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Chapter 309 Ling Tian's Search

Chapter 309 Ling Tian's Search
Have you ever tried a person who promised not to leave you in the future, but she didn't do it in the end?This is what happened to Ling Tian.At that time, they promised each other that unless one of them died, they would not separate, but Cong Lu finally abandoned herself and left.

If one day, God told you that he could give you a chance to go back and make up for everything, how would you feel?At first Ling Tian was really excited, thinking that everything was under his control and he could easily chase Cong Lu back.

But in the end he found that his thoughts repeated in his memory, and he was deadlocked with her establishment in real life, but he never returned to the beginning.It turns out that if only one person is doing these things with memories, the result will only be loneliness and pain that can never be let go.

Ling Tian wanted to say sorry to her personally, telling her: I didn't pamper you in time in the past, I'm sorry, this time I really want to be able to hug you tightly, and tell her in detail in her ear, how much I, love you.

But now, he watched her lovingly and lovingly with others every day, but he didn't dare to rush forward to destroy her.

Seeing that she treated the other party as her all and gave her wholeheartedly as she did to him before, he suddenly didn't dare to destroy the little happiness she had finally obtained.Yes, she should be happy at this moment, right?Seeing her eyes following Chu Yu anytime and anywhere, his heart was dripping with blood all the time.I used to have such happiness too!

But why, the time I have is so short, and even when I think about it later, I have to think about it for a long time before I can remember the feeling at that time.He thought that he had let go, and he could watch her get together with others, and finally walk into the palace of marriage that he had dreamed of many times before.

But when it really came to him to know, he could still feel the deep pain in his heart.Still not working!I still can't give up on her like this, ah, but what should I do to get the girl I dream of? !Ling Tian felt like his head would explode right now.

The people coming and going on the streets in the base seemed to be laughing at me, laughing at me for going back and forth, but still couldn't hold her hand, still couldn't make her change her mind.

At this time, he had already forgotten that Xing Lu was just Xing Lu, but he was no longer the Cong Lu he had.

A crazy idea suddenly popped up in his heart, and he tried everything possible to make sure that Xing Lu and Chu Yu couldn't get engaged successfully.If I could have a deep talk with Xing Lu before they got engaged, would it be possible to make her change her mind?Can I have another chance?
Thinking of this, his aimless running finally came to an end. When he came back to his senses, he realized that before he knew it, he had actually walked to the small courtyard where they rounded up Song Zhixuan last time.

He walked in by accident, but found that it didn't look like no one lived in it for a long time.

Almost a month has passed since the last time, but the furnishings inside are only a layer of light gray, not even a spider web.He couldn't help wondering, what's going on, after Song Zhixuan left, someone else lived in this yard?
But seeing that the decoration was still the same as that day, he immediately denied that idea.Impossible, anyone who lives in a strange place will not change the furnishings at all, even the large objects will not change, even the placement of the interior decoration will not change, which is very unusual Performance.

"No way? Could it be that I'm overthinking?" Ling Tian said to himself, and searched the small courtyard carefully, but found no trace of a human being.

"Could it be that I'm in a trance because of Xing Lu's engagement? Even if my heart hurts, I can't think of any dirty thoughts to break them up, so she will look down on me?!" Ling Tian said to himself before leaving. Fan, smiled wryly and shook his head and left.


Half an hour after he left, a few figures came out from the utility room in the small courtyard, it was Song Zhixuan who everyone thought had left Lingtian Base!
"Master, do you want us to evacuate here immediately? Has he already begun to suspect?" an attendant asked Song Zhixuan.

"No, he doesn't have the mind to pay attention to these things now." Song Zhixuan shook his head, and then smiled charmingly, "However, maybe we can do something to help this rare infatuation, so that he can embrace the beauty as he wishes~"

"Infatuated? Who?" The attendant was a little confused.

"Didn't you hear what he said just now? Go and find out, and see who this person named Xing Lu is going to be engaged to in a while." Song Zhixuan reminded him in a good-tempered manner, "When the time comes when the Ling family big Don't mess with the news about the ex-girlfriend who is about to get engaged, I see if they still have the heart to meddle in our business!"

"Young master is brilliant~" the attendant couldn't help complimenting Song Zhixuan after hearing what he said.My young master has been extremely smart since he was a child, and all kinds of intrigues in the shopping malls can't stop him, and he often turns others around.This is even more so now, if someone unfortunately makes him interested in playing tricks, it is estimated that the other party will have to shed a layer of skin even if he is not dead.

"Also, that Harveys has been keeping an eye on me during this time, and he will report to me as soon as he has any movements." Song Zhixuan continued to order.

"Originally, I sent more than a dozen people to monitor him 24 hours a day and night. After he came out of the base management office, he went back to the guest house. When he came out of the guest house, he went wandering on the street, as if he was looking for someone. "The attendant reported to him.

"Oh? Who are you looking for?" Song Zhixuan raised his eyebrows and asked.Usually his reaction like this already shows that he is very interested in this matter.

"I don't know," the attendant replied a little weakly, "Our people followed for a block, but he got rid of us."

"It's not your fault." Song Zhixuan didn't lose his temper. "It's probably because he thinks there's nothing to hide for allowing you to follow to the guest house. He deliberately let you get this information so that you can deal with it~"

"Could it be...?" The attendant was astonished. Is this Harveys so alert? !The dozen or so people he sent had been engaged in intelligence gathering for many years before the catastrophe!
"Yes," Song Zhixuan snorted coldly, "You were discovered from the very beginning~"

Just when the attendant felt that he was breaking out in cold sweat, Song Zhixuan's faint voice sounded above his head, "How should I arrange those people, don't I have to worry about it anymore?"

"Yes, young master, I will take care of this little matter!" The attendant replied immediately.

In the young master's eyes, those who fail in carrying out their tasks are already useless waste, and he will never allow them to live in this world again.

(End of this chapter)

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