Chapter 563 Crazy
Gu Jingcheng was stunned for a moment, and then he thought about it for a long time. Mo Lan was not in a hurry, and stayed with him until about an hour later, when Gu Jingcheng said, "Go and ask, I will listen to you Well, this matter is still up to you to solve.”

Gu Jingcheng knew that Mo Lan didn't want him to be exposed to such things, and he didn't want him to be sad. Since Mo Lan thought so, he did it.

Fortunately, the matter was not particularly troublesome. He already knew the truth, and the next step was to find evidence.The evidence, even if he read it, was not much different from what he knew, and it might not be different from the results of his investigation.

Gu Jingcheng was not entangled, he knew that Mo Lan wanted him to live a happy life and not be disturbed by the memories of the past, then he should not care about those things, the most important thing is to let Mo Lan feel at ease now.

Gu Jingcheng said, "This matter is still up to you and Yu to solve, I don't want to disrupt your rhythm."

Gu Jingcheng has said so, Mo Lan has nothing to say, he can only choose to take Gu Jingcheng to the hospital the next day.

Mo Lan never thought that something unexpected might happen to Zhao Xiao's affairs, because everything was proceeding according to her plan. These days, Zhao Xiao knew everything and wanted to send Zhao Lin into the abyss.

Mo Lan had already thought everything would be perfect, so Gu Jingcheng went to the hospital with her after lunch, but Mo Lan didn't expect that something would go wrong in the end.

Mo Lan knew that although Zhao Xiao was imprisoned in a psychiatric hospital and acted like a neurotic, in fact his madness was only pretended, and his real sanity was not affected. They are all in contact with Zhao Xiao to try to find evidence, so Mo Lan is very clear about Zhao Xiao's situation.

Before Zhao Xiao was still useful, Chen Yu couldn't possibly do him any harm. He even cared very much about the places that might be affected in his life. The psychologists he found for Zhao Xiao were all the best. The formidable one is also the one with the strongest ability. I'm afraid that Zhao Xiaowan will lose his mind if he stays in the mental hospital for a long time.As a result, the clues provided cannot be used as evidence to really accuse Zhao Lin.

In Mo Lan's impression, everything was going according to her plan. With Chen Yu around, it was impossible for Zhao Xiao to have an accident, but for some reason, when Mo Lan brought Gu Jingcheng to the hospital, all the doctors crowded around Zhao Xiao. Xiao's ward was busy controlling him.

Zhao Xiao's whole body seemed to be suffering from epilepsy, his whole body twitched, his pupils dilated, and he kept chanting some nonsense words, which sounded illogical.

Zhao Xiao is not crazy, although his skills of pretending to be crazy can already fool the patients in the mental hospital, but he has been very rational since he entered Chen Yu's hospital.

But now, his situation is very bad. Mo Lan has read Zhao Xiao's information. At first, Zhao Lin wanted to kill Zhao Xiao, but the person he sent missed, and he escaped without killing him, but Zhao Xiao was killed. Terrified, then insane.

It was also after Zhao Xiao went crazy that Zhao Lin knew that Zhao Xiao had left a lot of evidence of her own crimes, so she cruelly put Zhao Xiao in the hospital, on the one hand to treat him and find evidence, on the other hand to monitor him.

Except that he was frightened by the killers sent by Zhao Lin at the beginning, his mind was a little confused for a short time, he was afraid of seeing people, and even talked crazy, all his symptoms afterwards were faked.

But Zhao Xiao now looks exactly the same as the Zhao Xiao who was terrified at that time, even his behavior and behavior are very similar, foaming at the mouth, hallucinations, and muttering about someone trying to kill him, as if seeing something terrifying, A look of being terrified.

Mo Lan looked at Zhao Xiao who was pressed on the bed by the doctors and nurses with some doubts. She didn't understand how Zhao Xiao became like this. The first reaction was that Zhao Xiao was pretending to be crazy, but then she thought about it. All of Mo Lan's contacts were very normal, whether it was providing evidence or telling the clues of the evidence, and letting Chen Yu investigate by himself, Zhao Xiao was very honest and rational, and he did not hide anything, did not deceive him, and did not hide anything. It is precisely because of this that Mo Lan's latest plan can go so smoothly.

Today's Zhao Xiao is completely different from the past, he seems to be really crazy, and Mo Lan can't think of a reason for Zhao Xiao to pretend to be crazy.

Mo Lan couldn't figure out what happened today. Zhao Xiao's condition looked very serious. Two nurses tied him up, and the doctor was giving him first aid. He seemed to have been greatly frightened, and his whole mind was a little out of order , Mo Lan doesn't quite understand, does a person like him have something to be afraid of?
As soon as Mo Lan and Gu Jingcheng arrived at the door, they discovered Zhao Xiao's abnormality. Zhao Xiao's reaction was too violent, which frightened Mo Lan, so she and Gu Jingcheng didn't react for a while, and were stunned on the spot.

Zhao Xiao was not stunned. The strength of the two nurses was no match for Zhao Xiao who was struggling. He freed one hand and waved it desperately. When his hand touched the table, a cup was directly swung into the air and rushed straight to the table. Mo Lan came.

Mo Lan didn't react, Gu Jingcheng at the side quickly pulled Mo Lan aside, the glass hit the wall and broke into pieces in an instant, Gu Jingcheng's face was gloomy for an instant.

Everyone in the hospital knows that Mo Lan will come to the hospital every day to contact Zhao Xiao after lunch. This group of hospitals is under the name of Chen Yu, so everyone in the hospital listens to Chen Yu. Chen Yu said, Mo Lan ordered It's his.So the people in the hospital respected Mo Lan very much.

Before Mo Lan arrives, the hospital usually helps Zhao Xiao to determine the situation first, to see if he is stable and suitable for talking, if his mood is stable, it is fine, otherwise give him some medicine to let him control his mood.

But today, Zhao Xiao suddenly lost control, and the doctors didn't react. Seeing that it was time for Zhao Xiao and Mo Lan to meet, they contacted Mo Lan, but Mo Lan didn't respond. They didn't know whether they should use coercive The method used to make Zhao Xiao fall into a coma and prevent him from going crazy.

But thinking that Mo Lan didn't ask for it, and her daily contact with Zhao Xiao was very important, so she didn't dare to make up her own mind and gave Zhao Xiao medicine. She could only control Zhao Xiao first, and was about to call Mo Lan again. As a result, Mo Lan arrived, and arrived earlier than usual.

Then Mo Lan saw the scene just now, Zhao Xiao went crazy and almost hurt Mo Lan, the cup flew out and wiped Mo Lan, the moment everyone stopped breathing, Chen Yu emphasized it many times in the hospital The importance of Mo Lan made them respect Mo Lan, and now, if Mo Lan got hurt because of them, they would really have no face to see Chen Yu.

Fortunately, Gu Jingcheng reacted quickly. It was a cold day, and the doctors were sweating all over. They all lowered their heads and did not dare to look at Mo Lan. The doctors pressed Zhao Xiao even harder.

(End of this chapter)

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