Chapter 313

"But I'm really angry when I hear this~ They haven't even met you before, why should they insult you like that?!" Chu Xiran couldn't help complaining to Xing Lu, "Sister Lulu, you don't know, At that time, I wished I could step forward and smash their mouths, to see how they would gossip about people in the future!"

"Hehe, the fact that you can't listen to others saying bad things about me proves that you really love me, Xiaoxi." Xing Lu joked with Chu Xiran with a smile, "Thank you very much, thank you for trusting me so much~"

"Based on what I know about you, I don't believe what they said." Lin Jiaxin also expressed her attitude to Xing Lu.Although Lin Jiaye who was sitting next to her didn't speak, Xing Lu could feel the concern and trust in his eyes.

"Thank you," Xing Lu suddenly felt warm in her heart at this moment, "It is really my luck to have such close friends as you, and I am really touched~"

"Sister Lulu, let's tell Brother Chu Yu about this and ask him to find out who is slandering you!" Luo Qi told Xing Lu the result that he had just agreed with Chu Xiran, "Don't worry , we will never spare him then!"

"I still don't want it anymore," Xing Lu stopped him, "Anyway, you have already taught them a lesson today, and they dare not continue talking nonsense in the base for a short time. Chu Yu has a lot of things, so let's stop talking about these trivial things Go bother him."

"But sister Lulu, your reputation..." Luo Qi didn't seem to agree with Xing Lu's peace of mind, and wanted to say something to her.

"How can these things be considered trivial? Xing Lu, are you planning to hide it from me?" Chu Yu's cold voice came from behind Xing Lu.

Xing Lu turned around, and saw Chu Yu, Uncle Da and Uncle Cang walking in from the doorway. "Hey, why did you come back so early, didn't you say that you can't finish it until the evening?"

"Another thing happened, and I left it to my father to help me deal with it." Chu Yu explained to her briefly, "That thing is related to you."

"You heard that too?" Xing Lu asked him.As for his source of news, Xing Lu was not interested in asking about it, but was greatly moved by his behavior of putting aside what he was doing and rushing over to see her.

"You know what those people in the base said, right?" Chu Yu continued to ask her.

"Well, I just heard from Xiaoxi and the others," Xing Lu nodded, "but I don't think you need to pay attention to them. The more you explain things like this, the more wrong you will be in their eyes. After a long time, you will naturally There will be bigger news for other people to talk about, so they will slowly forget about me."

Although Chu Yu's temper wasn't particularly hot, she was also afraid that he would do something impulsive in the future, so she comforted him immediately.

"You think this matter is too simple," Chu Yu shook his head, "If it's really some people who gossip about other people's affairs, it will stop after two days without you doing anything. But if there are caring people If you do it on purpose, things will only get worse and worse in your silence."

"Who cares, do you mean that others spread these things on purpose?" Xing Lu immediately suspected Hu Lingling, because in this world, she seemed to have offended only one person, and that person was extremely vengeful and vengeful. , is Hu Lingling who is the eldest miss of the Hu family. "Is Hu Lingling so boring?"

"No," Chu Yu vetoed her doubts, "Although that Hu Lingling hates you so much, she always wants to embarrass you anytime, anywhere, but unless Hu Wenze helps her make suggestions, she doesn't have the brains to come up with such an idea at all. But as far as I know, Hu Wenze has had some big troubles during this period, and I don’t have the time to help her deal with these things.”

When Chu Yu said these words, his tone was indescribably contemptuous. He didn't have any affection for Hu Lingling, a person who only relied on his power and status to suppress others.What's more, she had several previous convictions of framing Xing Lu, which made him hate him even more.

"Then who else could it be? As far as I know, sister Lulu doesn't seem to have had any conflicts with anyone except for offending Hu Lingling!" Chu Xiran asked in bewilderment.

Her words were also agreed by Lin Jiaxin, "Yes, Xing Lu has always been kind to others, and she will never have conflicts with others casually."

"This rumor has also brought Ling Tian into it. It is estimated that the other party is not targeting you, but me and Ling Tian." Chu Yu guessed.

It's no secret that Ling Tian has a crush on Xing Lu and wants to pursue her.But he knew very well in his heart how she refused Ling Tian's stalking.If someone told himself that she was dating Ling Tian and gave him a cuckold, he would never believe it.

"Yeah, after a whole morning of investigation, we also found out that the cause of the incident was that someone saw the young master of the Ling family walking in a daze on the street of Lingtian Base, and then said to himself, 'Give up. Right', 'not reconciled', I vaguely heard your name in the middle." Uncle Cang said, who had been silent all this time, "It is estimated that after some people heard it, they thought that the relationship between you and Chu Yu was different. Make a fuss~"

"Indeed, using such scandalous news to provoke the relationship between the Ling family and the Chu family, so that they can make the most of the benefits when the two families are arguing endlessly. This method is really high!" Uncle Da The reasoning is completely a conspiracy theory.

"Under the current situation, what benefits can they gain by doing so?" Xing Lu asked puzzled.At this time, it was not before the cataclysm. After the two families turned against each other, there would be many previous business cooperations that required finding another partner.The current Ling family and Chu family are just two larger forces in this end times.Even if the two of them are no longer in contact, they will not go outside to seek other partners!
"This is where we can't figure it out," Chu Yu frowned. He picked up the grape juice Xing Lu had prepared for him, took a sip, and then said slowly, "Now that our two families have conflicts, the other party won't get any benefit at all. Then why are they trying so hard to stir up this muddy water?!"

After the cataclysm, all the business empires belonging to each family were in vain. Even though they still have stores in various bases, the benefits they get are barely enough to maintain the family's various expenses.What really makes them maintain the majesty of the family is the followers and successors who belong to several of their families.

By virtue of their strength, they can obtain more crystal nuclei by hunting mutant beasts and various mutant plants.They use these incomes to develop more people to join, thus forming a virtuous circle.But the forces of the various families have no intersection.

(End of this chapter)

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