Chapter 298
"You're back?" Xing Lu, who was busy, only saw Harveys now, "Hey, Ling Tian, ​​you're here too. Are you done explaining things so quickly?"

The last sentence she asked was to Harveys, but Hawes, who had talked a lot this morning, obviously didn't want to waste any more words. He winked at Ling Tian, ​​and Ling Tian took the initiative to explain to her, "Well, discuss it." Well, the researchers at the base also accepted the method he proposed."

"What is the method, is it convenient for Fang to disclose it to us?" Xing Lu is very interested in this, and if she can, she really wants to find out from them.

"It's just..." Before Ling Tian could speak, he was interrupted by Chu Yu's voice.

"You're starting to care about this now? Why, are you really in a hurry to help me have a baby?!"

His sloppy demeanor was completely opposite to his usual coldness, which made Ling Tian realize immediately that he was deliberately showing affection to Xing Lu in front of him again.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Xing Lu blushed slightly at what he said, "There are still people here!"

"What are you afraid of? We have already agreed to get engaged in a few days. As for having a baby, it will be a matter of time~" Although Chu Yu's words were addressed to Xing Lu, the implicit warning and showing off of Ling Tian were all there. Received it, the original intention of coming to see her with great interest, all disappeared at once.

"Didn't you say you had something to discuss with them when you came?" Harveys reminded Ling Tian from the side at this time.

"Uh, it suddenly occurred to me that this matter might not be feasible, so let's forget it! I'll talk about it when I think of a more suitable way~" Ling Tian suddenly didn't want to say anything more, "I still have some other things to do, let's wait another day Let's get together again!"

Ling Tian hurriedly greeted them, and then fled, almost tripping over the steps when he passed the kitchen door.

Finally, finally, the verdict was pronounced.Didn't you already know the result early on?But why does my heart still hurt so much, it hurts like it's about to burst~ Ling Tian walked in the long and narrow aisle with a mournful expression on his face.

"What's wrong with Ling Tian? Why does he appear to be in such a hurry~" Xing Lu asked Harveys puzzledly.

"I don't know." Harveys simply said that if he didn't know, he didn't know, and he didn't even bother to say a hypothetical inference.

"Didn't he just say that he thought of something to do quickly!" Chu Yu said to her, "There is still time here to worry about others, but you only have three days to work on these things. Don't forget It will be our engagement ceremony in five days, we must set aside a day to dress up, right?"

"It's not what you said. Is it up to you to do the preparations? Why don't you say nothing?" Xing Lu turned to him and asked.

"Of course the other preparations are left to me, but you have to dress up that day, right? You don't need to dress up, and you have to set aside time to try on the custom-made dress for you, right? You have to sleep Beauty sleep, make sure you look good that day, right?" Chu Yu said nonsense seriously, Xing Lu's figure is absolutely standard, as long as the clothes are made by a qualified tailor, they will definitely fit [-]%.Besides, others don't know, he, Chu Yu, knows the existence of Misty Moon Xiaozhu very clearly, even if it seems to the outside world that Xing Lu only sleeps for an hour, she can sleep in Misty Moon Xiaozhu for a dark night, And why worry about her bad complexion? !

"Excessive words!" Xing Lu said coquettishly.

"Okay, I just want to see what step you have made. Since we can finish it tomorrow, let's pay the bill tomorrow! I'll take away the things here."

Seeing the intimate interaction between these two people, Harveys suddenly felt a little inexplicably irritated.That girl was chatting and laughing with him yesterday, but she didn't say a word or tell herself this morning, did she accidentally offend her? !No, I have to ask her to find out!

"Don't look, hurry up and go to work!" Chu Yu turned Xing Lu to look at Harveys' back.

"Don't you think they are acting weird today? Ling Tian is like this, and so is Harveys~" Xing Lu was a little confused, did something happen when she didn't know?Why are they all so abnormal today?
"Silly girl! Don't think nonsense, don't care about other people's affairs! What you should care about most now is me, who is about to become your fiance!" What Chu Yu dislikes the most is that Xing Lu often spends her energy on others, which directly leads to This is the last thing he can tolerate.

"You still need my care?" Xing Lu rolled her eyes at him. Ever since she confessed to Chu Yu about her background and the secret of Oogyue Xiaozhu, she has become less and less concerned about her image in front of Chu Yu. "Don't you take care of yourself well~"

"I take care of it myself, and it's a completely different feeling from you helping me take care of it," Chu Yu sighed quietly, "Xing Lu, even if you don't tell me, I still believe that I am your first love~"

"Huh? How did you know?" Xing Lu said in surprise, "You never asked me this question, did you?!"

"Do you still need to ask? Just because of your slowness in feelings, you can easily infer these things, okay?! Not only are you inexperienced, but your emotional intelligence is a bit substandard!" Chu Yu's tone was full of Resentment.

"Huh? Why has it become an accusation meeting again? Chu Yu, I don't seem to have done anything stupid, right? Why did I become a substandard EQ again?" Xing Lu was furious at what Chu Yu said. Why are you speaking in a weird way?
"Stupid!" Chu Yu pointed at her forehead, "If you say you are stupid, you are really stupid! Just like now, you can't even distinguish a joke from a serious conversation? Don't be serious when you should be serious, Take it seriously when you shouldn't be serious!"

Xing Lu, who was labeled as 'stupid', thought hard for a long time, "Then tell me clearly, when should I not be serious, and when should I be serious?"

"Pfft! Isn't that stupid!" Chu Yu couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Why am I so stupid?" Xing Lu was puzzled by his laughter, and tried hard to recall the words and deeds just now in her mind.

Chu Yu didn't make a sound, just smiled and watched her stare blankly.

"Hey, no, why am I so stupid? Chu Yu, please tell me clearly!" Xing Lu jumped up angrily after thinking about it, and wanted to slap his chest hard with her hand, but when she raised her hand, she realized that it was still made of something. Wear disposable gloves.

"Hahaha, silly girl, do you admit it now?!" Chu Yu helped her take off her gloves and apron, and was about to hug her and be gentle when someone interrupted her.

"Miss Xing Lu, it's time for the mutated yak ribs you stewed, do you want to bring the pot down now?" It was Chu Yu who helped Xing Lu find a helper.

"Oh? So fast? Wait a minute, I'll try to see if the meat is rotten." Xing Lu turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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