Chapter 534
Mo Lan and Gu Jingcheng were about to return to China, but Yang Qiang still had plans in Japan, so he reluctantly bid farewell to Gu Jingcheng. Yang Qiang repeatedly told them to remember to contact him after returning to China.

Back in China, Gu Jingcheng and Mo Lan returned to the villa without even taking a break. At this time, Chen Yu was working at home. He was sitting in the study, frowning tightly, and there were many materials in front of him. News about Zhao Xiao All of them have been investigated, and the investigation process went smoothly unexpectedly. Even Chen Yu didn't expect to find out so easily.

After arriving home, Gu Jingcheng accompanied Mo Lan to rest for a while, then cleaned up again, and then went to Chen Yu's room. Chen Yu looked at Gu Jingcheng. He knew that Gu Jingcheng would be back today, so he had sent someone to the airport keep watch.

After Gu Jingcheng walked in, he looked at Chen Yu and was in a good mood, "It seems that you have had a good time in Japan these two days, and your mood has changed a lot."

Unlike Mo Lan who was depressed before, now Mo Lan is much more energetic.

It's no wonder that she was in a bad mood because she was pregnant, and because she was worried that her body might affect the child, she became more worried, which caused her to be in a bad mood.

After traveling for the past two days, she gradually stopped thinking about those unpleasant things. Through the communication with Xu Fei, she roughly understood that many things during pregnancy are actually normal. Mo Lan was always afraid before, because How her physical condition will affect the child, but now it seems that she thinks too much, every pregnant woman will have those reactions.

Mo Lan nodded, looked at the pile of documents in front of Chen Yu, "I've worked hard for you these days."

Chen Yu waved his hand, "You are my sister, and he is my brother-in-law. Your business is my business. What's so hard about it? What's more, if you don't let me work, I'll be bored at home every day." Pushing the information in front of Chen Yu, he said, "This is all the information about Zhao Xiao that I have investigated. So far, your guess is correct."

Gu Jingcheng and Mo Lan looked at each other, sat on the sofa and opened the file, and looked carefully, Mo Lan didn't know Zhao Xiao, nor had he met him, but just looked at the relationship between Zhao Xiao, Zhao Zhang and Zhao Lin.

But Gu Jingcheng's complexion is getting worse and worse. Seeing that the aura around Gu Jingcheng has become so low that it can't be lowered, no matter how slow Mo Lan is, he has noticed Gu Jingcheng's dissatisfaction. Before reading two pages of information, Gu Jingcheng has already Take a deep breath to control your temper.

Mo Lan noticed that since Gu Jingcheng saw Zhao Xiao's picture, his performance was not quite right, and Mo Lan didn't know what was wrong, she was worried, but didn't dare to say more, until she read all the news .

Mo Lan only had some thoughts in her heart, and they guessed right, this Zhao Xiao really has something to do with Zhao Zhang, he is Zhao Xiao's real brother, and also Zhao Lin's cousin.

Meng Feiyao's notes are very clear. For three years, Zhao Xiao has been helping Zhao Lin with things, including many unreasonable things, which were handled by Zhao Xiao himself.

Originally, based on the relationship between Zhao Xiao and Zhao Lin, it was normal for Zhao Lin to marry Gu Feng and have status and status to help Zhao Xiao enjoy a stable life. In addition, Zhao Xiao could be regarded as helping Zhao Lin, so he should be rewarded a lot. good treatment.

Surprisingly, maybe Zhao Xiao did too many bad things and was afraid, or maybe Zhao Lin felt that Zhao Xiao could no longer help her and wanted to use him to threaten Zhao Zhang to do things for her, or she just didn't want to keep it. Zhao Xiao was gone, so she used a little trick.

After Zhao Xiao got old, he originally wanted to help Zhao Lin do some things in exchange for a stable old age, but he didn't expect Zhao Xiao to cross the river and demolish the bridge, find someone to beat Zhao Xiao severely, and then send someone to torture Zhao Xiao Xiao, unexpectedly drove Zhao Xiao crazy.

Now Zhao Xiao's mental state is very unstable, sometimes he is normal, but most of the time he is a lunatic, so Zhao Lin directly put him in a mental hospital.

Chen Yu investigated very carefully. He found the address of the mental hospital from the places where Zhao Zhang often went. Since Zhao Zhang worked for Zhao Lin, the most frequent place to go was the mental hospital.

It was also at that time that Zhao Xiao went crazy, and Zhao Zhang began to show up to help Zhao Lin. I don't know if Zhao Zhang knew that Zhao Xiao's madness was related to Zhao Lin, or, it was Zhao Lin who was threatening Zhao Zhang.

But in any case, the "he" that Zhao Zhang said should know who it is.

No!Mo Lan felt that there was a loophole in her thinking. If Zhao Zhang didn't know what Zhao Lin had done, how could he say such strange things before he died?But if he knew, why did he help Zhao Lin?
Mo Lan thought, it should be Zhao Lin who used Zhao Xiao to threaten Zhao Zhang, or Zhao Zhang didn't know it at first, but later he knew, and Zhao Lin silenced him.

Mo Lan sighed. In any case, now the two doubts in Meng Feiyao's notes have been resolved. Now that Zhao Zhang is dead, no one knows what happened between him and Zhao Lin except Zhao Lin.
Afterwards, Mo Lan thought of Zhao Xiao. She didn't care about Zhao Xiao's madness. Like Zhao Xiao, who did all kinds of bad things, but always wanted to have a stable old age. People with their own conscience can have any kind of ending.

But thinking about it, I still have some sighs in my heart. People like Zhao Lin are too vicious, and they don't even spare their relatives. How can they expect her to be kind to others?

Thinking of this, Mo Lan couldn't help but feel a little sad. Gu Jingcheng has been Zhao Lin's thorn in the side for so many years, how hard he has to go through, growing up so healthy, and even trying to get everything today, how hard he worked.

In the entire Gu family, no one cared about Gu Jingcheng, even Gu Feng didn't like him, let alone Gu Jingran, who was staring at him covetously, how old was Gu Jingcheng at that time?How old is Zhao Lin?

It must have taken a lot of effort for Gu Jingcheng to get the status and achievements he has today from Zhao Lin's subordinates.

Thinking that Gu Jingcheng remembered the ups and downs he experienced in the past, Mo Lan held Gu Jingcheng's hand and was about to speak, but found that Gu Jingcheng's face did not improve when he looked at her.

Mo Lan was even more worried. After she comforted Gu Jingcheng in the past, even if Gu Jingcheng was in a bad mood, he would not have this expression. She asked, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with this message?"

Chen Yu also noticed Gu Jingcheng's abnormality, and looked at him, "Do you know Zhao Xiao? Did my people make a mistake in the investigation? Or was there something negligent as a result of not being careful?"

Gu Jingcheng shook his head, took a deep breath and calmed down, "No, you investigated very carefully, I know this Zhao Xiao, you did a good job, thank you."

Gu Jingcheng didn't want to say anything more, Mo Lan and Chen Yu looked at each other, Mo Lan nodded to indicate that he came to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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