Chapter 520 What Did You Promise Me?

Hearing Mo Lan's words, Gu Jingcheng's messy thoughts froze for an instant. Looking at Mo Lan, he asked as if he didn't hear clearly, "What did you say?"

Mo Lan tried to sit up, Gu Jingcheng quickly helped her and let her lean on the bed, Mo Lan said with a smile, "I don't blame you, I know this matter has nothing to do with you."

Gu Jingcheng thought for a while, and then replied, "But they are dissatisfied with you because of me."

"But you didn't do anything, you never let them target me, did you? Besides, if they were dissatisfied with me just because I was your friend, no matter what I did, they would The only solution to attacking me is that I don't care about you anymore and deal with you like a stranger, don't you want to?"

As soon as Mo Lan said the words, Gu Jingcheng froze, would he be willing?Of course he didn't want to. He finally had a friend who allowed him to get along like an ordinary person without any scruples or pretense. No matter what he did, he was very happy, even if it was a quarrel, how could he be willing to lose it?
So Gu Jingcheng became silent. He understood what Mo Lan meant, but he still couldn't accept it.

Looking at Gu Jingcheng's expression, Mo Lan knew that he must have thought too much, so she said, "Actually, like them, I also think that you may hate me. Because we have been arguing all the time, every time we meet, we never Have a good chance to talk, but when I was hurt, your performance let me know that you really care about me, that’s enough for me, friends are more important than enemies, I can’t just because I’m afraid of the existence of enemies Don't go close to my friends, so you don't need to have so many worries, if you really feel sorry for me, then you just promise to do something for me."

Mo Lan's words are very generous, and in fact she doesn't mind, she doesn't even need Gu Jingcheng to make any compensation for this, but if Gu Jingcheng always has concerns in her heart, she doesn't mind letting Gu Jingcheng do it for herself something.

Originally, with a silent mind like Gu Jingcheng, there are some things he would not do no matter what, Mo Lan thought, who told him to bully her as soon as they met in the past, so he must be ruthless when he finds an opportunity go back.

Gu Jingcheng agreed without hesitation, and in the following time, he took care of Mo Lan very carefully.After all, it was caused by himself, even if he didn't mind it, he was still full of guilt.

But it didn't take long for Gu Jingcheng to realize that his soft-heartedness at that time was really terrible.One day the doctor came to do a routine examination for Mo Lan and found that Mo Lan's ligaments had recovered very well, and the Xu family was relieved.

In the evening, the Xu family had a big banquet to attend, and Mo Lan was not feeling well, so she had to stay at home alone, and Gu Jingcheng also attended.

He didn't like such an occasion, and he came back early because he was thinking about Mo Lan, but he didn't expect Mo Lan to get up to drink water alone. Gu Jingcheng was startled, and quickly hugged Mo Lan back to the bed, and poured water a glass of water,

Seeing Gu Jingcheng's tense appearance, Mo Lan felt teased, so she hugged her leg and cried out for pain. Looking at her appearance, Gu Jingcheng thought she had hurt her leg, so she hurriedly wanted to find a doctor, but Mo Lan shook her head. She shook her head and said that it would be fine if she just fell asleep. This happens every day, and she is used to it.

Mo Lan's eyes are full of cunning, making you always call me childish, but if you find an opportunity today, I will definitely make you childish.

Gu Jingcheng didn't know how to comfort her, so he could only let her go to bed quickly, but Mo Lan said that he couldn't sleep, and insisted on asking Gu Jingcheng to read to her. Originally, reading was nothing to Gu Jingcheng, but Mo Lan let him Read a fairy tale.

It’s a fairy tale, but it’s not particularly naive. What Mo Lan asked Gu Jingcheng to read was a dark fairy tale book. The book was not like ordinary fairy tales. It had princesses and princes, but some dark ancient stories. Castle, medieval legends like vampires.

Gu Jingcheng is an atheist, and has never been interested in these strange creatures, so when he first knew that Mo Lan was fascinated by vampires, he felt that Mo Lan's thinking was very strange, and even laughed at her more than once.

When she saw the book in Mo Lan's hand, the corners of her mouth twitched, not knowing how to react, Mo Lan then hugged her leg and cried out for pain, insisting that she couldn't fall asleep without listening to the story, Gu Jingcheng was a little helpless, " You will have nightmares at night after hearing this kind of dark fairy tale."

Mo Lan shook her head, "No, I've even read horror stories, it's nothing to me. Don't forget what you promised me, you have to do something for me."

Gu Jingcheng didn't expect that Mo Lan would use his previous promise to let him do anything, which is a very important thing.If Mo Lan made good use of it, she would benefit greatly, but Gu Jingcheng never thought that Mo Lan would only let him read to her.

Not wanting to reject Mo Lan, looking at the expectation in Mo Lan's eyes, he could only open the book resignedly, his voice was different from the rational and coherent ones when he gave lectures in the past, Gu Jingcheng read word by word, sounding very stiff, Mo Lan Originally, she wanted to laugh at him, but knowing that it was not easy for him to study, she kept her mouth shut and did not speak, but her shaking shoulders showed that she was working hard to hold back her laughter.

How could Gu Jingcheng not find out, he sighed resignedly, "Laugh if you want, I know I can't read well." Finally, Mo Lan couldn't help but burst out laughing, "You, so If the son is a teacher, he will scare the child to death."

Who has a scarier face than the stories in the book when they are reading?Gu Jingcheng looked at Mo Lan from the side, his eyes were full of pampering that he didn't even realize.

Memories are always beautiful, let alone the shared memories between a pair of lovers. Mo Lan and Gu Jingcheng sat in the hot spring pool. They had been soaking for a long time, but because they were thinking about some things in the past, they couldn't help but feel sad. Not noticing the passage of time.

Mo Lan raised her head and looked at Gu Jingcheng, "You were actually deceived by me at that time."

Mo Lan didn't have the nerve to say it until now. In fact, her leg didn't hurt. She was just lying to Gu Jingcheng. Who would have thought that Gu Jingcheng raised his eyebrows, looked at her and said, "How do you know that I am not your bully?" Woolen cloth."

Mo Lan was a little surprised, "How did you know?"

"When the banquet was held that night, I was in a bad mood. Yu told me that there is nothing wrong with your body. The doctor came for an examination and said that you can get out of bed and walk in two days. Please don't be too nervous and wait until I go back When I saw you drinking water, I knew your legs were fine, but I subconsciously didn’t want you to go to the ground before you fully recovered, that’s why I was so nervous.”

(End of this chapter)

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