Chapter 164 They Are Not Easy
Mo Lan and Gu Jingcheng walked on the street, and they understood each other's mood without talking.

This kind of natural scenery can always make people feel extremely quiet. In such a place, Mo Lan will not think of the painful seven years he has experienced.

As for Gu Jingcheng, although he often travels on business, but more often he stays in the hotel to deal with work and documents, no one is with him, even if he goes to the local area for fun, he is always alone, so he simply doesn't go out.

But it's different now, if that person is Mo Lan, Gu Jingcheng thinks that he is willing to go anywhere with her.

Walking and walking, this street gradually came to an end, but this kind of Jiangnan water town has always been connected with water.

Mo Lan and Gu Jingcheng turned into the next street. They didn't look at the map or plan their route. They just followed the water and walked leisurely under the warm sunshine of early winter.

Gu Jingcheng and Mo Lan chatted about what happened since they met.

"To be honest, I really think you are a very scheming person when I first met you. You have already taken the initiative to talk to me before I even revealed my identity?"

Mo Lan thought that when she first returned to China, it was a very famous meeting in domestic business, and Mo Lan was not interested in the meeting, but Mo Lan prepared carefully for the reception after the meeting and then attended.

The purpose of Mo Lan returning to China is to get close to Gu Jingcheng, so she was thinking about how to let Gu Jingcheng know herself without doubt during the whole reception. If he is smart, he will doubt it.

Mo Lan was thinking, but Gu Jingcheng took the initiative to walk towards her.

The last words that Gu Jingcheng and Xu Xinrong said seven years ago were, "I have sent you the results of the investigation, please tell me if you have anything to do."

Unfortunately, Gu Jingcheng never had a chance to contact Xu Xinrong since then.And seven years later, when Mo Lan looked at Gu Jingcheng approaching him, the first thing he said to himself was, "Miss, I don't think I've seen you at any previous reception."

When Mo Lan first heard this sentence, she felt very complicated in her heart. She didn't know whether she was sad or happy. On the one hand, she wanted to know Gu Jingcheng, but on the other hand, after so many years, things really had changed. People are wrong.

Gu Jingcheng was very dissatisfied with Mo Lan's statement that he was scheming, "I know it's abrupt to greet you suddenly, but I have a reason. By the way, do you still think I'm a scheming person?"

Mo Lan looked at Gu Jingcheng, "You are still a very scheming person, you have such achievements in business, it is impossible to say that you have no scheming, but I know that no matter how scheming you are, you will not Use your scheming on me. I can be sure of that."

That's right, Mo Lan asked herself, why did she think that Gu Jingcheng was a scheming person at that time?Thinking about her mood at that time, Mo Lan suddenly laughed, and Gu Jingcheng asked, "What's so funny?"

Mo Lan said, "Thinking of my mental activities towards you when we first met, although I didn't show it, in fact, I had a lot of thoughts in my heart. By the way, you said that you had a reason to greet me, What reason?"

Gu Jingcheng chuckled, "Speaking of time, Lan'er, I'm sure I've never seen you before, but I don't know why, when I saw you in the crowd, I was so familiar."

"I haven't told you these words. You know you are a very dazzling person, and you always attract people's attention no matter where you are, so it is not surprising that I am attracted to you, but the strange thing is, I just feel that we are like Where did I meet, it was a feeling, obviously I don't have you in my memory, but my feeling tells me that we are very familiar."

Gu Jingcheng laughed lightly as he spoke, "I dare to tell you this only now. If I had said that when I first met you, you would have thought I was trying to strike up a conversation with you."

Mo Lan didn't speak, she complained in her heart, "Even if you don't say this, you are still trying to strike up a conversation, okay? If you suddenly come over and say that you have never seen me before, this is regarded as flirtation in everyone's eyes."

Gu Jingcheng said, "Do you know? Both Jing Ran and I noticed you that night, but I walked up to say hello to you first. In fact, this kind of behavior is rare for me. It might be a bit pretentious to say it, but it's usually someone else who comes to say hello to me."

"But I'm glad that I was the one who took the initiative to greet you. Although I am very confident in my charm, I dare not bet or imagine that if Gu Jingran walked to you first, what kind of good relationship would we have now?"

Mo Lan said, "Our relationship will not change in any way, not to mention that Gu Jingran already has a fiancée, even if he clearly expresses his affection, I don't care, his ability, personality, all aspects are not as good as you, so I Not really interested in him."

After listening to Mo Lan's words, Gu Jingcheng raised his eyebrows, "So, you are very interested in me?"

Mo Lan was held by Gu Jingcheng with a little force, her eyes were very charming, and she couldn't hide it, Mo Lan said, "Why do you think I became your fiancée and did so many things with you?"

Gu Jingcheng was in a good mood. He couldn't tell whether it was because of the environment or because of Mo Lan's words, "But to be honest, I really don't know what happened that night. I didn't drink enough to get drunk, but I just lost consciousness. .”

Knowing that Gu Jingcheng was talking about their relationship, Mo Lan shook her head, "It doesn't matter, it has happened for such a long time, and I don't care too much, if someone wants to design this kind of accident, we can't hide it at all. "

Mo Lan thought for a while, and then added, "But to be honest, I really thought it was you who designed it at first, but it turns out that I was wrong about this matter."

Gu Jingcheng said meaningfully, "But to be honest, I really feel that someone designed it like this. Although the original intention is not clear, I am still very satisfied with the result."

Mo Lan rolled her eyes, how did Gu Jingcheng be so serious one second and so cheeky the next?

Mo Lan and Gu Jing passed by a teahouse. Suzhou retains more of an antique atmosphere. There are many cafes in the city center, but in such a place, there are more teahouses.

A pot of sweet-scented osmanthus tea, paired with pastries of different flavors, instantly travels through time.

Mo Lan and Gu Jingcheng had been away for a while, so Gu Jingcheng suggested to go in and have a look.

The two ordered some pastries, Gu Jingcheng looked at Mo Lan, she ordered a bit too much, Mo Lan looked up at Gu Jingcheng, and then explained, "It's not easy for the boss and the boss wife, take some back to Xiaobao to eat , after all, they still need their care in the next few days."

(End of this chapter)

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