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Chapter 296 Chairman Liu's Plan

Chapter 296 Chairman Liu's Plan
"Well, I have something to discuss with you." Chairman Liu nodded, and said to them calmly, "Sit down first!"

"What the hell is going on, Chairman Liu, look at how you are ready to fight, what happened?!" Zhao Heng teased him.

Zhao Heng's position in the base management office is not high, but his extensive contacts are not available to everyone, so he is more calm in front of Chairman Liu than others.

"Is there an accident, or is it a major event related to the long-term development of our Lingtian base? If I don't stand up for it, how can I still do nothing like you?!" Chairman Liu was not annoyed, and made a joke like Zhao Heng.

"What's the big deal? Is something big going to happen in our base? Why haven't I got any news?" the head of the organization of the base management office asked in surprise.

"A big event is about to happen," Chairman Liu replied mysteriously, "I just got the news, of course you don't know it yet!"

After Chairman Liu finished speaking, he took out a space button from his pocket, "There are countless improvement pills in it. According to Harveys, it can kill cancer cells in various parts of the human body."

"Huh? Really? It seems that Harveys came to Taiwan quite a bit. As far as I know, there was no research team on Blue Star that claimed to be able to completely kill cancer cells after the catastrophe, right? !” A person said in surprise.

"There is also a possibility that this Harveys is actually bragging," someone objected, "You also said that before the cataclysm, no one on the entire Blue Star promised to completely kill cancer cells. For three years, all human beings are busy struggling to survive in this last world, and who has the leisure to study some cancerous lesions?!"

"That's right, how did he develop such a pill? Isn't he really talking big?" Someone echoed.

"He doesn't look like he's bragging, does he? I think that Harveys is very good, not like the kind of person who talks about it." Someone said good things for Harveys.

"What advantage did he give you in private? Let you still flatter him here?!" Some people were not happy, and started a personal attack mode.

"What benefits me? I'm just judging Harveys based on facts. Isn't that okay?!" The person who was said to be sycophant to Harveys rose up to resist.

"You have to stand upright when discussing the matter, otherwise, if you defend yourself, you're just flattering yourself!" The man just said coolly.

"You... why am I not standing upright? What do you mean by that?!"

"Literally, experience it yourself~"

The man's face was flushed with anger, "You are really making something out of nothing, and you are making excuses!"

"What, you got caught in my mind by what I said, and you started to get angry from embarrassment?!"

"It's too much! Chairman Liu, look at him! Come out and say something fair!" The person being accused is obviously not the other party's opponent, so he can only turn to Chairman Liu for help.

"What, it's just that I started looking for foreign aid? Do you think that Chairman Liu will feel that you have been wronged just because of your words?!" The man was still relentless.

In normal work, the two often have some small frictions, and every time the other party will seek help from the people around him immediately, as if he is bullying him.I can't stand him like this for a long time, and I want to teach him a lesson.

"Okay, why are you two arguing over such a trivial matter?" Chairman Liu stopped the two people from continuing to quarrel, "I asked you to come here today, but I have something serious to announce."

He straightened his expression and saw the two people who had just quarreled furiously return to their respective seats, then he cleared his throat and said, "I called you here to discuss with you how to use this batch of potions. Only in this way can we obtain the greatest benefits for our Lingtian Base."

"How to use it? Isn't anyone who is sick can apply?" Someone asked, "It's not good for us to hold the medicine in our hands?"

"It's not that we hold the medicine in our hands," Chairman Liu knelt for having such a pedantic subordinate. "It's about how to operate in order to win the greatest benefits for our Lingtian base before the medicine is sent out!"

"I understand what you mean, Chairman Liu," Zhao Heng said at a critical moment, "Do you think we can manipulate this matter to make other bases who want to get the medicine from us pay a proper price? "

"Well, that's what it means." Chairman Liu nodded approvingly. Sometimes a person's eyesight has nothing to do with the person's qualifications.With an elm-like head, no matter how you explain it to him, you may not be able to explain it clearly, but for someone like Zhao Heng, he can understand it in a few words.Chairman Liu couldn't help feeling, if people like to deal with smart people, it's really tiring to communicate with those pedantic people.

"Then what price do you want them to pay? Crystal nucleus?" Zhao Heng asked.If Chairman Liu said that he wanted to use these medicines to earn crystal nuclei, he would really look down on him.

"What are you talking about?" Chairman Liu laughed angrily, "Do you think I'm planning to use these life-saving potions to earn crystal cores?!"

"Uh, why is that?" Everyone was at a loss, wasn't it because of the crystal nucleus, they were still shouting here to seek greater benefits for Lingtian Base? !

"The greater benefit I'm talking about is not the number of crystal nuclei," Chairman Liu patiently explained to everyone. He didn't want others to think that he, the chairman of the management office elected by the masses of the base, only had crystal nuclei in his eyes. "It's about the convenience we provide the medicine, and what kind of convenience other bases can guarantee to us. Or, what kind of promises they can give us."

"We are all from the same country, isn't that bad?" someone tentatively proposed.

"What's wrong? Before the cataclysm, didn't they still select the titles of the most beautiful and livable city, the city with the highest sense of happiness, the most beautiful garden city, etc.? Isn't there more healthy competition like this, the better? The cataclysm Has there been no such competition in the future? It has become more intense, okay? Now, each of the four major bases in China is holding back their energy and wants to become the top of the four bases!" Zhao Heng, who agrees with Chairman Liu opened the mouth.

"Leave this matter to me, Chairman Liu, I promise to do it beautifully for you!" He promised Chairman Liu.

"Okay!" Chairman Liu looked at him appreciatively, "I'll leave it to you to take care of these medicines. But you have to remember that there is a bottom line, that is, you can't let any Chinese suffer from cancer, because our I plan to lose the opportunity to take the medicine." Chairman Liu said with a serious face, "Although we want to get some benefits from it, we can't just use other people's wealth and life as a stepping stone."

(End of this chapter)

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