Chapter 543

Mo Lan showed a puzzled expression, "Auntie, what does this mean? I actually just have a question to ask today. I've been staying at home for too long recently, and I'm feeling bored, so I wanted to go out for a stroll, and I just remembered What happened to Meng Feiyao before, so I decided to talk to my aunt."

Zhao Lin saw that Mo Lan's expression didn't look fake, so she said, "I have some questions I want to ask Xiao Lan."

Hearing Zhao Lin's name for her, Mo Lan shook in disgust, and with her acting mode fully turned on, she said curiously, "Really? I just don't know if Auntie has any questions you want to ask me?"

"Xiao Lan and Jing Cheng haven't known each other for a long time, but they have a very good relationship. This makes Brother Feng and I quite satisfied."

Hearing Zhao Lin's address, Mo Lan felt disgusted again. She smiled and said, "It's natural. Although Jing Cheng and I have known each other for a short time, there is no problem in our relationship. In fact, I have always been surprised. Jing Cheng and I There is such a tacit understanding between them."

Listening to Mo Lan's words, Zhao Lin thought not of admiring the relationship between Mo Lan and Gu Jingcheng, but thinking that Gu Jingcheng must have promised Mo Lan a lot of benefits, so that Mo Lan would protect him like this. Still insisting on believing that there must be no real relationship between Mo Lan and Gu Jingcheng, so she said, "Actually, I have always had a doubt and wanted to ask Miss Mo."

Mo Lan's expression straightened, here we come, Zhao Lin's important point, today's meeting, Mo Lan and Zhao Lin each have their own goals, Mo Lan is to get Zhao Lin's flaws, Zhao Lin is also to seek cooperation.

If Mo Lan wanted to get the information she wanted quietly, she couldn't just focus on herself. She wanted Zhao Lin to think that she had the idea of ​​cooperating, but she couldn't cooperate with her. This speed was really hard to control.

"Auntie, please tell me." Mo Lan had no emotion in her eyes, she wanted to see how Zhao Lin would talk about this topic.

Zhao Lin said, "Since Ms. Mo entered Gu's house for the first time, I felt that Ms. Mo was not like an ordinary person. She was very dignified both in terms of temperament and behavior, so I asked someone to investigate Ms. Mo. , but the results I got surprised me.”

Mo Lan turned cold, "Auntie, what do you mean?"

Zhao Lin looked at Mo Lan. She knew that all the ladies had a temper, so she would definitely be unhappy if she knew that she was investigating, so Zhao Lin was ready to apologize.

Looking at Mo Lan, her tone was apologetic, but her eyes did not feel guilty at all, as if this was normal, "I know Miss Mo is very angry, I apologize to you, but the Gu family is too important to me, I'm still not at ease if Miss Mo's doubts are not resolved."

Zhao Lin has already taken the initiative to apologize. According to the impression she left on Zhao Lin, she probably doesn't know anything. Since Zhao Lin apologized, Mo Lan couldn't bother. She just nodded, but her face was still not very happy.

Zhao Lin continued to explain, "When Ms. Mo entered Gu's house, she had no identity and was just an ordinary person, but the facts don't seem to be like this. Ms. Mo's identity is really amazing."

Mo Lan watched Zhao Lin's performance alone, and didn't say much. If Zhao Lin really went to investigate, then she would definitely not be able to find out anything. The secrecy has always been very strict, not even a single photo can be released, let alone the complete information, no one knows whether the heir of the Mo family is male or female.

Zhao Lin actually found out, how is this possible?Mo Lan felt that Gu Jingran must have said it, but she had already said it, what else could she do, so Mo Lan just nodded, "When I met Jing Cheng, I deliberately concealed my identity. From my point of view, a sincere relationship does not require any material contact, so I don't want any impurities between Jing Cheng and me to arise because of these things."

A trace of disgust flashed in Zhao Lin's eyes. Sure enough, all the ladies have such naive thoughts.

Zhao Lin showed a dangerous look, like a loving mother, "You can be like this when you are together, but since you are both engaged, why hide your identity?"

Zhao Lin's reaction naturally did not escape Mo Lan's eyes, she said, "This is what I mean, just getting a sincere love is not what I want most, getting the consent of Jing Cheng's parents is equally important, If I reveal my identity, then to a certain extent, you and my father will definitely have some scruples. This is not my original intention, so I discussed with Jing Cheng, why not hide my true identity, and wait until you can truly When you accepted me, and then said it, it was both a surprise and a gift."

Zhao Lin's smile could hardly last, she couldn't understand why Mo Lan had such a weird idea.

In the eyes of low-level people like Zhao Lin, having an identity and a background is something to be proud of, and can be used in many things. Take her as an example. Before she married Gu Feng, she was not She dared to tell anyone about her relationship with Gu Feng, for fear that Wen Ling would get angry.

And once she really became the mistress of the Gu family, no matter where she went, she would first emphasize her identity. Seeing the respectful appearance of those people towards her, Zhao Lin was very happy, so she couldn't quite understand why Mo Lan You must hide your identity, so this is the different psychology of the real lady and the person who turns into a phoenix.

Many girls from rich and noble families like to hide their identities, and they call it looking for true love. Also, when you don't have to work hard for survival, things like love naturally become a precious pursuit.

Mo Lan didn't care so much, she stopped talking after she finished speaking, Zhao Lin looked at Mo Lan with a little embarrassment, Mo Lan's words were all about Gu Jingcheng, which made Zhao Lin wonder if her thoughts all along were wrong .

If what Mo Lan wants is a sincere relationship, then she and Gu Jingcheng are not necessarily for profit now.Otherwise, why would she have to hide her identity.

Thinking of this, Zhao Lin's face turned dark again. She originally thought that meeting Mo Lan today would be a good opportunity for her to get help from Mo Lan. Unexpectedly, the news brought by Mo Lan not only let her know that Meng Lan Fei Yao's disagreement with her made her understand that it is almost impossible to persuade Mo Lan to cooperate with her. If Gu Jingcheng and Mo Lan really have feelings, then their behavior of trying to recruit Mo Lan is simply courting death.

Zhao Lin looked at Mo Lan, hesitated for a while, and then gave up her plan. Mo Lan was important, but her own plan was more useful. Now that her wings were not full, if she offended Gu Jingcheng, Mo Lan might not be able to save them.

(End of this chapter)

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