Chapter 272 Take Back

"Uh... yes." Qiu Lin was stunned by the question.

Although what he said was the truth, his expression and tone were a little too calm, right? !Don't people usually say things like "thank you for saving me" or "you're finally here" at this time?

The one in front of him was fine, he wasn't overjoyed, he wasn't overwhelmed with gratitude, and he didn't even have the excitement of being successfully rescued.

It is obvious that he is in terrible condition at the moment, his face is dusty, obviously he hasn't washed for a long time, his lips are dry and cracked due to lack of water, his throat is probably about to smoke.It can be seen that he is struggling to even speak now, but Qiu Lin saw an aura of looking down on the world from him.

"Presumably you already know that I am Harveys, and the system you have now belongs to me." Harvess did not thank Qiu Lin, and directly revealed his identity to her straight to the point.

"Hello, my name is Qiu Lin." Although the man in front of him was very down and out, Qiu Lin didn't have the slightest desire to look down on him, on the contrary, she was as respectful as she was to her immediate superior. "I only know the details about the system."

She was afraid that he would bring up the recovery system now, although she knew it would be a matter of time, but Qiu Lin wanted to have it longer like an ostrich.

"Is there any water? I want to wash my face first." Harveys straightened himself up against the wall.Qiu Lin was secretly relieved that the intelligent system was not mentioned again.

"Yes, yes, just wait a moment." Qiu Lin first took out an incandescent lamp with a crystal core as the energy source from the space button, and the dark space instantly brightened like daytime.Then she took out another bucket of clean water and washbasin towels, and handed them to the man.

Harveys stretched out his hand to catch the towel, changed several basins of water, and then washed his face and hands clean.When he raised his head again, Qiu Lin could really see what he looked like.

She thought that she had seen the famous "Six Sons of Chaoyang" in China, and no one could catch her eyes again, and no one could surpass those few outstanding men, but she didn't expect that the people in front of her would be captivated by the soul .

In the black pupils that were as dazzling as obsidian, there was an awe-inspiring heroism.Under his seemingly calm eyes, there are eagle-like sharp eyes hidden, and when paired with that upright and strong handsome face, which is as chiseled and chiseled as a chisel, it looks even more imposing.

Such an image of him reminded Qiu Lin of the tigers pounced on their prey on the savannah that she had seen on TV, full of irresistible wild charm.

His hair was a little messy and attached to his face because of the washing just now, which made Qiu Lin's heart beat a beat slower.

"Is there anything to eat? I haven't eaten for half a month." Harveys asked after tossing his hair dry with a towel.

"Yes, yes." Qiu Lin was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized.She quickly took out a small square table from the space button, and carefully prepared warm, easy-to-digest food for him.He hasn't eaten in such a long time, and eating something like this won't hurt his stomach.

"You haven't eaten for a long time, eat something easy to digest first." Looking at him all the time, Qiu Lin felt that her face was going to burn.

"Thank you." Harveys was not polite to her, and sat down to eat.Although the food on the table was disappearing at an astonishing speed, his movements were not vulgar at all, and there was a natural nobility in his gestures.It is conceivable that Major General Harveys certainly has a high status in the world he lives in.

After 10 minutes, Harveys put down his chopsticks. "My next words may be an unkind request, but I still have to say it. Can you please return the system to me?"

"Uh? What?" Qiu Lin, who was a nympho, asked him slowly.

"That's what I just mentioned to you on the way in. I will leave with the major general, so I have to separate from your consciousness." The intelligent system reminded her in Qiu Lin's mind. "You don't need to expect the Major General to repeat his question. With his character, he won't say anything a second time."

Sure enough, at this moment, Major General Harveys was staring at Qiu Lin with his obsidian-like bright eyes, but he pressed his thin lips tightly and stopped talking.

Seeing Qiu Lin's reluctance, he immediately said: "Of course, I will give you appropriate compensation, and even in the possible future, I will return you an exchange store with the same functions as it. Now the system is in your In my hand, it’s just an ordinary exchange store, right? But it is my reliance on whether I can return to my home planet safely.”

Harveys' promise moved Qiu Lin's heart, is it better than this?Owning such an exchange store has already made oneself stand out in this cruel last days, if the function is more powerful...

Although this is a gorgeous pie drawn by Harveys for herself, Qiu Lin knows in her heart that if she refuses to agree, he and the system will naturally have their own way to separate herself, so she will get nothing .

"Okay, I agree." Afraid that she would regret it, Qiu Lin said hastily, "What should I do?"

When I got this system, I was shopping with my friends in the Huashan base. When it started to rain lightly, they went to shelter from the rain. When passing by a temporary food stall, she suddenly stretched out her hand and pushed away her friends, but she was caught by the The ceiling of the food stall was hit, and blood came out of his forehead.

Was it because he suddenly felt that he was in danger and saved his companion at a critical moment?Everyone in the Huashan base thinks so, everyone thinks that they are kind-hearted, and they don't care about their own safety for the sake of their teammates.The friend who was rescued by her was so grateful to her that she almost handed over all her wealth.

But only I know that the situation at that time was not like this at all.

In fact, she has felt the blessings and misfortunes since she was a child.In addition to being able to avoid danger, she also has a sense of what people have always called "luck".

At that time, she sensed the danger, and was about to pull her companion to leave the food stall, but suddenly had a very strong feeling telling herself that she could not leave.She just knew that something good happened to her again.Why do you say again?Because the scene when Qiu Lin met Han Yifeng was exactly the same as that time.

She was going out to play with her friends, but when she passed an intersection, she suddenly turned around, and was bumped into by Han Yifeng who was also out to play.At the critical moment, Qiu Lin was caught by Han Yifeng in time to avoid the embarrassment of kissing the earth, and the image of herself like a frightened fairy deeply slammed into Han Yifeng's heart, making the prince of the Han family fall in love with her at first sight.

Fearing that her friend would share her luck, Qiu Lin pushed her away very hard, just at this time the system mixed in the raindrops entered her head, and she was also smashed into a bloody hole by the falling metal plate.

At that time, I regretted it very much. Was my premonition wrong?

(End of this chapter)

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