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Chapter 329 Rules

Chapter 329 Rules
Xing Lu naturally didn't know that in a dark corner of Lingtian Base, there was a conspiracy specially designed for her that was brewing.Her heart is really full of sweetness now.

Being dragged by Chu Yu to show off a wave of affection fiercely in the streets and alleys of Lingtian base, everything he passed was richly blessed, and there were also overwhelming surprises given by the passers-by he met. .

The first person was a little girl, about eight or nine years old, with cute ball hair, came over and said sweetly to Xing Lu: "Sister, you are so beautiful today!"

Before Xing Lu could say anything, she took out a bookmark made of mutated plant leaves from the space button, "For you, sister."

Xing Lu took it and saw the poem written on it: "The flowers on the other side bloom on the other side, and the river of Wangchuan also forgets the river."

She couldn't help thinking of her own origin, maybe it was because she was attacked by the killer "Darkness" that she could come to this world, the self in another world has already been turned into a handful of loess, right?She really hoped that there would be a soul, like her own now, to enter that body to continue to accomplish what she failed to do - to protect Mother Qin and the orphanage.

Dazed, she was dragged a few more steps by Chu Yu, and they were stopped by a handsome guy in a small suit, "Big sister, this is for you~"

He took out a wooden bookmark, stuffed it into Xing Lu's hand and ran away.Xing Lu was amused by his behavior, "Hehe, I'm still shy!"

She looked down, and saw that it was neatly engraved with "Naihe Qiaotoukong Naihe, and Sansheng stone wrote Sansheng." ' These two poems.

"It's the same song as the one just now, these two bookmarks are in the same series!" Xing Lu murmured in a low voice.

"Yes!" Chu Yu nodded unnaturally.This is the first time he has flattered a girl so much, and I really hope she likes it.

Xing Lu lowered her head and thought about the poem seriously, "This seems to be... a love poem?!"

Really dull enough!Chu Yu complained in his heart.However, he kept his usual indifference, "Well, yes!" He didn't even bother to explain the source of this poem.

"I do remember one sentence," Xing Lu said suddenly, "Three lives are fixed on the Three Lives Stone, and Sansheng is promised in front of the Three Lives Temple."

"This sentence must have been written by a woman, it's so lingering." Chu Yu judged.

"About love, isn't it a matter of being lingering to the extreme?" Xing Lu disagreed, "Unless that person has never really loved the other party, how can he not experience the sweetness of being lingering."

Although what Xing Lu said made sense, Chu Yu wanted to annoy her because she hadn't guessed that the two bookmarks in front of her were arranged by herself so far.

"To be entangled together all day is love?!"

"Chu Yu, don't misinterpret it on purpose!" Xing Lu rolled her eyes at him, "If you don't like sour love poems, then why did you give me a bookmark? No, why did you send me a love poem?!"

"Uh, you all know that I gave you those things?" Chu Yu was a little shy after being exposed, "Then why didn't you say it just now?"

Most importantly, it made me say so much~
"I'm afraid you'll feel shy~" Xing Lu said with a chuckle, "Who knew that you just sent love poems before, and then started to say that the people who made the whole love poems are sour, and you are so sure that they are women. Tsk tsk, Chu Yu, when did you become so contradictory? Do you want to indulge in the lingering love, or do you feel that this is too sour and want to give up?"

"I, I have no intention of giving up!" Chu Yu hastily stated.

"So you think it's good to be with me?!" Xing Lu laughed.


"Okay, let's talk about the rules now!" Xing Lu's face suddenly became serious.

"Rules?" Chu Yu was confused.

"It's the rules for the two of us to make promises." Xing Lu explained, "Although I have already expressed my attitude to you when we first got together, I still have to repeat it now."

"Since I decided to be with you, I don't want to betray you, right?" Chu Yu said, "I guarantee that this request can be fulfilled."

"What else?" Xing Lu was not in a hurry to ask, she tilted her head and asked him.

"Anything else?" Chu Yu was taken aback by the question, as if Xing Lu didn't say anything else, so he could only add it according to his own understanding, "The other thing is to trust each other and not misinterpret it because of the intervention of external factors. What the other party meant."

"There are more." Xing Lu smiled like a flower.

"Support each other, advance and retreat together?" Chu Yu asked tentatively.

"and also."

"Be consistent and never betray?"

"And, and~"

"Said I love you every day?" Chu Yu really couldn't think of anything else, and could only vaguely remember that the bubble dramas that Chu Xiran often watched before the catastrophe said so.

"You can have this, but I doubt you can really do it~" Xing Lu held her chin with her hand.

"Uh..." Chu Yu just wanted to agree, but he still didn't dare to say big things when he thought of his quiet temperament, "I will try my best, but I always think that love is a point in daily life What accumulates from one drop to another is not just what you say.”

"It makes sense~" Xing Lu nodded. "But you still didn't mention the most important point~"

"What?" Chu Yu asked shamelessly.He thought he had already said all the things a good husband should do in the future, but there was still no one that Xing Lu imagined, right?

"That's it..." Xing Lu tentatively opened her mouth, wondering if Chu Yu would agree to this request, "At any time, you must put the other party in the first place in your heart, including parents and relatives, and nothing can be surpassed."

Seeing that Chu Yu didn't respond for a while, Xing Lu felt that her request was a little too much, "I will definitely do the same for such a request. Of course, if you can't do it, it doesn't matter. The request has nothing to do with raising you It’s too much for my parents who grew up to be behind me~ As long as I’m in your heart, I’ll be that unique existence~”

Xing Lu was worried that Chu Yu would think that she said that because she had no relatives in this world, and felt a little sorry.

"You will always be that unique existence." Chu Yu spoke love words in a cold voice, with a unique attraction, "Don't worry, I didn't say that to appease you, because I have always been Putting you first."

It's not that Chu Yu doesn't know how to be grateful, but that for thousands of years, he has wandered between heaven and earth, and there has never been a harbor where he wants to stay.He didn't expect to meet Xing Lu, but after meeting and falling in love, he would naturally cherish her.

Even if his family and friends are deeply affectionate, they are just passers-by in his long life.He just needs to be grateful and never leave.

(End of this chapter)

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