Chapter 549 Let's Talk About It

Gu Jingcheng thought about it, and he could understand Mo Lan's habits. When he met Mo Lan, Mo Lan was not wearing any big-name clothes, but they looked very comfortable.

Mo Lan doesn't have high requirements for clothing. The only thing used to measure the quality of clothes is comfort. Originally, clothes are prepared for people. If it is comfortable, the clothes will lose their original meaning, so Mo Lan has always focused on comfort in clothes, the more comfortable the better, as for the shape, she is not entangled.

It was precisely this that surprised Gu Jingcheng, so he became interested in Mo Lan. After thinking for a while, he nodded and said, "Well, we will not consider clothes for the time being, and we will invite someone to come to our house to tailor them All right."

Since it is his and Mo Lan's child, he should enjoy the best of everything, so Gu Jingcheng has no objection to Mo Lan's proposal. Mo Lan nodded, pulled Gu Jingcheng out of the clothing store, and then the two went to Looked at the toys.

Because they don't know whether the child is a boy or a girl, they can only look at every kind of toy once. Mo Lan looked at Gu Jingcheng with some disgust, "I'm getting old? Why are the toys so stereotyped now?"

Boys play with mechanical toys, and girls are dolls. Mo Lan thought that she had many ordinary but interesting games to play when she was a child. Although they are not as high as these packaged games, they can exercise IQ and improve reaction ability. Everything is available.

But now it looks so monotonous.

Gu Jingcheng also felt the same way. It was only during Wen Ling's two years that he could live a childlike and relaxed childhood, and then he started to study.

But even in those years, the toys and games Wen Ling made for him were still very interesting. How could they be like these electronic products?

Mo Lan and Gu Jingcheng were disappointed again, Mo Lan thought for a while and said, "Maybe we think too much, the child is only so old now, we can't think about the child with our eyes, not to mention, the child's gender is also different. Clearly, we did this a little too hastily."

Gu Jingcheng felt the same way. Originally, the two of them went out shopping just to relax. Even when choosing clothes for their children, they should focus on relaxation. But now they are too focused on their own goals, so they can't achieve the goal of relaxing.

Gu Jingcheng and Mo Lan left the toy store, and they didn't plan to think about the children's supplies, they walked around hand in hand.

After Mo Lan became pregnant, her physique was not as good as before.After walking for a whole day, they had nothing to do. They strolled around the mall. Mo Lan felt a little tired after choosing two or three favorite clothes and buying another jewelry.

The heavy atmosphere in the coffee shop made Mo Lan feel very uncomfortable, so she didn't plan to sit in the shop, she found a place where she could rest and sat down, Gu Jingcheng went to buy a cup of hot drink for her.

After waiting for a long time, seeing that this time is enough to go around the mall, Gu Jingcheng hasn't come back yet, Mo Lan was a little worried, stood up and looked in the direction, but found that Gu Jingcheng was not there, he should stay there milk tea shop.

Mo Lan didn't know what happened, but she suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart. She searched around the mall, but found nothing.

With a glance, she found that there seemed to be some people at the back door of the shopping mall. She walked by quickly and followed them without thinking. She had an intuition that the group of people should have something to do with Gu Jingcheng. Several people were entangled together, obviously a group of people beat one, Gu Jingcheng was surrounded by many people, but his movements did not appear to be flustered.

But such a scene seemed a little scary to Mo Lan. A group of people beat Gu Jingcheng alone. In her opinion, it would be a disadvantage no matter what, so she rushed up to help.

There were five people surrounding Gu Jingcheng, and three of them were already lying on the ground. Gu Jingcheng had already been dealt with, and the rest were all wounded, so Mo Lan didn't hesitate too much. Although she was pregnant, she wasn't everything. Unable to move, he kicked from the back, kicking one person to the ground first, the other four obviously didn't react, watching Mo Lan quickly stand with Gu Jingcheng.

I couldn't help being even more shocked in my heart. Although they were unprepared, being able to kick a man down with one kick proved that this woman was more or less capable. Gu Jingcheng was already very difficult for them, let alone now Mo Lan was added, and Mo Lan's aura didn't look much worse than Gu Jingcheng's, so he felt cruel, the man in the lead gritted his teeth and looked at the remaining three brothers, and directly lifted the man on the ground and threw a cruel word, Turn around and run.

Mo Lan quickly turned around and looked at Gu Jingcheng, touching here and there, "Are you all right? All right, what's wrong?"

Gu Jingcheng didn't answer her, but just frowned, without saying a word, with an angry look on his face. Seeing his expression, Mo Lan was taken aback for a moment, and then found the panic and fear hidden in his eyes,
With a thump in his heart, Mo Lan knew that he had made a mistake, and what Gu Jingcheng was most worried about was her body.But she rushed forward without hesitation, and even moved her hand, so she quickly took a step back.

Just as he was about to explain, he heard Gu Jingcheng say in a fierce tone, "Mo Lan! Do you know what you are doing? Don't you know your current physical condition? Do you think I can't beat them? Or what? Why rush Come up?!"

Gu Jingcheng had never called Mo Lan by his first and last name, and suddenly felt aggrieved, but Mo Lan still wanted to comfort Gu Jingcheng more.

She hugged Gu Jingcheng immediately and felt Gu Jingcheng's body trembling. Even in the face of such a group of people, Gu Jingcheng still looked calm, but now he was really scared.

Mo Lan felt a little regretful, she just shot out of habit just now, she didn't have any thoughts of distrusting Gu Jingcheng, after thinking about it, when would Gu Jingcheng be so excited, Mo Lan couldn't figure it out, but she also understood that she was Gu Jingcheng's weakness, for him, getting himself injured is absolutely unacceptable.

Knowing that she made a mistake, Mo Lan said in a low voice, "How could I see you facing a group of them alone, not to mention that I have analyzed clearly that their current situation is not good and will not affect me. "

Hearing that Mo Lan was still sophistrying, the anger in Gu Jingcheng's heart became more obvious, and his tone was very serious, "Since you know that they will not affect you, you should know that they are also not dangerous to me. Why? You still want to rush over, just looking at me from a distance is afraid that they will hurt you, do you think that in the current situation, I will be happy if you join me?"

(End of this chapter)

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