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Chapter 304 Ling Tian's Zhang Yi

Chapter 304 Ling Tian's Memories
So everyone knew that Huaxia's pride, the "Six Sons of Chaoyang" before the cataclysm, Ling Tian, ​​had a small but powerful assistant beside him.

Not only did he have superb supernatural moves, but he also possessed superb medical skills. Some injuries that seemed to be serious were in his hands, and they were easily recovered.Everyone in the base praised Ling Tianming for his goodness, and he didn't know where he found such a useful helper.

That's right, this is Cong Lu who has been disguised.Following Ling Tian's suggestion, she no longer showed her true colors to others, so that those who occasionally received gifts from her would not be able to find her if they wanted to find her again.

Because Cong Lu spent most of her time cultivating in Obscure Moon Xiaozhu since she crossed over, and only a very few people met her by chance.Her appearance is the kind of ordinary face that people have seen but can't remember. Only a few people who she gave the elixir after others were injured wanted to find her again.With this change of appearance, those people couldn't find it and gradually became restless.

She and Ling Tian were inseparable all day long, and with her help, Ling Tian's vow to hunt and kill [-] mutant beasts had already been fulfilled unknowingly.

The cooperation between the two is becoming more and more tacit, often without the other saying a word, the other already knows what he is going to do next.A rumor gradually circulated in the base that Ling Tian, ​​the young master of the Ling family, was with his new assistant every day, not to hunt mutant beasts, but to have an ulterior relationship between the two.The reason why it is not made public is because Ling Tian still remembers his position as the young master of the Ling family. Once the members of the Ling Family Presbyterian Association know that his young master is Duanxiu, Ling Tian's father Ling Kaiwei will be deprived of his status as the patriarch immediately.

At first Ling Tian didn't care. He felt that the rumors were limited to the wise. If he didn't respond to the news, he would naturally calm down.But I didn't expect that the matter would intensify, and finally my mother was alarmed to ask me whether the matter was true or not.

Finally, as a last resort, after discussing with Cong Lu, he disclosed her female identity to the public, and showed the world that the relationship between the two was innocent and that there was no relationship as everyone thought.

The rumors subsided, Ling Tian thought his life would return to normal, he went out with Cong Lu to hunt mutant beasts every day, snuggled up to his parents at home in his free time, enjoying the warmth of the family.In fact, his life was really like this, but he gradually lost his composure.

What changed was Cong Lu.Since she came out as a woman, her leisure time has dwindled.Except for the two of them going out to the base to hunt mutant beasts every two days, she gradually got many invitations during the time she returned to the base.

Either someone asked her to go shopping, or someone asked her to drink tea, and there were all kinds of social activities, which were called various blind dates.Some teammates helped her arrange it, and some people who knew her ability deliberately arranged it. What's more, there was a busy figure of her own mother in it.

Although Cong Lu's appearance is not outstanding, she is very capable, has a good temper, and is hardworking without arrogance, so she is very much loved by her mother.She kept introducing the young heroes around her to Cong Lu, hoping to help this poor girl find her home and settle down as soon as possible.

Cong Lu refused at first, but gradually her refusal lost its effect, and every time a different young man tried to approach her.And Cong Lu, who has always been soft-hearted, slowly began to change under her mother's persuasion, and met several so-called young talents in her mother's mouth.

Every time Cong Lu came back, Ling Tian would quietly ask her about the appointment, but found that things were getting out of his control.

What she saw were really good young talents, and several of them had caught her eyes, and she was hesitating which one to try to see if she could develop a relationship.

Ling Tian panicked, he suddenly felt terrified.He was afraid that after he gradually got used to Cong Lu's company, Cong Lu would suddenly announce to him that he had found his home.It turned out that before I knew it, I had put Cong Lu in my heart.

Surprised that Ling Tian didn't stop, he quickly stepped forward, dragged Cong Lu away from the coffee shop who was chatting with someone, and reported his feelings to her with a serious face.

Unexpectedly, Cong Lu was neither shocked nor angry at this time, she just raised her smiling face at the moment and thanked her mother who was approaching the two of them.

At this moment, Ling Tian realized that he was played by his mother and Cong Lu.But he wasn't unhappy at all, on the contrary, he felt that Cong Lu who was so devoted to him was very cute, so cute that looking at her ordinary facial features, he actually thought that there was no more beautiful face than this one.

He solemnly announced to Cong Lu and his mother that he had identified Cong Lu and planned to marry her as his wife.

What did Cong Lu say at that time? "Ling Tian, ​​since you have chosen me, I want you to understand that once I recognize you, I will be with you forever. But if you betray me during this period, I will not do it again You have to think about whether you are impulsive for me or a decision after careful consideration. If it is impulsive, I can pretend that this has never happened. "

"Do you think I came to you on impulse?!"

"Like, very similar." Cong Lu nodded seriously.

"Well, I think so too." Mother added fuel to the fire.

Ling Tian was so depressed that he vomited blood, why did no one believe him when he told the truth here? !

The days after the confession are sweet.Respecting Cong Lu's request, Ling Tian did not announce the relationship between the two in the base first, but went out hunting every two days, with a separate outing for the two in between.

They didn't go far, just wandered around the base.When there was no one there, he stepped into Obscure Moon Xiaozhu.

After spending a few days leisurely in the Obscure Moon Xiaozhu, it was only an hour or two outside when they came out again, and the two of them went back the same way, so they never tired of it.

Cong Lu was not stingy with Ling Tian's pills, and gave most of them to him for cultivation.

As for the cultivation skills inside, she also taught them all, but because of Long Ji's entrustment, she made herself swear a heavy oath that she would never reveal any details of the skills to the outside world.

At that time, I fully agreed, and soon made an oath in front of the bamboo building.What he used was his relationship with Cong Lu as a bet.

"I, Ling Tian, ​​swear that in this life, I will never disclose everything about Obscure Moon Xiaozhu to the outside world. Including my parents, relatives, friends and confidantes, if I break this oath, I will not be able to get together with Cong Lu. "

"Stop! Why did you make such an oath?" Cong Lu said angrily.

"I'm not saying that I will absolutely keep my promise," Ling Tian replied to her.

(End of this chapter)

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