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Chapter 327 Good things are coming

Chapter 327 Good things are coming
Naturally, Chu Yu would not know that the ordinary woman who approached her just now would be the leader of the matchmaker.It's just that if he really knows, it is estimated that his attitude towards the other party will not change in any way.

Li Cuilian has been working as a matchmaker for more than 20 years, so she naturally holds a pivotal position in this industry.No one dared not listen to her words, including those who helped spread rumors privately some time ago.

Everyone disbanded tacitly, and each returned to the area he was in charge of.It's just that Li Cuilian's entrustment is not a child's play, and will naturally be handled as a top priority.

Chu Yu, the youngest of the Chu family, is about to get engaged!The opponent is Xing Lu, who was rumored in the base some time ago!

Within a long time, the streets and alleys in the entire Lingtian base were filled with this news.They invariably recalled the evaluation of Xing Lu in the original base.

"How could it be her? Didn't she give Young Master Chu a cuckold?" Someone asked the person next to him in confusion.

"Hey, those are definitely rumors spread by someone with a heart! How could such a shrewd person as Young Master Chu get engaged to a woman who really betrayed him?! Thinking about it, it's impossible!" This person is Li Cuilian's prostitute. .

"Let me tell you, I saw Young Master Chu and his fiancée on the street today. They are so handsome~ They are a perfect match with Young Master Chu!" The man continued to preach, "And, the feelings of the young couple Well, Young Master Chu has been holding her hand! If it were you, would you be so kind to the person who betrayed you?!"

"That's right, if I knew that my wife had cheated on me, I would have divorced her in no time! If I still held hands, it would be more like chopping off her hand." The man was obviously moved.

"Isn't that right?" Someone raised an objection, "What if Young Master Chu doesn't know? He doesn't know that his girlfriend is in two boats, so will he be so kind to her?"

"What are you talking about? Master Chu didn't know about the rumors in the base these two days?! Even if he didn't pay attention to it, he should have investigated it through his means during this period of time, right? I heard that he specially sent people to talk to those The people who spread the rumors talked and told them that if they continue to talk nonsense, they will become enemies with their Chu family! Such maintenance can't prove Xing Lu's innocence?!"

"It seems to be quite reasonable." The other party was obviously convinced. "If this is the case, I really want to say sorry to that Xing Lu! Some time ago, I also believed the rumors and cursed her a few times!"

"Haha, me too." Someone stepped forward with a smile, "From Young Master Chu's perspective, that Miss Xing Lu shouldn't be such a stingy person. We were just confused by others, and it's time to change it now~"

"Yes, let's help Ms. Xing Lu to say a few fair words, which can be regarded as compensation for her."


Such things happened everywhere in the Lingtian base. Many ignorant people who had believed the rumors and contributed to the flames intentionally or unintentionally, took action this time and helped Xing Lu say a lot of good things in front of everyone.

They are not annoyed when someone teases them that they are stupid, but they are very proud of knowing their mistakes and being able to correct them.

If public opinion guidance is very important, in just half a day, Xing Lu's image has changed from a powerful girl who loves vanity and has her feet on two boats, to a superb woman with outstanding strength, tolerance and understanding.

There is even a rumor gradually circulating in the Lingtian base that Ling Tian, ​​the youngest of the Ling family, is secretly in love with Xing Lu secretly, but Xing Lu and Chu Yu have a very deep relationship, even if Ling Tian stalks him , Xing Lu was not tempted either.This invisibly raised Xing Lu's image a lot.

As for the truth of the matter, Xing Lu and Chu Yu, the parties involved, remained silent, and even Ling Tian remained silent, so everyone can only imagine for themselves.

As for the time of their engagement, the Chu family also gave an answer - two days later, the engagement dinner of the two of them will be held in Lingyun Pavilion.At that time, they welcome anyone who wishes the two newcomers to come to the scene, and their Chu family will give gifts.

Such exciting good news spread in the Lingtian base as if it had grown legs, and everyone was thinking hard about what kind of gift they should bring to witness such a sweet moment.

In fact, I don't blame them for being so solemn. After experiencing the catastrophe, they are really tired.

Everyone is busy struggling to survive in this doomsday, busy improving their strength so that they will not be eliminated by this cruel society.As for the people and things around them, they gradually cared less, and the communication between family members also became less frequent because they were busy adapting to the end times.

Occasionally, when I want to have some tenderness with my family, there will be various things to make trouble.It's not that I don't want to, but that I don't have a chance.

During this period of time, the surrounding area of ​​the base has become much safer due to the holding of the supernatural contest, and because of the existence of the space button, all kinds of food do not have to worry about them going bad. Harveys was rescued from the field, and he no longer had to worry about future generations, so they lived the most comfortable life during this period.

It is rare to encounter such a happy event, so I naturally think about it happily.Besides, the Chu family has always had a good reputation in the Lingtian base, and it will be beneficial to have a good relationship with his family in the future. No one wants to let go of such an opportunity.

Ling Tian seemed particularly silent during this time, no matter what the other party asked him, he would just nod or shake his head, and he didn't bother to say a word.Only when someone told him about the news that had been circulating in the base for the past two days, would there be a slight reaction on his face.It's just that other than a wry smile, this reaction is to close your eyes with a desolate face.His reaction is tacit to others, and they don't bother him anymore.

The entire base is full of joyful scenes, but there is a person in the corner who is extremely unhappy.

"What's going on? There were rumors about Xing Lu everywhere in the base two days ago, why did all the public opinion turn around and praise her in just half a day?!" His upbringing prevented him from roaring, but his cold voice still made his subordinates terrified.

He clearly remembered that before him, someone had failed to complete the task, and his end made him dare not even think about it.Not to be poisoned, not to be killed, not to kill yourself, but to be a living experimental instrument of Williams.

The walking dead aren't that painful, are they? !The walking dead are still the living dead who have lost their minds, and Williams' experimental tool, he likes to keep him conscious enough.

Observing the physical reactions of the experimental subjects is a little-known taste of Williams.Watching the other party struggle to survive and die under the excruciating pain makes him particularly excited.

(End of this chapter)

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