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Article 340 Biting Gold

Article 340 Biting Gold

"Are you so sure I'll play with her feelings?" Harveys frowned.

"Otherwise? Are you going to tell me that you are serious about her and want to marry her?!" Lin Jiaye didn't back down.

"What if I say yes?" After Harvey finished speaking, he was shocked even by himself.When did I become so sure that I would end up with Lin Jiaxin, that I even thought of marrying her? !

"I hope to remember what you said." Harveys promised in this way, and Lin Jiaye couldn't say anything more, so he could only turn around and leave after saying this.

Seeing the back of Lin Jiaye leaving, Harveys lowered his head and fell into deep thought.


After finishing everything, Chu Yu, who hadn't experienced lack of energy for a long time, really felt exhausted and paralyzed.

Because he wants to be perfect, he wants to do everything himself.He had to draw up the guest list himself, and added Lin Jiaxin, Sun Zhuoyan, and Qingqing who had been closer to Xing Lu during this period of time.He wants to try the banquet dishes, adding Xing Lu's favorite sweet and sour mutant pork tenderloin and steamed mutant shad.As well as the process of the engagement ceremony, he personally participated in it and designated a few songs that Xing Lu might like.

As a result of doing so, he was very busy this day.

"Master, the Patriarch is here." Chu Yu was lowering his head and struggling with the guest list when Uncle Da came in and said.

"Okay, I'll be there right away." He stood up and handed the list to Uncle Da, "Let's decide on these people first, and you and Uncle Cang can decide on the rest."

"Don't worry, young master, I will definitely handle it properly for you!" Uncle Da promised.

"Then thank you both," Chu Yu smiled, "Xing Lu and I will give you two big red envelopes after the matter is over~"

"Then I'll just wait~" Uncle Da smiled and left the room with Chu Yu while holding the list.

"Dad, what did you come to see me for?" Chu Yu walked into the living room, and saw Chu Aojun sitting in the room.

"Well, I have something to do," Chu Aojun nodded to his son when he saw his son walk in.

"What's the matter? Why are you so serious?" Chu Yu couldn't help asking when he noticed his father's abnormality.

"Seven years ago, were you in Q City?" Chu Aojun asked a question that made Chu Yu feel a little confused.

"Seven years ago..." Despite this, he still tried his best to recall, "I guess so!"

"It can't be like that," Chu Aojun frowned, "You must confirm."

"Uh..." Chu Yu was startled by his father's seriousness. He happened to have a little impression of the events of that year, "Yes, that year I had a car accident there that was not too big or small, and I didn't suffer any injuries. But I can’t remember who I am, and I lived in a local family for more than three months!”

"Well," Chu Aojun nodded, "It's a family named Li, and we gave that family 500 million as a thank-you gift."

"Really? The family should accept it, right?" Chu Yu really didn't know about this matter. When he was found by his family, he was immediately sent to a top hospital for amnesia treatment. He had no time for the situation of that family. Go care again.

When he regained his previous memory, he completely forgot about the events of those three months. It was his family who told him that he was saved by others so that he would not end up living on the streets.The family has also made appropriate thanks to those who saved him, which made him feel that these are enough.As for who the person who did the good deed was, he didn't even ask.

"Accepted." Chu Aojun replied, he sent someone to negotiate with the other party back then, he only knew that the other party agreed quite quickly, at 500:08 in the morning they proposed to give their family 30 million, and it was not until [-]:[-] He followed the people from the Chu family to the bank to complete the formalities.

It was precisely because of this that the other party's family disappeared from their sight so quickly, which laid the groundwork for today's incident.

"They're here, do you want to go and have a look?" Chu Aojun vaguely mentioned to his son.

"They? You mean that family regretted their original agreement seven years later, and now they want to ask for some more compensation?!" Chu Yu snorted coldly, "How can they afford to go back on such a decision if they want to go back on it? Who do they think they are? Who do we think the Chu family is?!"

"Because there was an accident, the purpose of their arrival today is to solve the hidden dangers left over from last time." Seeing that his son was so excited, Chu Aojun vaccinated him.

"Hidden danger? What is it?" Chu Yu looked blank.

"You have already become a father seven years ago!" The son will not lie, he absolutely does not know about this matter, and Chu Aojun is full of doubts about the sudden appearance of that family.

"Become a father?!" Chu Yu felt that this was really a bolt from the blue, and his memories of that time were really gone, so he didn't know for a while whether this was someone deliberately provoking trouble.But no matter whether this matter is true or not, it is not a good thing for him who will be engaged to Xing Lu tomorrow.

If Xing Lu knew that she had already had a child with another woman, would she be so happily engaged to her?The answer is self-evident, of course it will be no.

When she was dating her, she already said that she would not accept betrayal, and when she promised herself to be engaged to her, she emphasized a lot, so as long as this matter is true, he will completely lose Xing Lu right? !
no!A look of cruelty flashed in Chu Yu's eyes, no matter whether this matter is true or not, he must make it false! "Can I meet that man?" he asked his father.

"That's what I mean too," the son said, letting go and meeting the other party, so that he can decide what to do.What's more, he has sent someone to take the child's blood sample immediately, and by this time tomorrow, he will know whether the other party has lied or not.

"That person hasn't actually come to your door yet. I think they plan to go to Lingyun Pavilion tomorrow to sabotage your engagement ceremony." If it wasn't for the other party's intention to be guessed at once, Chu Aojun would not have subconsciously The so-called 'dwelling' granddaughter was rejected here.

Because tomorrow is a big day, Chu Aojun was afraid that there would be an accident, so he sent everyone in the Chu family to be vigilant, so he could only know that the woman brought her child to speak nonsense in the base.

And because he was not sure whether the matter was true or false, he came to his son for advice.And the son's attitude today is very obvious, he is very repulsive to each other, even if the two people are really related by blood, it will be difficult to get close in the future.

"They better not do this," Chu Yu's indifferent voice sounded, "If they really intend to ruin my engagement ceremony, I will make them pay the price!"

"What if that person didn't lie?" Chu Aojun asked him.

"So what? Even if that person really brought my own flesh and blood, am I going to give up the happiness I'm about to get?!" Chu Yu's voice became more ruthless, "I don't think anyone is worth it yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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