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Chapter 319 Sisters Gathering

Chapter 319 Sisters Gathering
"It's just that I fell in love with him at first sight, as if he didn't mean that to me~" Lin Jiaxin thought in her heart, but didn't really say it out.

"Okay, we're not here to chat about my relationship issues. I heard that you will leave with the team tomorrow, right?" Lin Jiaxin changed the subject.

"That's right, the competition for supernatural beings is over, we 'elites' selected from various bases should also return to their respective posts." One of them answered her.

"Yeah, all of us have come to Lingtian base, Lingtian base is safe now." Another little girl with a simple ponytail curled her lips, "Although the mutant beasts and mutant plants around Lingtian base are all It is a relatively rare and rare species, but without our base, the situation is getting more and more dangerous. We cannot ignore the safety of thousands of people in our Annan base for the sake of immediate interests."

She is telling the truth.After the cataclysm, humans lived in their respective bases. In addition to hunting enough mutant beasts and finding enough mutant plants for humans to survive, these supernatural beings still had an important mission to complete.

Before the cataclysm itself, the number of most animals was already at the point of infinite saturation.In addition, the mutated animals and plants are extremely tough and have strong reproductive ability. Even if human beings have the ability to suppress them, they are still a little confused.

Without so many high-level supernatural beings guarding the various bases at once, there may not be any problems in a short period of time, but it will definitely be a bit difficult after a long time.

So as soon as they learned that the competition for supernatural beings was over, each base sent messages to the contestants in their own bases in their own ways, asking them to return to the base as soon as possible to defend their homes.

Originally, the Lin Jiaxin brothers and sisters came with the team from the Annan base, but they joined Chu Yu's team halfway, so this time the recall can no longer include them, and the team leader did not inform Lin Jiaxin and the others of the itinerary .

"How's your harvest during this period? Is it particularly rich?" Lin Jiaxin asked.After she and her brother joined Chu Yu's team, all kinds of mutated creatures received soft hands, and the income was naturally extremely generous, enough for a family to live on for a year and a half.She believes that there is no longer a team that can achieve the benefits of her own team.

"It's not bad. The harvest in these two months may be more than the harvest in the base in one year~" Someone sighed with satisfaction, "With the bonus, I already have more than 200 six-point crystal cores. Level crystal nucleus~"

"Okay, you," another short-haired girl patted the table, "This is pricking my heart~ I know I didn't even make it to the finals, and I'm still showing off here!"

"Hehe, I forgot, I'm sorry~" The chubby girl who said that she got a lot of crystal cores smiled at her companion, and the flesh on her face trembled.

"Hmph! Bringing this up again makes me feel bad, so I'll follow you and eat you all the way!" The short-haired girl looked at her resentfully, "If you eat poor you, I'll eat up all the bonuses you got! See how you still show off here!"

"I was wrong, Your Majesty Queen~" The chubby girl who had been cursed begged her for mercy, "Even if I really got so many crystal nuclei, I can't compare to Jiaxin~"

"Huh? Why did this topic come to me again?!" Lin Jiaxin looked innocent.

"Whoever asked you to join is the strongest team?! Don't deny it, we have to pay for our tea today!" The hottest short-haired girl said.

"Hehe, it's true," Lin Jiaxin smiled when the truth was exposed on the spot, "It's really thanks to Chu Yu and the others. The reward I got today is actually far higher than what I got. What do you think today? Hurry up and order something to eat, I will treat you all, okay?"

"Hurry up, it's rare for Jiaxin to be generous, let's enjoy it to the fullest~" The short-haired girl smiled brightly, "Come on, waiter, help us change to the most luxurious box here, and serve us some special desserts here~"

"Also, I heard that you have live performances by tea art masters here, so give us one too!" Lin Jiaxin asked the waiter with a smile.

"Okay, I'll do it right away." Because their tea masters were no longer purely performing tea art, Manager Liu saw that they were all girls and made no arrangements.

The speed of the store was very fast, as soon as the box was arranged, someone brought over a dozen plates of exquisite pastries one after another.Everyone looked at it, and found that most of the food in front of them were special snacks in their Annan base.

"Hey, your pastry chef is from the Annan Base?" The fat girl asked quickly.

"Well, she is from City S, and she had been working in Lingtian Base before the cataclysm. Because she didn't have the ability to activate herself, she won't be able to go home after the cataclysm." The waiter introduced to them, " But she has been in the pastry chef industry for more than ten years, you can try it, and no one thinks that she is not doing well."

"Oh? So popular?!" Lin Jiaxin raised her eyebrows, "Then I want to try~"

She picked up a piece of mung bean cake. The small mung bean cake was made into the size of fish balls, and it melted in the mouth. The fragrance of mung bean spread in the mouth instantly, and the soft texture made people unable to eat a little bit of mung bean skin inside.Presumably, it has been carefully ground.

"It's really good, hurry up and try it~" she recommended to her companion.

"Miss Lin can tell you something delicious, I must try it~" The short-haired girl also picked up a piece of mung bean cake and put it in her mouth, "Yeah, it's delicious~"

"Other things are also delicious, this lotus paste egg yolk pie is very good."

The few girls have seen the world, they have traveled all over the world and have never tasted anything, but they are all fascinated by the pastry in front of them.

In fact, it's not that the pastry chefs of Youranju are so superb, but they also left their hometowns at a young age to go out for a living, and they have an indescribable sense of intimacy with the things in their hometown, which naturally feels extraordinarily delicious.

While enjoying the pastries, several girls enjoyed the pleasing tea art performance, and joked with each other from time to time. The leisurely afternoon tea time passed quickly.

The little girls bid farewell reluctantly and turned to leave.They all know that after meeting this time, they may not see each other for three to five years, so they are very depressed, but after going through the tempering of the last days, they are no longer the same as before, but they can accept it calmly. Such a cruel fact.

"Okay, that's the same sentence, 'there is no banquet that never ends'. Even if we stick together today, we can't change the situation that we will be separated soon. Let's take care of each other!" The short-haired girl was the most straightforward.

(End of this chapter)

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