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Chapter 269 Out of the Illusion

Chapter 269 Out of the Illusion
Xing Lu watched Ji Wei repel that Hong Bin coldly, and couldn't help giving him a thumbs up in her heart.

An easy-going personality but no buns, such a person can be respected by others no matter when and where.If you blindly give in, some people will think that they can bully at will, so they will come forward step by step to test your limit and do more and more excessive things.

But like Ji Wei who sticks to the bottom line and never backs down, they will gradually understand: let you do it, but they will not blindly spoil you.Everything must have a certain degree, if it exceeds this degree, then I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't cooperate with you.

"This Ji Wei is quite interesting." Xing Lu turned around and said to Chu Yu who was beside her.

"Don't you think he looks like you?" Chu Yu took her hand.

"Huh? What does it look like?!" Xing Lu asked him, as if she had grasped something in her mind, but she was a little confused, and she didn't know how to describe it.

"Hehe~ If someone treats you well, you can treat them heart and soul. Once you realize that the other party has bad intentions, you will immediately draw a clear line with the other party."

When Chu Yu said this, Xing Lu really thought about it seriously, "Hey, it seems to be eh~ I said why I have such a good impression on him, it turned out to be sympathy~" Xing Lu slapped her head.

"I'm sure it's sympathy, isn't it because you are extremely narcissistic?!" Chu Yu teased.

"This girl is so good, so what about narcissism?! Who else can be better than us?" Xing Lu raised her head and said in cooperation with Chu Yu.Chu Yu was stunned by that arrogant little appearance for a moment, and even forgot the most important thing to do - to find out the flaws in this half-real illusion.

These people still have some ability and luck. In just over half an hour, everyone has gained something.Even Hong Bin, who wanted to snatch things from Ji Wei, found a crystal nucleus, the size and fineness of which were not inferior to the one Ji Wei found.

For those rare and unusual gold and silver jewels before the cataclysm, their enthusiasm is obviously much lower. Unless they encounter extremely close-sighted ones, they will work hard to obtain them, otherwise they just walk past them without stopping.Time is limited, and it also needs to be paid. Who doesn't want to get the best things? !
At this time, Xing Lu played her hamster instinct again. The more things that others disdain, the better for her, but because it is easier to remove the less valuable things, she really gained a lot.

What's more, Xing Lu still has a weapon for cheating - under Xing Lu's signal, although Feixue can't command Xing Lu to break through the formation, she needs to remind her which one is the real treasure and which one is just an illusion.

So the few supernatural beings who were close to her soon discovered that sometimes Xing Lu would not let go of a diamond the size of a fingernail, but sometimes she would walk past a pearl the size of a fist without moving.

The two quick-witted supernatural beings followed behind her specifically to pick up the leak.Once Xing Lu dropped something good, they would immediately pick it up.They don't know that they are exerting the same effort as to obtain the real treasure. Once the illusion dissipates, the things in their space button will dissipate like a cloud of smoke, and they will be cleaner than washed.

"It's here!" Chu Yu whispered, raised his hands and cast a thunderbolt at a corner.

With a sound of "Poof!", a diamond the size of an egg was ignited in the direction of the lightning.The diamonds, which were originally composed of carbon elements, disappeared in a blink of an eye, and the air seemed to have a strong smell of carbon dioxide.

"Hey, why are there so many treasures missing all of a sudden?!" Someone noticed that the surroundings of the originally resplendent cave wall were suddenly dimmed, and only one-fifth of the treasures on the wall remained, and the rest disappeared.

"The illusion is solved?!" Xing Lu walked quickly to Chu Yu's side. She solved it a little too quickly. She hadn't touched the two tails behind her. She didn't seek her own way with her heart, but always wanted to sit back and enjoy the success. It deserves the last bamboo basket to fetch water in vain!

Situ Nanfeng was only relieved by the change in the scene before him.Looking at the cave wall full of treasures just now, he always felt a little unreal in his heart.But when he lost so many blinding treasures all of a sudden, his heart suddenly became calm.This is the real situation, no matter how rich and noble they are, they will not just be piled up with treasures like this.Just like before the cataclysm, the real aristocratic family cared about a kind of artistic conception, a kind of feeling, and would never come up with so many things to flaunt their taste as a nouveau riche.

"Did we enter the phantom array just now? Did you solve it?" Ling Tian's question was not a question but an affirmation. He thought he had already guessed something.

"Yes." Chu Yu explained concisely, "The phantom array is too clever, and it took a long time."

After receiving an affirmative answer, Ling Tian checked his space buttons, and there were indeed many fewer, presumably those disappeared should be scenes in the phantom array.

"Why are so many of my things missing?!" The person who had been following behind Xing Lu exclaimed in surprise.

"Pfft!" Xing Lu couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

"What, you made fun of it?" Chu Yu guessed it when he saw Xing Lu's questioning eyes.

"Hmph! Who told them to keep trying to take advantage of me and treat me like a fool~" After Xing Lu finished speaking, she suddenly realized that she had unknowingly acted like a spoiled child to Chu Yu.

Her face flushed instantly, and Xing Lu quickly covered her cheeks with her hands.It's so embarrassing, ah, ah, ah!
"Hehe, Xing Lu," Chu Yu grabbed Xing Lu's shoulders, lowered his body slightly and looked at her, "How did I find that you are getting cuter and cuter?"

"You are getting cuter and cuter, your whole family is cuter!" Xing Lu was like a lion whose hair has exploded, becoming angry from embarrassment.What, it is obviously the image of Yujie, how can she do what a loli should do? !

"Hehe, yes, don't forget that you will be my family in the future~" Chu Yu scratched her nose with his hands.

Is this being taken advantage of again?right?When did Chu Yu know how to interact with himself so well?
Although thinking about it like this, Xing Lu's heart is still happy. "Beautiful you!"

The man was startled, but reminded everyone to look at their own space buttons.Undoubtedly, all found that something had more or less disappeared inside.

In order to make up for the part they lost, they no longer pick and choose, and only hope to get as much as possible, so that even if something disappears, the base is large, and they don't feel so distressed.After all, there is more to be gained than to be lost, isn't it? !
An hour after the illusion was unraveled, everyone walked to the end of the passage. Of course, as these guys passed by, there were not many things left, and all of them went into their space buttons.

"There is a door here, does it mean the end of this test?" Not only did Han Yifeng think so, after walking for so long and gaining more and more gains, it should be over, right?

(End of this chapter)

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