Chapter 90 Secret Protection
Gu Jingcheng looked at Mo Lan, not in a hurry, "Then tell me, what do you do?"

Mo Lan thought for a while, "Fitness, travel, learn something else? Fencing? Self-defense or other interesting activities. I have a lot of time, so I usually use it for leisure."

Gu Jingcheng shook his head, "I don't have much free time. Even if I have a vacation, I have to deal with cooperation. I travel a lot, but I rarely travel."

Mo Lan looked at Gu Jingcheng, "It's okay, when I have time later, when you don't have a job, I'll take you on a relaxing and leisurely vacation."

Gu Jingcheng nodded, "Okay, of course, then we can make an agreement?" Mo Lan agreed.

When Gu Jingcheng arrived at the restaurant, he asked the driver to go back first. After eating, Mo Lan thought that he would have time to stroll on the street at night before going back.

Gu Jingcheng didn't refuse either, the two of them just walked on the street, the temperature in late autumn was already low, and the night was even colder.Seeing Mo Lan's cold look, Gu Jingcheng took her hand silently.

Mo Lan was taken aback for a moment, and habitually wanted to refuse, but she relaxed after seeing Gu Jingcheng's concerned expression, and the two of them just walked along the river holding hands.

"Let's not spend Christmas time in the country, okay? The whole week is free, let's go out. Go to some romantic place, just the two of us."

Mo Lan proposed to Gu Jingcheng more than once about her plans for Christmas. Her birthday was just a few days before Christmas. Unfortunately, seven years ago, she had no chance to finish Christmas and something happened at home.

Christmas in foreign countries is actually very grand, but Mo Lan is alone and has no one to accompany her. Such a festival is lonely for her.

No matter what the relationship between this person and himself is, at least the two of them are together now, so Mo Lan hopes to have a meaningful Christmas with Gu Jingcheng.

Gu Jingcheng seldom refuses Mo Lan's request, "Just make a decision, tell me where you want to go, and if you have any plans, I will accompany you. Let's leave together when Christmas really comes. Leave here and go to a Celebrate with the locals where no one knows us."

Mo Lan smiled, it was the first time Gu Jingcheng saw Mo Lan smiling so happily, her eyes were full of longing and hope.Mo Lan was always smiling, just like Gu Jingcheng, it was just a disguise.

The smile on her face is always raised at a perfect angle, although she is pretty but not sincere, Gu Jingcheng knows that Mo Lan really likes Christmas, otherwise she would not smile sincerely, even if there is only a small arc.

Tired from walking, he sat down to rest, Gu Jingcheng was afraid that Mo Lan would be cold, so he got up to buy hot drinks, Mo Lan sat where he was, and after waiting for a while, Gu Jingcheng came back.

Gu Jingcheng patted her hand and said, "Don't worry, since you and I got engaged, I have asked him to pay attention to protecting you."

Mo Lan looked at Gu Jingcheng with surprise on her face, "Are you looking for someone to follow me?"

Gu Jingcheng quickly explained, "I'm not following you, I just told everyone that you are my fiancee."

Mo Lan disapproved all over her face, "Are you sure you didn't ask someone to follow me?"

Gu Jingcheng shook his head affirmatively, "No, I'm just looking for someone to protect you, I'm just trying to find a way to protect you."

Gu Jingcheng said, "My side is not absolutely safe, let alone Ye Wan who is targeting you, even I have some opponents, they can't touch me, maybe they will make a decision from you, although I know You are skilled, but you are hard to guard against, so I will find someone to protect you secretly."

"Is the person you're looking for reliable?" Thinking of the person Ye Wan is looking for, Mo Lan couldn't help but feel a little skeptical. Gu Jingcheng was very sure, "Reliable, I'm looking for my friend. That person has a life-threatening friendship with me, so it's considered One of my few friends."

"Have I seen it? Was he here at the engagement?"

"I haven't seen it. When we got engaged, he was abroad so he didn't have time to come. He didn't know your appearance or your name."

"The things he dealt with abroad are very troublesome, so I didn't contact him. He sent someone to protect me before, and I directly asked that group of people to help protect you. He only returned to China two days ago, and I didn't have time to tell him about you. .”

"That means your friend doesn't even know about your engagement?" Mo Lan's expression was surprised.Gu Jingcheng nodded, "I wanted to find a chance to talk about it, but he has too many things to deal with recently. If I tell him, he will definitely figure out everything, which will delay his work."

(End of this chapter)

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