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Chapter 343 Chu Xing

Chapter 343 Chu Xing
"Tsk tsk, you don't know, that's really a pity~" Xing Lu made a regretful look. "That……"

"Don't bully my mother!" A childish voice sounded, and a face somewhat similar to Chu Yu appeared in front of Xing Lu with anger, interrupting what she was about to say.

Attracted by his cute image, Xing Lu couldn't help laughing and said, "Little friend, we are not bullying your mother, we are just reasoning with her."

"Hmph, don't try to lie to me!" The little boy snorted coldly, "My mother is about to cry, and she said she didn't bully her?!"

He walked up to Chu Yu, raised his head and looked at him: "It's not easy for my mother to raise me alone. Even if you are really my father, I will never allow you to bully her!"

Chu Yu had a very good impression of this child, and he was not annoyed by his accusation, but instead explained to him: "We didn't bully her, but she framed me here~ Also, I'm really not your father , As for who your father is, I think you can ask your mother to know better."

Although she didn't know why Xing Lu was so sure, Chu Yu really believed her when she said that she had nothing to do with this Li Yan.As for the reason, he thought carefully, Feixue should have confirmed it.After all, Feixue has tens of thousands of years of cultivation inheritance, so there is naturally a way to confirm whether a person is a child or not.

The memory I lost can never be found again, otherwise how can I use Xing Lu to stand in front of me and solve these bad things for me? !While enjoying the sweetness of being protected by Xing Lu wholeheartedly, Chu Yu hated herself for not being able to recover her memory.

"Mom, is what they said true? Am I really not a child of the eldest son of the Chu family?" The boy Li Yan called Xiaohui really asked her.

"I..." Looking into her son's dark eyes, Li Yan couldn't continue. She could tell her such a lie to her child again, and once again she really couldn't say it.

"Okay, I understand." Xiaohui was a little disappointed, not because he was not a descendant of the Chu family, but because the father he had been looking forward to turned out to be a lie woven by his mother.

He turned around and bowed to Chu Yu and Xing Lu who were looking at him, "Sorry for the trouble, let's leave now." After speaking, he pulled Li Yan and walked out.

Li Yan let her son drag her around like a walking dead, without saying a word.

"Wait." Chu Yu stopped them at this moment. "I think it is necessary for me to find your father for you."

The appearance of the people of the Chu family has a characteristic, that is, all family members have large earlobes and a small polyp next to the ear, which is commonly known as a "horse bolt".In Chinese folk, such characteristics would be considered extremely blessed.What's more, their pupils are not black or brown, which is common among Chinese people, but brown with a little green, which can't be seen unless you look carefully.In order to find out the origin of their family, the previous generations of the Chu family did a lot of investigation, but found that this characteristic only belonged to their Chu family, which became the evidence to directly judge whether they were from the Chu family.

The boy in front of him had the same eyes as those of the Chu family. Chu Yu couldn't help but want to investigate clearly. Li Yan's visit to recognize relatives this time was just out of desperation because she wanted to find a good backer for her son, or was she caught by the family? Instigated by the caring people in the house, do you want to fish in troubled waters to gain control of the Chu family? !
"No, no, can't we promise that we won't come to bother you again?!" Li Yan hurriedly refused when she heard that Chu Yu wanted to investigate.

"Didn't you say that to give your children a good living environment?" Chu Yu frowned, and Li Yan's reaction made it clear that there must be something inside, and his eyes became stern, "But now, it's not what you want That's fine, since you've found me, I can't let you wrong me for nothing!"

Li Yan was really frightened this time, she said incoherently: "No, no, you don't have the right, who owns my son, what does it matter to you?!"

"He is also from the Chu family, right?" Chu Yu was just skeptical at first, but this time he was really sure.He thought about his opponent in the Chu family in his mind, "Is it Chu Tao? Chu Zhan? Or Chu Xing?"

Every time he said a name, he carefully observed Li Yan's expression, and when he said the last name, he saw Li Yan's face changed drastically. "It turned out to be him~"

"No, I have nothing to do with him, and Xiaohui is not his child!" Li Yan cried hysterically and squatted on the ground.

Chu Yu ignored her, and said to the little boy standing beside him who was glaring at him, "I think, I know who your father is."

After all, he was too young, and his desire for his father was very strong, so when Chu Yu said this, his expression immediately became eager, "Who is he?"

"He's my cousin, Chu Xing." Chu Yu replied, "Go find him and tell him that I have something to discuss with him."

He said the last sentence to the outside, so someone got the order and left to inform Chu Xing.

"Okay, sit down and wait for a while, you will meet him soon." Chu Yu pulled Xing Lu to rest on the sofa, and greeted Xiao Hui.

Xiaohui looked at his mother who was still sitting on the ground covering her face and crying, and waved to Chu Yu, "No, we just wait here."

Less than half an hour later, a man in his 30s who looked somewhat similar to Chu Yu walked in.

"Chu Yu, what do you want from me? Didn't we just have dinner together at noon today?" The subtext is that you didn't say anything during the meal, so why did you call me over now? !

"Brother Xing, I have something I want to confirm with you." Chu Yu's voice was as cold as ever, making it difficult to hear his emotions.And Li Yan, mother and son in the corner didn't make a sound, so Chu Xing didn't see clearly at all.

"what's up?"

"I just want to ask you, do you know that you have a son?" Chu Yu said straight to the point.

"Why do you ask that?" Chu Xing frowned. Did he discover something?

"So I didn't know~" Chu Yu didn't answer him, but his cold tone made Chu Xing's heart ache.He looked around and found Li Yan mother and son in the corner, and the smile on his face disappeared immediately.

"Hey, you also saw that their mother and son are the reason why I asked you to come here today." Chu Yu's voice sounded, "It's just that this lady admitted the wrong person, and she has to say that the son is mine, which makes me a little embarrassed~ "

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, just drive out irrelevant people."

"I think that child looks a bit like Brother Xing~" Chu Yu was still talking slowly, as if he was chatting with Chu Xing, "The big earlobes, ear studs, and even the color of the pupils are what our Chu family has. Unique, and his eyes are exactly the same as Brother Xing~"

(End of this chapter)

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