Chapter 567 Okay, go home
Gu Jingcheng was very sad to hear that, even though he knew what happened to Mo Lan, he still felt pain in his heart when he mentioned it now. At that time, he was simply a jerk. When Mo Lan needed help the most, he went away because of a moment of anger. Abroad, not by Mo Lan's side.This should be the thing Gu Jingcheng regretted most in his life.

As if sensing Gu Jingcheng's emotions, Mo Lan stretched out her hand and patted him on the back, then said with a smile: "I used to think that period was the darkest day in my life. I thought I lost everything, Friends, family members, why are you still alive? I thought about death, but then I felt that instead of following other people’s wishes and losing my own life, I would rather live, try my best, and give everything that belongs to me. Bring it back!"

Feeling Gu Jingcheng's forceful arm at the moment when he was talking about death, Mo Lan didn't say anything even though he was a little uncomfortable being strangled.

She hoped that she could give Gu Jingcheng strength so that he could bravely face the fear in his heart!
What happened in the past cast too much shadow on Gu Jingcheng. At that time, Gu Jingcheng, who was only ten years old, saw his mother getting thinner and weaker day by day, but he couldn't help her.

It wasn't until his mother died that he realized that someone had killed his mother. The fear and regret in Gu Jingcheng's heart almost swallowed him up!
How scared was Gu Jingcheng at that time?To experience such a frightening thing at such a young age?Even if he finds out who the murderer is, he must hide his resentment in his heart, because he cannot speak out, unless he is capable enough, otherwise, once he speaks out, only death awaits him.

For this reason, he could only bear the humiliation and steal his life, facing Zhao Lin's mother-killing enemy every day and night, pretending that he didn't know anything!

Mo Lan thought that she had experienced the most difficult days in her life in the past eight years, because she had to learn from scratch, endure the pain of changing her appearance, get used to others' disdain for her, and learn all kinds of things she couldn't understand at all. Knowledge.

But what are these compared to Gu Jingcheng's life?
Mo Lan and Gu Jingcheng are the same kind of people, and their experiences are very similar, because they also cause people deep fear. Why did they choose to say these words in such a place, on the one hand, because Mo Lan wanted to tell Gu Jingcheng that he would never will not leave him, so he need not be afraid.

On the other hand, it was because she wanted to tell Gu Jingcheng that fear was something that everyone had in their hearts, and she was no exception, so Gu Jingcheng didn't need to hide the fear of losing his family in his heart, and then use it to torture himself.

Pain was something that Mo Lan had never thought about, and never wanted.But when those accidents really happened, Mo Lan didn't hold grudge against anyone except the murderer!
"I used to feel that the whole world owed me. There was nothing wrong with me. Why did I have to go through that, but then I realized that those eight years were painful for me, but it was a period of hard work for me to grow up. During the process, in eight years, I learned what real life is and what is called being strong, and I have grown into a capable and confident person, and I also like the current me very much.”

Looking at Gu Jingcheng, Mo Lan had a lot of emotions in her eyes. She had a lot to say and was stuck in her heart. She couldn't hold her breath for a while. Gu Jingcheng was not in a hurry, so she just looked at her and waited for her little by little. speak out.

Mo Lan took a deep breath, and then continued, "I am as good as you now, and I am qualified to stand by your side and walk with you. We have worked so hard to be together, and there is no barrier between eight years! What can separate us?"

Mo Lan hugged Gu Jingcheng quietly, tightened her arms, and embedded herself in Gu Jingcheng's chest, "So I assure you, no matter what happens, no one can separate the two of us, I'm not leaving you, never."

If Wen Ling was the only warmth in Gu Jingcheng's childhood life and the only family member, then her departure would undoubtedly be a fatal blow to Gu Jingcheng. Gu Jingcheng's life and future life mean too much!
It is precisely because of this that Gu Jingcheng cares about her in a different way!Mo Lan can understand and accept this.

She wanted to tell Gu Jingcheng, no matter what happened.No matter who it is, it is impossible for them to separate, and he will never leave him, so he doesn't have to worry!

Gu Jingcheng felt the temperature from Mo Lan's body, and felt his beating heart gradually calm down.When he was in the hospital, he almost felt that Mo Lan was going to disappear before his eyes for a moment. God knows the fear in his heart. That fear almost crushed him. No matter how strong he was, he couldn't bear such pain again. He has put Mo Lan in the most important position, so he cannot accept any behavior that may hurt Mo Lan.

Gu Jingcheng breathed a sigh of relief gradually, and his body also relaxed. He is actually not that fragile.Knowing that he finally recovered, Mo Lan couldn't help showing a smile, as expected, she was the one who could comfort Gu Jingcheng the most, others were useless.

Mo Lan thought that Gu Jingcheng should not be exposed to these things again during this period of time. She thought that Gu Jingcheng could control herself, but she did not expect such an accident to happen. She really hoped that Gu Jingcheng would have the opportunity to take revenge with her own hands, but if it caused If Gu Jingcheng's fear of the past is eliminated, the gain will not be worth the loss. Thinking of this, Mo Lan secretly made a decision in her heart.This year must not let Zhao Lin have a good year!
Mo Lan comforted Gu Jingcheng, but she was a little weak, her face was a little pale, her legs felt weak, she supported Gu Jingcheng, today she walked with Gu Jingcheng for a long time, from the hospital to the school and then wandered around the campus After several laps, Mo Lan's physical condition may have reached the limit.

Seeing that Gu Jingcheng was fine, Mo Lan relaxed her body, put her arms around Gu Jingcheng, and leaned against him, "Since it's fine, let's go back to our home."

Gu Jingcheng was taken aback for a moment, but then he realized that he nodded, but the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising, "Okay, go home, our home!"

Feeling Mo Lan's current weakness, Gu Jingcheng picked her up and ignored the eyes of passers-by on campus, Gu Jingcheng called the driver and asked the driver to wait at the school gate.

Mo Lan really had no strength, so she didn't stop Gu Jingcheng's behavior, but she was still embarrassed to be treated like this in front of everyone, so she buried her head in Gu Jingcheng's chest, not daring to raise her head.

You don't need to look at her to know that Gu Jingcheng is very happy now, the corners of his mouth must be raised. Thinking of Gu Jingcheng's happiness, Mo Lan is naturally in a good mood, and feels that the fatigue on his body is about to disappear.

(End of this chapter)

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