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Chapter 300 Chu Yu's Confession

Chapter 300 Chu Yu's Confession
"Oh!" Chu Yu suddenly sighed. "Xing Lu, I found that I will be very depressed in the days to come~"

"What's the matter with you? You've always been so sad during this period of time, did you encounter any difficulties?" Xing Lu wondered.They just came back from the secret land and successfully rescued Harveys, didn't Hawes also complete what he promised to them this morning?

"I have encountered some difficulties," Chu Yu answered her weakly, "There is a person who will never understand your mind if you don't tell her honestly on the table, what do you think?! "

"Uh," Xing Lu pondered for a while, "If it were me, I would honestly say what I think in my heart. If he doesn't understand, I'll keep talking until he understands."

"Okay, Xing Lu, listen carefully now," Chu Yu said before, yes, if she didn't understand, just say until she understood, what's there to be depressed about? !

"This piece of mutated lychee hanging green is specially prepared for you." As soon as Chu Yu finished speaking, Xing Lu was stunned. Before that, he already knew that there was already a " Hanging green' right?
"Don't be surprised, Xing Lu," Chu Yu continued, "When I was about to plant 'hanging green' for you, I didn't know that you owned Obscure Moon Xiaozhu."

"When we were picking 'hanging green', I already knew your hamster's character, and I would definitely feel that such a little 'hanging green' is too little." I have to say that Chu Yu's deduction about Xing Lu was correct at that time. It's not that she has Obscure Moon Xiaozhu, can plant anything she wants and harvest it quickly, Xing Lu will definitely not be satisfied with the thousands of 'hanging greens' allotted.

"So... you just want to find someone to help me grow such a piece of 'hanging green'?" Xing Lu was a little moved, "Chu Yu, you want to confess to me, but you have already fallen in love with me at that time ?"

"It was too early to talk about love at that time," Chu Yu smiled, "It's just that your independence and strength are very attractive to me, and your inexplicable obsession with food makes me think you are very interesting."

"Interesting?!" Xing Lu thought that she would get a lot of compliments and sweet words, but she didn't expect Chu Yu's evaluation of herself to be interesting? !Although there is still a strong and independent front, but at this moment Xing Lu just wants to discuss with Chu Yu what his so-called 'interesting' concept is.

"Yeah, it's interesting," knowing that Xing Lu was a little unhappy, but Chu Yu didn't change his rhetoric at all because of this, "I have come into contact with the opposite sex since I was a child, except for my mother and Xiaoxi, and the only ones left are my mother and Xiaoxi. In my perception, the image of a woman is nothing more than a gentle and virtuous woman with an intellectual temperament, or a lively and cute girl like Xiaoxi, and a hard-working, non-complaining girl like my nanny Give without regrets. I was just a little curious about you, a contradictory body with a beautiful appearance but a simple heart. Curious that you don’t have to work so hard, but you are willing to work hard to help us take care of three meals a day; I am also curious You are obviously helpless, but you are independent and strong, and you still have endless hopes for the future; and your hamster nature, I have never seen you respect every food like you, and take cooking as your own pleasure A young girl. This kind of you makes me want to get closer, and I want to see more of your different side from ordinary people."

"And the closer I get, the more I am attracted to you. Every day, I am attracted by your warm smile and a well-made food. As long as it is made by you, I find that I will feel very delicious when I eat it. And your careful care when I was injured made me feel like wanting to have you forever."

Chu Yu looked at Xing Lu's blushing face and knew that she was feeling embarrassed, but he still didn't want to let her go.

"So I want to do more for you everywhere, and I want you to do something without so many scruples, but the more this is the case, the more I feel that I have done too little for you."

"When I don't get your response, I feel very uncomfortable. But when Uncle Da reminded me that I have to let you know what I have done for you, so that you have a good impression of me, I don't want to do it. I I always feel that if I am so good, you will always see me, but I never thought you would make me wait so long~" Chu Yu's narration was unconsciously filled with resentment, which made Xing Lu feel a little uneasy taste.

"No, I've had a crush on you for a long time, but I'm afraid..."

"Now I already know," Chu Yu stopped Xing Lu from apologizing, "You have your last resort, and you have a secret that you must protect, so I feel wronged for myself~"

"Why?" Xing Lu asked him slowly.

"It's useless for me to be the reincarnation of a cultivator with some background, but I don't even have the ability to be trusted with all my heart!" Chu Yu teased her.But when he saw Xing Lu's guilty expression, he was reluctant to say anything more.

"No, it's not that I don't trust you, but..." Xing Lu found that she couldn't explain anymore, and she simply admitted, "Actually, I was a little scared at the beginning. I was afraid that the person I chose would not be able to accept it." My origin, or what other purpose is there for me to associate with. Also, I didn’t know anything about your character at that time, so it’s understandable not to tell you the truth?!”

"Of course, it's good that you know how to protect yourself, and you must carry forward this advantage in the future." Chu Yu nodded.

Whether it is in this apocalyptic world where morality has long been lost, or in the self-cultivation world where the survival of the fittest survives, the first thing a person should do is to protect himself well.Maybe he was chatting and laughing with you a second ago, but when he turns around, he might give you a knife.

You must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to guard against others. This famous saying has its truth at any time.If Xing Lu didn't have a little bit of defense, she would be degraded to the point where everyone could bully her after the two of them returned to their original world.If he still has the previous strength, of course he will not be afraid of anyone's tricks.But in the current situation, he might not even be able to pass a move against his former opponent.If you can't even guarantee your own safety, how can you protect her? !
Only if she acts carefully, can she live a safe life.Thinking of this, Chu Yu couldn't help becoming a little anxious, his strength was improving too slowly.Although it is much faster than before, it still cannot achieve the ideal state.

"So, you mean..." Xing Lu guessed cautiously, "You want to give me these mutated lychees?"

"Well, although you already have a lot, these are different." Chu Yu said solemnly, "These 'hanging green' represent my sincerity to you."

(End of this chapter)

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