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Chapter 294 The Origin of Harveys

Chapter 294 The Origin of Harveys
"Those fruits that are about to grow, the source of nutrition in his petri dish is their parents," Harveys added. "It sounds unbelievable, but it is completely feasible."

Of course it is possible. In the world he lives in, how many people are born like this?Only a very small number of people who are as good as his parents can receive special rewards from the Star Alliance and use traditional methods to obtain offspring.

"It's totally feasible? Listen to Mr. Harveys, have you ever seen a child who was born and raised like this?" Researcher Zhang has already been dazzled by Harves's explanation just now. asked with interest.

"Of course, I've seen a lot." Harveys nodded. Under his command, more than 90.00% of the soldiers were born in this way, no different from their traditional children who grew up in their mother's womb.There are even many of them who are extremely outstanding in their own troops.

"May I ask you, Mr. Harveys," Ling Tian questioned, "You speak so eloquently, as if you have experienced such a thing, but in my knowledge, there is no such thing on the entire planet. A country that lives and thrives in the same way. Who are you? Where did you come from?"

"Hehe~ I've finally come to this point." Harveys laughed heartily, "This is a long, long story..."

It turned out that the planet where Harveys was on belonged to a planet similar to the blue star they were in now on the Dolly galaxy outside the Milky Way, called Lime Star.

The difference between Lime and here is that there is only one continent, and the vast ocean is around the continent.The four seasons are like spring there, unlike Blue Star, which has four distinct seasons, and there is only one country, the United States of Lyme, which belongs to the Dolly Star Alliance.

They have been implementing the method of childbearing explained by Harveys for more than 180 years, and they have naturally mastered a very mature technical level.And Major General Harveys, who is a capable officer of the Interstellar Alliance, has naturally carried out several missions to promote fertility technology, and he has a few extra instruments and some fertility pills in his hands.

"I feel like the whole world has become unreal." A young researcher lamented.

"Yes, if I heard such remarks before the cataclysm, my first perception would be that he must be crazy!" Someone echoed.

"Now?" Harveys asked with a smile.

"Now~" The man thought about it for more than ten seconds, "I still think you are a psychopath."

"Pfft! Hahaha!" Everyone couldn't help laughing.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Harveys, I really can't accept your identity for a while," Researcher Zhang said, "However, I am more and more in agreement with your proposal of child-support methods."

"Why can't you accept it?" Harveys asked suspiciously, "I've already confessed all of my origins to you, isn't that showing my sincerity?"

"It's not that I don't believe your sincerity, but what you said just now has exceeded our usual cognition." Ling Tian said realistically, "Actually, if you think about it, this is very possible. I never thought that we would have supernatural powers."

Ling Tian believed what Harveys said right away, after all, he could have a chance to start over again, and Harves came from Lime Star, which was several centuries ahead of Blue Star, so it was acceptable thing.

"May I ask, Mr. Harveys, how did you get here? According to what you said, the Lime star you are on is tens of thousands of light-years away from our blue star."

"I was framed by someone, and the mecha I was driving broke down, so I was thrown onto this planet." Harveys never wanted to hide this.

"Then will you go back for revenge in the future?" Someone asked him.Harvey's appearance doesn't look like the kind of person who is easy to get along with.

"Of course, if I lose a direct confrontation, I won't say a single word. It is absolutely unforgivable to use tricks and tricks against me." Harveys replied firmly.

"Have you thought of a way to go back?" The current situation is not like an academic exchange meeting, but rather like a personal interview meeting of Harveys.

"I'm trying to find a way to repair my mecha. When the mecha is repaired, I will leave naturally." It is not our major general Harveys who is trying to repair the mecha, but the major general's intelligent system, Xiao Hei.However, Xiao Hei's existence is really more heaven-defying than the mech and the set of childcare equipment he took out. Harveys is not so stupid and confesses everything.Xiao Hei had already reported to him just now, and after another four or five days, it will be able to successfully repair the mecha, and he will be able to go back soon.

"Really? When you repair the mecha, can we organize people to visit it? Maybe our scientists can learn a little bit from it and develop something by ourselves~"

"Of course," Harveys nodded, "I can also leave the method of making the mecha to you, as a thank you for saving me."

"Really?" Researcher Zhang exclaimed, his curiosity and admiration for Harveys had long overshadowed his depression when he recalled his sister just now and his anger at Harveys' proposal.

"I never speak big words, and what I promise you will naturally be done." Harveys replied. "Okay, let's hurry up and get familiar with this set of equipment I took out, at least to make sure that if there is any problem, there will be a response. It is best to solve it. If it can't be solved, I can only stay in touch with you method, within seven days, I must repair the mecha and return to the voyage."

"Seven days?!" Someone exclaimed, "Then I have to quickly find a way to get familiar with this set of instruments."

Although the instruments that Harveys brought out are not complicated and difficult to understand, it takes a lot of effort to use them proficiently.

"If this instrument breaks down after you leave, how can we fix it?" Ling Tian asked him.

"As long as it is not maliciously damaged, this set of machines I took out can be used by you for centuries without any problems." Harveys answered him, "You just need to prepare the nutrient solution according to the formula I gave you, and then strictly follow the By extracting the body tissues of both men and women, we will definitely be able to breed excellent heirs."

"However, you are really lucky. I happen to have three sets of such instruments in my space button. I might as well give them all to you!" Harveys generously promised.Coming to this place after being betrayed was considered his fate with this world, and Harveys would not be stingy if he could help them.

If it weren't for them, I'm afraid that the current me is still in the room in that mech, waiting to slowly exhaust the last bit of life due to lack of nutritional supplements? !Harveys is grateful for their help to him.

(End of this chapter)

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