The reborn businesswoman is unparalleled

Chapter 131 The Grand Finale

Chapter 131 The Grand Finale (3)
"Cheng Ling, what are you talking about? Tell me clearly! No, where are you now? I'll go over to find you right away!" Mu You's heart was cold when she heard Cheng Ling's words, and she probably knew what happened to her house It's a big deal, but why does it have anything to do with me?
Hearing the address reported over there, Mu You hurriedly explained in the group, and quickly ran out of the hotel without even turning off the computer.

Standing at the door of a certain building, Mu You shook her head again and again. How many times has she dealt with it?So many times that I can't even remember.

At the entrance of the hospital, Mu You searched for a long time before seeing a figure curled up in a corner near the lawn.

"Cheng Ling?" Mu You slowly walked up to her, calling softly with some uncertainty.

Looking at each other, both of them froze for a moment.

How much can a person change in two years?Mu You didn't know, but in Cheng Ling's body, she could never regain the vitality she had before.

Her short hair, which was originally heroic and handsome, has grown to her waist, giving her a bit more of a girl's femininity. Compared with back then, her facial features are a bit more delicate, but she is so thin that it is shocking, and the flying look on her face is gone. A taste of vicissitudes...

"You are...Mu You?" Seeing her coming, Cheng Ling's empty eyes flickered, and he became more angry.

Seeing her like this, Mu You's throat choked up, she couldn't speak, she just nodded.

With a "plop", at the gate of the hospital, in front of all passers-by, Cheng Ling knelt down in front of Mu You's astonished eyes, her voice trembling, like the fallen leaves of autumn .

"Mu You, please let my family go..."

"What are you doing?" Mu You was shocked by her actions and took three steps back, then quickly helped her up, seeing that she refused to get up, she used all her strength to lift her up, and dragged her to the hospital in the nearby park.

"Cheng Ling, listen to me first, and then talk to me, otherwise no matter what you say to me, I won't talk to you." Seeing Cheng Ling who was about to kneel down to her again, Mu You There was annoyance in his voice.

"First of all, I just came back from the United States a month ago, so I don't know much about the Mu family's situation; second, although I don't know what happened to you, I'm sure of one thing, as long as I can help you, I will definitely help; third..." Mu You looked at the woman in front of her who was slightly weaker than herself, and said with some heartache: "Cheng Ling... What's wrong with you?"

Almost at the same time, Cheng Ling's tears fell, she looked up at Mu You, the emptiness in her eyes disappeared, replaced by a hundred thousand sorrows.

"Mu You, my family went bankrupt, and my father...he became a vegetable due to a cerebral hemorrhage due to stimulation. The doctor said that he would never wake up again, and he would not live long! And my mother, her intelligence has returned to eight years old now. Before, no one could love me, love me, and no one could talk to me..."

"How could it be..." Mu You looked at the grief-stricken Cheng Ling, but didn't react for a while, she just felt that the news came too suddenly, and she couldn't accept it.

Thinking of what Cheng Ling said on the phone, a thought flashed through Mu You's mind.

"Cheng Ling, what you meant just now was that the Mu family bankrupted your family, didn't you?" Mu You was so angry that her voice was trembling, if that was the case, she would know who did it without even thinking about it!
"In the beginning, the Zhao family made trouble for our family over and over again, but fortunately, my father's methods were strong enough, so the Zhao family failed many times, and our family was quiet for a long time, but...but just this year..." Speaking of this, Cheng Ling glanced at Mu You again. Although there was no resentment in it, Mu You could feel an invisible guilt.

"Just this year, Mu's company has repeatedly competed with us for business. You know, what does Mu's represent in City A? Seeing that our small company is about to close down, my father comforted me and said, it doesn't matter, the big deal is that we will live in the future." Ordinary people's life, ready to declare the company closed..." Cheng Ling had stopped crying and looked up at the sky, "But just the day before yesterday, Dad found out that all his savings had been secretly transferred away, and even his only home was stolen. Taken away by the bank..."

"Qiao Qing did it, didn't it? It's because of... me, isn't it?" Mu You clenched her lips tightly, clenched her fists tightly, and her nails sank deep into her palm, but it never felt as painful as the woman in front of her...

Cheng Ling withdrew his gaze, saw the guilt on Mu You's face, smiled bleakly, and said in a flat tone: "Mu You, I'm glad you were the one who didn't know, because this way, I won't regret knowing you You friend, but now, I only ask you for one thing. Although this seems to be taking advantage of your sympathy, I still want to say, Mu You, please help me pay my parents' medical expenses first. I will try my best to give you back..."

"Cheng Ling!" The tears that Mu You was holding back finally slipped down, almost roaring out. "What do I think Mu You is? The kind of villain who sees profit and forgets righteousness? You are my friend! Do you want to hear me tell the truth? Let me tell you, compared with friends, the Mu family is nothing at all! Because I'm not the Mu family at all! I'm not Mu Cheng's daughter at all! I have nothing to do with the Mu family!"

This time it was Cheng Ling's turn to be stupid, not only because she didn't expect such a quiet person like Mu You to swear, but also because of what she said out of anger.

"What did you say? You..." Cheng Ling stared at Mu You with wide eyes, full of disbelief.

Mu You took a deep breath, smiled at Cheng Ling, and said with relief: "Yes, I am not from the Mu family, so Cheng Ling, I will definitely help you get justice completely this time." After finishing speaking, appease He patted her arm sexually.

Who knew that just this action made Cheng Ling gasp.

Mu You's hand was stiff, and she was about to check it out, but Cheng Ling quickly hid her hand behind her back.

"What happened to your arm?"

Facing Mu You's questioning, Cheng Ling hurriedly shook her head, but she didn't know that this showed her guilt even more.

"It's fine." Mu You didn't force it, "Let's go, go... take me to see my uncle and aunt."

(End of this chapter)

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