Chapter 331

"Xiaoxi, what do you want?" Xing Lu asked Chu Xiran proudly, "As long as it is what I have, I can promise you everything!"

"Including Feixue?" Lin Jiaxin asked coolly from the side.

"Uh," Xing Lu was a little embarrassed, she lowered her head and was thinking about how to get Chu Xiran to give up that idea, when she suddenly felt that she was being teased, she suddenly raised her head, and she saw the ridicule in Lin Jiaxin's eyes.

"Okay, I'm just kidding, even if you wanted to, Feixue wouldn't agree, right? Xiaoxi, you have to think about it, and kill your new sister-in-law~" Lin Jiaxin joked with a smile.

"I don't," Chu Xiran, who hadn't spoken since Xing Lu started asking, said, "We'll be a family the day after tomorrow. Isn't blackmailing Lulu sister blackmailing my brother? I'm still counting on pleasing them. In the future So that my brother can prepare a generous dowry for me!"

"Okay, you, Xiaoxi, coauthored me to work hard here to get benefits for you, and let you be seen as a bad person who instigates?! Oh, my heart hurts, I can't get better without a good meal ~" Lin Jiaxin put her hands on her chest pretentiously, making Xing Lu and Chu Xiran laugh out loud.

"Okay, stop making trouble, a delicious meal is indispensable, and Xiaoxi's change of mouth fee will definitely be paid!" Xing Lu comforted the two of them after laughing.

"Thank you, Xing Lu!" Lin Jiaxin achieved her goal, put her hands down from her chest, and resumed her usual indifferent expression.But both Xing Lu and Chu Xiran, who had just seen her funny side, knew that this was just her appearance, and she was using it to deceive people.

"By the way, sister Lulu, what good things have you prepared for me?" At this moment, Chu Xiran suddenly became interested in the change fee that Xing Lu said.She knows that Xing Lu has a lot of good things, but she usually sets aside a share of everything she has, is there anything she doesn't get?equipment?Toy?delicious?Is it a cultivation method or an elixir? !

"Secret~" Xing Lu smiled mysteriously.Successfully made Chu Xiran pouted.

"Can't you reveal it in advance? I won't be able to sleep because of this~" She sacrificed her special weapon - coquettish.

"Oh, I convinced you," Xing Lu surrendered. Chu Xiran's method is really tried and tested, and he has never failed on Xing Lu.

Xing Lu took out a red sandalwood box containing jewelry from the Obscure Moon Xiaozhu, "Hey, this is it, see if you are satisfied~"

Chu Xiran reached out to take the red sandalwood box, knowing that what was inside would not be ordinary.

Just looking at the carving of this red sandalwood box, one must be a skilled woodcarver to be competent, not to mention that it is just a tool for holding jewelry.

She opened the wooden box with anticipation, and her eyes were immediately filled with the radiance inside, "Wow, it's really beautiful!"

Lin Jiaxin was aroused by Chu Xiran's exclamation. She walked over and said to Chu Xiran, "Let me see it too... Wow, this, this is..."

"This is a jade ruyi carved from Huanglong jade. Although such things have become a bit tasteless after the catastrophe, I still think the meaning of this thing is very good, and I want to give it to you." Xing Lu stood aside Explained, "I hope that Xiaoxi's future life will be smooth and auspicious."

"I really like it so much!" Chu Xiran's voice trembled a little, "Thank you, Sister Lulu, even if you become my sister-in-law, you will be my sister Lulu for the rest of my life. Because of my Sister Lulu, you are always thinking of me."

"Hey, can you stop being so provocative? I'm about to cry~" Lin Jiaxin's voice was choked with sobs, "Xing Lu, especially you, just take out such a good thing, and what are you talking about? Chicken ribs?! Do you still have chicken ribs like this? Take it out and give it to me!"

"I really have something for you~" Xing Lu took out a slightly smaller wooden box from the Obscure Moon Xiaozhu, which was still made of red sandalwood.She opened the box and revealed the contents inside, "Hey, there are two sets of bracelets inside, Xiaoxi and I will each take one, and the remaining two are yours~"

The bracelets inside are made of floating jadeite, suitable for young people to wear, especially their colors are light pink and lavender that little girls like, and there is a touch of green in the middle, which makes Lin Jiaxin fall in love with it at first sight up.

"Hehe, I'm just talking, you don't have to take it seriously." Even if it was love at first sight, Lin Jiaxin knew that accepting Xing Lu's gift recklessly would make it difficult for her to face in the future, she sincerely declined.

"What are you talking about?" Xing Lu showed an unhappy expression, "Do you think I took out these things because of your few words?! Jiaxin, we are good friends, and it is not an exaggeration to say that we can live and die together , can't I even give you such a small gift?"

"No, of course not," Lin Jiaxin was speechless, "No, I mean of course we are good friends who can live and die together."

"Then take things under your control." Xing Lu interrupted her, "What's more, these things are just gadgets for playing now, and they are not worth many crystal nuclei." Xing Lu slowed down her tone, "Xiaoxi, come here quickly, we have to pick the best Take away the good-looking ones, and give the rest to you, Sister Jiaxin~"

"Hehe, then I will be disrespectful~" Lin Jiaxin came to her senses when Xing Lu said it, yes, how can the value of a good friend be compared with things?If Xing Lu wants to give it away, she just accepts it calmly.She picked up one of the bracelets, "Xiao Xi, I think this one suits you better, mostly light pink."

Chu Xiran reached out to take it, and immediately put it on his hand and looked around, "It really makes my hands pink and tender~"

"Well, it looks good." Xing Lu nodded, and she picked up a lavender one, "I want this one, lavender looks calm."

"Don't, you are usually calm enough," Lin Jiaxin disagreed, "I think this one is more suitable for you, calm and lively."

She handed over a bright green bracelet, "I'm going to choose the remaining one to wear, so that I can look more lively, and see if I can attract peach blossoms for me~"

Listening to people's persuasion and eating enough, Xing Lu followed Lin Jiaxin's suggestion and replaced the lavender one in her hand.While she was putting it on for herself, she watched Lin Jiaxin take out the remaining pinkest bracelet and put it on her hand. She suddenly asked: "What else do you want to attract, put the diamond of Hawes Can't Wang Laowu handle it?!"

Lin Jiaxin seemed to be frightened, the bracelet in her hand slipped and almost fell to the ground and broke, she quickly put it on as quickly as possible, and blamed Xing Lu: "Why did you suddenly come up with such a stupid sentence?" Brain words?!"

"What do you mean without thinking? You went to the street with Harveys that day, and everyone in the base knew about it, okay?! What? Are you planning to have an underground relationship?!"

(End of this chapter)

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