work, but you know my clothes are all in the room. "

Mo Lan couldn't say no to Gu Jingcheng, she rolled her eyes, then got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash up, Gu Jingcheng was changing clothes when Mo Lan came out.

Gu Jingcheng's figure is not muscular - male, but the muscle lines are very beautiful, giving people a healthy feeling. Gu Jingcheng usually wears a suit and Mo Lan can't notice it. Now that Gu Jingcheng takes off his clothes, she realizes that Gu Jingcheng's The figure is really good.

Gu Jingcheng put on his shirt and looked at Mo Lan, "What's the matter, didn't you just watch it last night?"

Mo Lan blushed again, did she have the time to appreciate Gu Jingcheng's figure last night?Mo Lan didn't want to talk to Gu Jingcheng at all, anyway, he couldn't talk to him every time.

After Gu Jingcheng got dressed, he put the dinner plate on the bed for Mo Lan to enjoy.Mo Lan is still very satisfied with Gu Jingcheng's service.

Gu Jingcheng was very considerate, the breakfast was not greasy, just bread and milk, while Mo Lan was eating, Gu Jingcheng was looking at Mo Lan.

Yesterday can be said to be a rare happy time in his life, Gu Jingcheng suddenly thought of something, he looked at Mo Lan, "By the way, I don't know when your birthday is yet?"

Gu Jingcheng once wanted to investigate Mo Lan's preferences and birthday, but he found that the Mo family kept the identity of the heir very strict, and it was almost impossible to investigate.

Mo Lan was stunned when she heard Gu Jingcheng's words, Xu Xinrong's birthday had already passed, she and Gu Jingcheng were both there that day, and Mo Lan's birthday...

Mo Lan looked at Gu Jingcheng, "January [-]." Gu Jingcheng nodded to indicate that he understood.

The date Mo Lan mentioned was the date when she was declared to be the heir of the Mo family, and it was also the day when she officially became Mo Lan.

Mo Lan couldn't help being dazed, she didn't know where to go after she faked her death and escaped from the prison.It happened that a childhood playmate returned from abroad, and Mo Lan met her with the attitude of giving it a try.

That girl was called Ling Yue, and it could be said that she was the salvation of Mo Lan's life. After listening to Mo Lan's description of what happened to her, she took Mo Lan out of the country without saying a word.

The entrepreneurial spirit in foreign countries is different from that in China. Lingyue's family and Mo's can be said to be the two leading local enterprises. It happened that the legal heir of Mo's died of illness at that time, so the president of Mo's needed to find another heir.

So Ling Yue recommended Xu Xinrong to Mo's. Because of Ling Yue's relationship, Xu Xinrong was qualified to be the heir. Become the heir of Moshi.

At the beginning, Xu Xinrong was full of despair about her life because of the death of her family. Although she wanted to take revenge, she didn't know what to do.

It was Ling Yue who stayed with her at that time and told her that she couldn't give up. Although it was very difficult to pass Mo's test and become the heir, as long as she worked hard, she could definitely do it.

Ling Yue helped her make a very detailed plan, and it was Ling Yue who let Mo Lan know that if she became the heir of the Mo family, then she would have the ability to avenge her family and even redevelop the Xu family.

The process for Mo Lan to pass the heir examination was long and painful. She spent two years studying all aspects of finance, trade, management, e-commerce, and a series of company businesses, including two foreign languages.

There is absolutely no way for Mo Lan to make this kind of huge progress alone-it was Ling Yue who was always by Mo Lan's side, encouraging her when she wanted to give up, and helping her when she didn't know where to start .

Every test that Mo Lan successfully passed was celebrated with Ling Yue. It can be said that Ling Yue witnessed Xu Xinrong's transformation step by step and became Mo Lan's witness.

Thinking of the friend who had been with her for seven years and made her feel warm in a lonely foreign country, Mo Lan's heart softened involuntarily.

She remembered that when she was officially announced as the heir of the Mo family, Ling Yue prepared a grand celebration ceremony for herself, and she told herself that it was her birthday.

It was the day when Mo Lan was reborn. From that day on, Xu Xinrong no longer existed, and was replaced by a more mature, confident, and purposeful Mo Lan.

Mo Lan remembered that she was very touched at that time, so she would celebrate her birthday with Ling Yue on the same day every year. Although they would also celebrate Mo Lan's real birthday together, Mo Lan cared more about January [-]th.

Mo Lan suddenly missed something, and when she decided to return to China for revenge, Ling Yue was very supportive.Mo Lan knew that Ling Yue was reluctant and worried about herself, but she still sent herself to the airport

Ling Yue has been telling Mo Lan to pay attention to safety, not to get too excited, and to tell her if she needs help.

Mo Lan thought, maybe she was lucky to have such a warm family and friends, if after experiencing all the pain, Mo Lan's brows were twisted, it was because of Ling Yue's company and warmth.What Ling Yue helped Mo Lan was something she couldn't finish in her life.

(End of this chapter)

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