Chapter 158 She Did It
Meng Feiyao's expression was uncomfortable, as if recalling some bad memories.She showed a evasive look again, "I was walking on the road when I met Jing Ran, and a person robbed my bag, and it was Jing Ran who helped me recover my bag."

Mo Lan looked clear, "It seems that Mr. Gu and Ms. Meng are very destined, this is a meeting like a hero saving the beauty."

Meng Feiyao thought of the day when she first met Gu Jingran, that moment in her heart would never be forgotten.

Meng Feiyao fell in love with Gu Jingran almost instantly, she didn't even dare to look Gu Jingran in the eyes, she reached out and took the bag he handed her.

"What happened after that?" Mo Lan asked, and Meng Feiyao said, "I've been looking for him since then, and then I didn't expect that one of my friends happened to know him, and then we met."

"He was going through a difficult time at that time. I stayed with him for many years, and then he finally responded to me."

Mo Lan looked at Meng Feiyao, maybe this is the beautiful emotional process she imagined.

Mo Lan looked at Ms. Meng, "Ms. Meng was infatuated from meeting Mr. Gu to finally getting engaged to Mr. Gu, but according to what you said, it seems that there is only one man in Ms. Meng's life. Ms. Meng is sure that she really understands love. And do you really understand Gu Jingran?"

Back then, Mo Lan was innocent and didn't realize the ambition and selfishness hidden in Gu Jingran's eyes, but Meng Feiyao had been by Gu Jingran's side for many years, so it was impossible for her not to know that even so, she was still willing to follow Gu Jingran?
Mo Lan didn't ask what role Meng Feiyao played in the conspiracy last night because she was worried that she would be exposed.

But now it seems that Meng Feiyao doesn't remember what she said at all, so she can rest assured. If everything Meng Feiyao does is for Gu Jingran, then through Meng Feiyao's love for Gu Jingran, Mo Lan can initially Judge how much Meng Feiyao has achieved back then.

Did she participate in the design of the car accident, or helped annex the Gu family, or did she do something else?

Meng Feiyao obviously didn't hear what Mo Lan wanted to know about the inner things, she replied, "No one is perfect, Jingran still has shortcomings, but these are all tolerable for me."

"After all, I love him, so I have to learn to accept everything about him."

Mo Lan was speechless, the two people really saw each other right, "I was really surprised by Miss Meng's dedication to Mr. Gu, so I want to know, how can Miss Meng be sure that Mr. Gu really likes you, not Just being with you because I feel indebted to you?"

Meng Feiyao was stunned, she looked at Mo Lan again with undisguised disgust, and her voice suddenly became higher.

"No, I asked Jingran, and he told me very clearly that he likes me and only me, and it's not because of any pity."

Mo Lan waved her hand, "I'm just curious, don't worry about it, Ms. Meng, I'm really sorry if I offend you in any way."

Mo Lan stood up, "Thank you, Ms. Meng, for your conversation today. I think I have learned a little about Ms. Meng, and I hope we can get along more in the future."

Mo Lan turned around to leave, Meng Feiyao hadn't recovered from Mo Lan's questioning, she looked at Mo Lan's back, this woman first seduced Gu Jingran, and then wanted to hint to herself that Gu Jingran didn't like her.

The hatred in Meng Feiyao's eyes gradually condensed into killing intent. She caught a glimpse of the figure walking in from the door and made a silent decision. She stood up and walked towards Mo Lan quietly.

In early winter, there were almost no flowers in the garden. The only thing that was still in bloom was the pot of roses that Gu Jingran paid a lot of money to plant and transport from abroad.

Mo Lan was passing by Rose, when suddenly Meng Feiyao quickly walked over and was close to Mo Lan, Mo Lan was about to turn her head to check the situation, when Meng Feiyao stretched out her leg suddenly.

Mo Lan habitually didn't want to step on people, but she tripped over herself. She fell to the ground and smashed the pot of roses with her hand.

The flowerpot made a crisp sound when it fell to the ground, Gu Jingran heard the sound and came over, Mo Lan fell to the ground, beside rose petals scattered all over the ground.

Meng Feiyao quickly helped Mo Lan up, and she patted the ashes on Mo Lan's clothes with a guilty and aggrieved expression.

Mo Lan sneered in her heart, good job, it seems that Meng Feiyao has already started her performance.

Gu Jingran walked over, looked at the roses all over the ground, frowned very tightly, and when he spoke, his tone was subconsciously indifferent.

"What's going on, Fei Yao, what's wrong with you?"

Meng Feiyao looked at Gu Jingran with red eyes, as if she was about to come out because of grievance, "Jingran, don't blame Sister Mo Lan, it's all my fault, I accidentally broke the flowerpot."

Mo Lan rolled her eyes in her heart, and couldn't do anything in front of Gu Jingran.She was so uncomfortable, Meng Feiyao was serious?

This kind of lowly way of pretending to be pitiful is really enough, she fell to the ground, and the flower pot beside her was broken, no one would believe Meng Feiyao even if she said she did it.

Sure enough, when Gu Jingran looked at Meng Feiyao with a serious expression, he showed reluctance, and said, "Don't be nervous, it doesn't matter if I'm here, just tell me what happened."

Mo Lan stood aside, watching coldly, she wanted to see what kind of moth Meng Feiyao could make.

Meng Feiyao didn't dare to look at Mo Lan, "I thought Ms. Mo had been in Gu's house for a while, and I haven't talked to her yet, so I wanted to chat with her to get to know each other."

"It's my fault. We agreed to find Ms. Mo to get to know each other. As a result, I kept talking about your excellence and your charm. Maybe this made Ms. Mo feel bored, so she was going to leave."

"I thought I might have said something wrong, so I went after her. Maybe Ms. Mo was in a hurry. When I grabbed her, she habitually pushed me. I couldn't stand still, so I supported her. The result She tripped on the steps and fell."

Gu Jingran frowned deeply. He looked at Mo Lan. Mo Lan had always been a partner he valued very much. For this reason, she didn't care about Gu Jingran even if she treated him indifferently.

But now, she actually dismisses the excellent self that Meng Feiyao said?Gu Jingran suddenly felt an unknown fire spread in his heart.

He suddenly had a feeling of taking Mo Lan away and not letting anyone get in touch with him. Could it be that in Mo Lan's heart only Gu Jingcheng is attractive, and the others are not good enough to arouse her interest?
The tenderness in Gu Jingran's eyes gradually became paranoid. He walked towards Mo Lan step by step, "Miss Mo, this is my favorite flower. May I ask what is Miss Mo's plan after breaking this potted flower?"

How could Mo Lan fail to see the crazy possessiveness in Gu Jingran's eyes, she stepped back a few steps, trying to distance herself from Gu Jingran, Mo Lan suddenly felt particularly disgusted with Gu Jingran.

(End of this chapter)

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