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Chapter 336 Carrie Lam Confession

Chapter 336 Carrie Lam Confession

It didn't take long for Harveys and Lin Jiaxin to walk to the shop selling handicrafts.

There was very little communication between the two along the way, and the scene was completely different from the last time they ate together in the base.

This is because the state of mind of the two people has changed a lot compared to last time.Last time, Lin Jiaxin's heart was full of joy to be able to get in touch with Harveys intimately. She wished she could tell him everything she wanted to say, but she didn't dare to say it, so she had nothing to say.

At that time, Harveys had no impression of Lin Jiaxin at all, but through the contact that day, he noticed another side of Lin Jiaxin, and Major General Hawes, who was always not interested in other people's affairs, noticed her.

This time Lin Jiaxin was encouraged by Xing Lu and Chu Xiran, and she really thought about him, so she wanted to take this rare opportunity to confess her love to him.But it was the same thing, but when it was time to act, Lin Jiaxin found that her mouth seemed to be a little hard to open...

She tried to open her mouth several times, but before she opened her mouth every time, she thought about asking him directly, what was her impression of herself, and whether it was possible for the two of them to get together.But when I really said it, it was some useless words such as "What do you think of this one?" "That one is good~" "Let's see something else."Asking Lin Jiaxin to follow Harveys, she was so depressed that she wanted to crush her fists.

"How about this?" Harveys pointed to a Guanyin who was carved out of gold silk jade, and asked Lin Jiaxin's opinion.After waiting for a long time, there was no response from her.

Harveys looked up at her, only to find that she was looking at him with an expression that made him feel a little weird.

"Uh, what's the matter?" Harveys asked puzzled.Could it be that my eyesight is too bad? !

"I think the meaning of this jade carving is very auspicious, so..." Harveys explained to her in a low voice, although he was not used to it.

"Oh?" Lin Jiaxin came back to her senses, "Yes, yes, the meaning is quite auspicious, hehe~"

"Then can this thing be used to congratulate them?" Harveys also knew that even when the price of jade carvings was firm in the market before the catastrophe, getting such a jade carving was nothing to them. It's difficult, not to mention that now jade carvings have become a foil in life, and they are not worth many crystal nuclei at all.

But Huaxia has a saying since ancient times, which is called "gifts are light and affection is heavy", and his gift contains full blessings for the two of them.

"Okay, that's great," Lin Jiaxin agreed, "I think Xing Lu will definitely like such a gift~"

"Hey, by the way, Harveys, I have something to ask you~" Lin Jiaxin suddenly pulled Hawes aside mysteriously.

Lin Jiaxin's biggest achievement today should be that she called Harvey's name brazenly, and he didn't object or show disgust.Before, she'd just called him 'Mr. Harveys' or just 'you' instead.

"What's the matter?" Hawes asked in a soft and gentle voice when he saw Lin Jiaxin's long-lost questioning expression.

If in the past, Harveys used such a tone to talk to himself, Lin Jiaxin would definitely die of joy.But now her mind is full of the question that popped up suddenly, she really can't care less about excitement.

"What you said can help us humans continue to reproduce, aren't you just bragging?" Lin Jiaxin also saw Harveys pointing at Songzi Guanyin just now, and suddenly remembered to ask this question.

"..." Harveys was a little annoyed, and it took a long time before he said bitterly: "Am I the kind of person who talks nonsense?!"

"Uh... I don't know you well enough, I don't know if it is~" Lin Jiaxin felt that it was inappropriate to say that when she asked, and she wanted to apologize to him immediately, but seeing Harveys rarely loosened on weekdays There was a slight crack in his expression, and he started to tease him.

In her opinion, the look of Harveys, who is always serious and serious, is really cute, and she must let him make such expressions more often~
"Familiar? Do you want to get acquainted with me?" Harveys was stunned by Lin Jiaxin's words. No one had ever said that, because he was not familiar with himself and didn't know what kind of person he was. No matter what he said, Whether it is correct or not, there will be a large number of people who will support and agree with it.His numb heart was suddenly touched, but Harveys found that he didn't reject such a feeling at all, like a ghost, such frivolous words came out of Hawes' mouth.

"Well," Harveys thought that such a question would make Lin Jiaxin feel ashamed, and was ready to apologize, but found that the girl opposite nodded slightly, "I like you and want to get in touch with you , see if I can attract you~"

"Uh..." Major General Harveys, who realized that he was being confessed by someone, didn't turn around and leave like he did on Star Lime, but he didn't know how he should react in such a situation.refuse?He found that he couldn't help himself.But if he really agreed, Harveys also knew that it would never be so easy for them to walk together.

After all, he wanted to go back to take revenge, and there were still his parents and relatives for him to worry about, but if he promised her, what would she do if he left by himself in the future? !

"We... are not a good fit~" Harveys had never felt so uncomfortable when he refused someone's words. Seeing the starlight in the other party's eyes gradually dimmed, he felt his heart ache. "I'm sorry, it's not that you are not good enough, but that we may not be the one the other party thinks is right."

"But I think you are the one I'm looking for!" Lin Jiaxin's voice carried an unspeakable resentment, but she was ready to be rejected when she spoke, and it was not so difficult to accept.

"I'm really sorry, it's not that I don't like you, but that we really can't be together~" Hawes realized that he seemed to have said too much after finishing this sentence.

"Why?!" Lin Jiaxin's eyes lit up, either she doesn't like it or she likes it? ! "Do you already have someone to marry?!"

"No." Harveys, who realized how many mistakes he said, simply shut his mouth tightly and didn't talk about anything.

"That's because your family objected to you looking for mediocre people like me?!" Lin Jiaxin suddenly realized that the frothy TV series she watched before the cataclysm were not in vain, and suddenly thought of so many reasons for Harveys.

"No, my parents are very open-minded, and I have the final say on who to find as a partner." Although his parents are not here, Harveys still doesn't have the guts to discredit them.

"Why?" Lin Jiaxin couldn't figure it out, "I don't have the fiancée I expected, and I don't have any objection from my family. You still say that you don't like me, are you making me happy?!"

She was really angry.

(End of this chapter)

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