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Chapter 315 Harveys' Compassion

Chapter 315 Harveys' Compassion

Harveys walked out of the guest house after explaining to Xing Lu at noon that day.

When eating in the morning, he seemed to hear that girl said that he was going to visit the base. He wanted to see if he could meet her on the street.As for why he wanted to find her, Harveys didn't know at all.I just feel that at this time I really want to figure out why she is unhappy today.

However, although the Lingtian base is not too big, it is as big as a medium-sized city before the cataclysm. Harveys' aimless search is meaningless.

Because of his mixed-race appearance, he received a lot of comments and looks on the street, which annoyed him.If this was on his own planet, he would have gotten into his interstellar train long ago, but here, he could only suffer in silence.

He complained about Lin Jiaxin in his heart over and over again, thinking that when he found her, he must let her make up for him.Hmph, if it wasn't for her, he wouldn't let himself be judged like this even once!

But as he walked, he suddenly found someone following him.That person's tracking technique is very clever. If he hadn't been through high-intensity and all-round training since childhood, and his vigilance is much higher than ordinary people, he probably wouldn't have noticed it at all.

Harveys confirmed that there were seven people following him, and led them in circles around the base pretending not to know.It wasn't until sunset that he walked into a tea house with the name 'You Ran Ju'.

After wandering around for so long, he found that most of the streets are filled with shops selling food, and then there are medicine stores, equipment stores, massage shops that specialize in serving supernatural beings, and of course there are clothing stores and daily necessities for ordinary people. shop etc.But this is the first time I have seen such a quiet tea house.

Walking into the tea house, a beautiful waiter in traditional Chinese costume immediately stepped forward and said with a smile, "Welcome, sir. Are you alone? What kind of tea would you like to drink?"

"Well, one person needs a pot of Biluochun." Harveys nodded secretly. Seeing his appearance, this waiter can still maintain his rationality. It seems that this waiter is not simple. It won't be easy.

"Please wait a moment." The waiter led Harveys to a booth, greeted him and left.

Harveys sat there, and only then did he have the time to observe this rare and quiet place in China in the end of the world.

Needless to say, the surrounding decorations reveal an extremely elegant charm everywhere. Sitting here, it feels as if you are in a peaceful and prosperous age, so comfortable and smooth, forgetting the cruelty and ferocity of the catastrophe outside.

After more than ten minutes, another waiter also dressed in traditional clothes came over with a set of tea sets, "Hello, sir, I will serve you this time."

The voice is warm and sticky to the teeth, and when it is heard in the ears, it will make people feel crisp. If someone else is sitting here today, they will probably nod their heads in agreement.

Heh, so it's just superficially quiet and elegant?It is also dressed in an elegant appearance, but it is specially used to please the supernatural beings so as to attract their patronage.

"No need, I'll do it myself." Harveys refused coldly, "Put down your things and leave!"

"Sir," the waiter thought it was the first time he was rejected like this, and he was a little surprised, but he thought that he could get a fifth-level crystal nucleus after serving him, so he explained to him, "Even if you don't use me to serve, you can charge a fee." There will be no reduction.”

She has been working in this tea house for more than a year. After the catastrophe, she didn't spontaneously arouse supernatural powers, so she has been living in a bit of desperation.It was the boss of this tea house who found her later and gave her this job with a fairly high salary.If she saves more crystal cores, she can buy a potion that stimulates the ability to try it out, so she can be said to be able to serve Harveys this time.

In normal times, if you tell someone whether they want a service or not, they will pay the same price, and no one will choose not to, that's what she thought.She was sure that this man would not reject herself either.

"I see, you can go down." Harveys was still unmoved.

"Sir, do you want to think about it again?" She panicked. If the man doesn't let her serve, the fee will not be reduced, but the additional service fee will not be handed over to herself, but the boss himself.

"Is it the rules in your shop that you can stalk customers like this?!" Harveys was a little annoyed. What annoyed him the most was this kind of person who insisted on rushing forward when he knew that others were not happy.

"Please, sir, if you really don't need my service, can you just let me sit here? Don't worry, I won't make any noise, and I will definitely not let you feel my presence!" This The waiter was also really stubborn. It was as if she didn't hear Hawes' refusal. She pleaded to Harves: "Because I really need this service fee. If I don't have it, I can successfully become a different person." Those who can do it will be delayed~”

Without the pretentiousness she deliberately made just now, her voice was a little cold. Hearing this voice, Harvey seemed to think of the girl who looked cold but was actually naughty and lively.

"Forget it, just sit here!" Harveys laughed after saying this, when did he become so easy to soften his heart?Whether she can become a supernatural person has nothing to do with her? !He shook his head, raised his hand and picked up the tea set that the waiter had put on the table just now.

The waiter was really quiet. Seeing Harvey's smooth brewing movements, she couldn't help marveling at his demeanor.But it was just admiration, and there was no greed in his eyes that Hawes often saw in other women.Harveys noticed her out of the corner of his eye and couldn't help but look at her differently.

"You just said that you wanted to become a supernatural power user. After the catastrophe, didn't you activate your supernatural power?" Harveys said suddenly.

"Uh," the man was obviously stunned, and he blushed for a long time before answering Harvey's question: "Yeah, until now, I'm just an ordinary person!"

She seemed to think of the betrayal and human warmth she encountered after the cataclysm because she was not a supernatural being, and her voice unconsciously carried a trace of sadness, "Are you a supernatural being? It's so different, so even if I risk my life, I want to become a supernatural user in the shortest possible time!"

"Even if the ability-inducing potion is unsuccessful, you are so sure that you will successfully activate the ability after taking it?" Harveys asked her.

As far as he knew, the ability-inducing potion that Qiu Lin exchanged in the exchange store was the lowest level. Although the success rate could reach 90.00%, the person who stimulated the ability in this way would only reach level eight in his lifetime.

(End of this chapter)

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