Chapter 424
Mo Lan said seriously, "Jing Cheng, you believe me, I can tell the good from the bad, and I know what is innocent and what is deserved. All the things are done by Gu Feng and have nothing to do with you, so I won't blame you to you."

"The grievances of the previous generation should be resolved by the previous generation, and whoever did something wrong should pay the price. If you interfere a little bit, or help the things that happened a little bit, I will not forgive you, nor will I Accept you no matter how much I love you."

Gu Jingcheng quickly said, "I didn't, you know, what happened back then has nothing to do with me, if you really want to say that I have something to do with that, it's just that the murderer is my father, but you know Yes, to me, he is no different from a stranger, you can even say that he is my enemy."

Mo Lan nodded, "It is because I know that you have nothing to do with what happened back then, so I accept you. I know that after the accident, you have always believed in me and are willing to investigate the truth for me. I am actually very grateful to you .”

Gu Jingcheng was a little embarrassed. He didn't do all this to get Mo Lan's thanks. At that time, he thought Mo Lan was dead. He did all this for peace of mind, because he felt that when his friend was in the most pain, he Not being by his friend's side, this matter has always made him unable to let go.

Mo Lan sighed. In fact, she was a little entangled at the beginning. She didn't want to accept Gu Jingcheng because she knew that Gu Jingcheng was Gu Feng's son. If one day she wanted to stand against Gu Jingcheng, then she fell in love with Gu Jingcheng Big mistake.

But even though she told herself that she couldn't do this, she still couldn't help being moved by Gu Jingcheng, but fortunately, God treated her kindly after all. Gu Jingcheng not only had nothing to do with what happened back then, but even stood on the same front with her. In other words, Gu Feng is not a good father either.

Mo Lan looked at Ling Yue in front of her, and suddenly remembered the answers she and Gu Jingcheng gave when Chen Yu mentioned this topic just now.

The two of them were very close that night, and even talked about a lot of things. The two of them were not simply strangers meeting each other, nor were they friends reunited like in TV dramas.

These eight years of different experiences, including the respective backgrounds of the two people and their common enemy, have made them entangled together. If there are many things that cannot be explained clearly, it will only leave a misunderstanding and cause them to have some suspicion and suspicion towards each other. .

But after making it clear, you will find that the two of them, whether it was eight years ago or eight years later, have always trusted and depended on each other.The hearts of both of them relaxed a lot.

Looking at Mo Lan's sweet and shy face, Ling Yue suddenly had some doubts, she poked Mo Lan's face and said, "What are you thinking, so engrossed?"

Mo Lan came back to her senses, she said, "I'm not in a hurry, I'm already engaged, and I'm going to get married sooner or later, but Cheng Yu is my brother, and he hasn't even started a family yet, so how can I rest assured?"

Mo Lan blinked, her eyes full of cunning, "If you are really worried about me and hope that Jing Cheng and I can have a result as soon as possible, you should promise my brother earlier and become my sister-in-law. Only my brother has a family. Only in this way, as my younger sister, can I marry with confidence, can't I?"

Ling Yue didn't speak anymore, she usually teased Chen Yu happily, and she didn't see that she loved her brother, now she would always talk about her brother, she admits defeat, well, Ling Yue promises that she really can't say anything about Mo Lan.

She glared at Mo Lan, turned around to prepare materials, and silently ended the topic.Mo Lan has been sneezing all the time for the past two days. Although she didn't have a cold, but her body was a little weak, Ling Yue refused to let her do things.

Mo Lan nestled on the sofa watching TV, smiling happily in her heart.

Chen Yu brought back a lot of materials as required at night, and they cooked hot pot together. Eating hot pot in winter is really a warm and happy thing.The four of them were chatting together, and Mo Lan asked, "How is things going in your company?"

Regarding the matter of marriage, the final result of the conversation between Gu Jingcheng and Mo Lan was that since they love each other, marriage is just a formality.

Now that they have decided to accompany each other for the rest of their lives, it doesn't matter whether they have that form or not.Mo Lan suggested that it would be better to get married happily after they had finished their revenge, when the big event was over, everything was put down, and they didn't have any burdens in their hearts.

Gu Jingcheng thought about it carefully, and this is also a good way. Now they are always thinking about revenge, and they can't concentrate on preparing for the wedding. Naturally, it is very hasty. He also hopes to give Mo Lan a perfect wedding, so he agrees , promised Mo Lan that he would take revenge as soon as possible and deal with the Gu family, so that he could marry Mo Lan without any worries.

Chen Yu nodded and said, "Everything is ready, my friend has already started contacting Mrs. Gu."

Gu Jingcheng also answered the same way, he said, "That's right, Chen Yu's friends have come to meet me, and there is no problem with their company's materials, so I have established a cooperation with them, since Ye's and After Wen's death, Gu's plans to open up new partnerships and find a new industrial chain recently."

"So the new company appeared just right, and we have started cooperation with almost no problems. During this time, I have been in contact with Yu's friends every day, and told him some key projects of the company. It is convenient for him to make related plans. About the company It is impossible to completely transfer the resources in a short time, so I am going to start slowly, and I have already given some of the partners to the new company to handle."

"Suddenly transferred the partner, don't those people have any doubts?" Mo Lan was a little surprised. This group of people are also old foxes. After working in the mall for so many years, they must all be experienced. They suddenly changed partners , they will certainly have doubts.

Gu Jingcheng said with a smile, "There is nothing wrong with them. In the cooperation between Gu and them, Gu has the right to speak. All projects are handled by me. They only need to execute the plan. Now what I say to the outside world is just to find We hired an agent to supervise the work of the project for us. On the surface, I was still the real decision-maker, but I did not contact them directly, but the representatives of the new company contacted them. Naturally, they had nothing to say. "

Although Gu Jingcheng said that, the three of them understood the meaning. They smiled tacitly, and they used a good trick to hide the truth. I'm afraid that even if there was any problem, those old foxes would never think that they would fight against Gu Jingcheng. No way.

(End of this chapter)

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