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Chapter 263 Pharmacist Xing Lu

Chapter 263 Pharmacist Xing Lu

Ever since Xing Lu learned alchemy, as soon as she entered Obscure Moon Xiaozhu, one of the indispensable tasks was to enter the alchemy room to refine some pills for practice, and she did this every time without interruption.

This also made her alchemy skills more exquisite.Especially after Chu Yu recovered her memory, with the guidance of Emperor Leo, who is a top alchemist, she has a more thorough understanding of the pills, and the quality of the refined pills is even higher.

After taking the elixir given by Xing Lu, Lin Jiaxin felt alive again.I don't know where Xing Lu got the pills, I have never seen anything with such a good effect.But she has never been a person who talks a lot, especially things that others don't want her to know, she never wants to ask.As long as you know that the other party has no malice towards you, isn't that all right? !

Not only did she think so, but her elder brother Lin Jiaye, Lou Haishan and Mu Han were not the kind of people who gossip.Xing Lu gave it, and they ate it, that's all, it was as simple as that.

Turning the corner, the pressure more than doubled, and more people stopped there, not daring to move forward.

There is no way, I am almost crushed to the ground, how can I move forward? !Can't let people climb over it?
But don't say it, someone really did this, and they really crawled over.

Xing Lu walked past that person slowly, only to find that the person was still an acquaintance of hers, "Chen Hong?"

Because they teamed up with Ling Tian when they were hunting the mutant Wujiu, the two still knew each other.

The black-faced man who was trying to crawl forward looked up when he heard the words, his already dark face became even darker due to the blood congestion.Because of a lot of sweating, it looks like there is still a little shine in the dark.

"Miss Xing Lu, it's you." He didn't feel a little embarrassed because the other party was standing and he was lying on his stomach. Instead, he replied calmly like the usual two people greet each other when they meet, "Standing and walking are a bit difficult. , it would be easier.”

"That's true," Xing Lu nodded. If she walks standing up, the weight of her whole body will be on her legs, and the burden on her legs is indeed a bit heavy.If my legs tremble at this time, I can't walk even if I want to.But if you lie on your stomach like this, the pressure on all parts of your body is basically equal, and you can make better use of the strength of your leg muscles and walk forward more easily. "This is indeed a good way, you are very smart."

"I'm not smart, I really can't move anymore~" Chen Hong smiled self-deprecatingly, "But now that I've come here, I just want to persevere to the end, and I don't want to give up so easily."

"Come on, maybe the next intersection will be the end of the test!" Xing Lu encouraged not only him, but also everyone around her.

"Well, come on!"

"This is for you, you can quickly replenish your energy." In the end, she couldn't bear it, Xing Lu bent down and handed him a bottle of her own elixir. The pressure on her body was so heavy that she could hear her spine cracking when she got up. crackle.

"Thank you, Ms. Xing Lu." Chen Hong reached out to take the medicine bottle, opened it without hesitation, first took one by himself, then poured out another one when he found it useful, and threw it to a young man behind him: "Xiaokang, you too Take one."

"Hey, thank you, Brother Hong." The young man caught it without hesitation, and ate it heartily. He suddenly felt energetic, and his whole body seemed to be filled with infinite energy.

Like Chen Hong, he crawled forward and followed after a while. "Thank you, Miss Xing Lu, where did you get the pill, it works so well?!"

"I made it myself, believe it or not?" Xing Lu joked, half-truthfully.

"Uh," Yuan Shikang was obviously frightened by Xing Lu, "Miss Xing Lu is really amazing, she is even a pharmacist~"

In China, there is no such profession as an alchemist. Those who can independently prepare pills are either based on ancestral secret recipes or are born as pharmacists.Obviously, Xing Lu's ancestors did not have any good prescriptions, otherwise she would not have been so downcast.The only explanation is that Xing Lu studied a pharmacist's course, allowing her to successfully develop such a pill.

As soon as Yuan Shikang's words fell, there was a gasp all around. In such an apocalyptic world, pharmacists are amazing existences, and every person with supernatural powers cannot do without them.For this expedition, they prepared a lot of things in the space button, and the biggest expense was not food, protective clothing and equipment, but pills.

Detoxification, insect repellent, trauma treatment, stamina recovery, and quick replenishment of abilities, etc., which one does not cost a lot of money?Even so, it is in short supply.Who made the environment after the cataclysm so bad that every time you go out, you risk your life?
This Xing Lu, at such a young age, can already make amazing pills. It is conceivable what kind of achievements she will have in the future.

Yuan Shikang's guess made some sense, and Xing Lu didn't refute it after hearing it. If she told the truth, no one would believe her, so she just let these people misunderstand her like this.

"Just started learning and haven't practiced so well yet."

This is a direct admission!Everyone looked at her with even more eager eyes.If they can gain her favor, will they have the right of first refusal for the pills produced by Xing Lu in the future?

Xing Lu's words just happened to be heard by Qiu Lin behind, and she was very angry again.

I am about to lose my greatest support, and she, Xing Lu, has a new skill? !pharmacist?Really good!

Xing Lu didn't know about Qiu Lin's jealousy, and even if she knew, she wouldn't care.

She thought it over clearly, instead of taking out some pills in the future to make everyone doubt the source, she should stand up and confess to others.In this way, it will be easier for me to take out any pills in the future, and I don't need to find any excuses to meet old experts.

Anyway, there are those rare medicinal herbs found in the tiankeng as a cover, even if there is any elixir with heaven-defying effects, everyone will only think that they have added some good ingredients, so why not do it? !

"Okay, Sister Lulu, let's go, Hu Wenze will overtake you if you delay." Chu Xiran reminded her from the side.

"Okay, let's go now." Xing Lu nodded, looking at the struggling figure not far away.

Hu Wenze really became a polished commander this time, and there is no one with supernatural powers around him.

When entering the last corner, the last member of the Hu family fainted from exhaustion.In fact, he couldn't hold it anymore, but seeing Chu Yu, Ling Tian, ​​Situ Nanfeng, and Han Yifeng all gritted their teeth and persisted, he didn't want to be the first "Six Sons of Chaoyang" to quit.

The most frustrating thing is that he didn't pick up any of the crystal nucleus laser guns that Ling Tian encountered, and he was so angry that he almost went crazy.

The dissatisfaction with his own fate suddenly gave him inexhaustible strength, and he no longer felt strenuous.

(End of this chapter)

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