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Chapter 345 Plan

Chapter 345 Plan
The misunderstanding was resolved, and Chu Yu had already dealt with most of the things. After greeting Chu Aojun, the two returned to the guest house together.

Because of what he thought just now, Chu Aojun felt a little ashamed of Xing Lu, and he didn't force them to stay there for dinner.

It happened to let the two of them stroll around the base for the reason of filling their stomachs. It wasn't until almost eight o'clock that the two of them appeared at the door of the guest house.

Chu Xiran and the others knew that these two people were deeply in love at the moment, and they were embarrassed to come forward to disturb them. Ren Chuyu walked into Xing Lu's room.Roach even specifically ordered the waiters in the guest house not to knock on the door if they had nothing to do, and to leave as much time alone as possible for the two of them.

Staring at a few ambiguous and teasing eyes, as soon as they entered Xing Lu's room, Chu Yu and Xing Lu flashed into the Obscure Moon Xiaozhu.

"You have to leave my room before twelve o'clock tonight, so we can only stay here for 20 days." Xing Lu set a time for Chu Yu first.She didn't care about the gossip circulating in the base two days ago, but she once heard Qin's mother say that it is best not to meet young men and women before the engagement ceremony that day, so that the two can finally achieve a positive result and live together forever.

"Why, are you afraid?!" Chu Yu smiled, but he didn't force it, and immediately nodded in agreement.He also listened to Uncle Da's advice about the fact that men and women should not meet each other. Although he didn't take it seriously, he was willing to do it in order to get a good omen. "Okay, I'll only stay until No. 19 days, right?!"

"Why not ten days?" Feixue's voice sounded.

"Why, thinking that I'm the one who will be with Xing Lu for the rest of my life, I'm mentally unbalanced?!" Chu Yu deliberately angered him.

"You, hmph!" Feixue was anxious, but she quickly changed the subject, "You guys came here today not just to annoy me, did you?!"

"It really made you guess," Xing Lu replied, "Chu Yu and I plan to travel around China after the engagement ceremony, so..."

"So you need to prepare enough pills for your family and friends in case they need them?!" Feixue rolled her eyes. "I know that both of you are worried about your life, so you can't let go of your worries and take a trip as soon as you say it?!"

"I think so too, but isn't this the end of the world?" Xing Lu said helplessly, "If you don't have to worry about their safety before the catastrophe, where you want to go is not a matter of words?"

"That's right~" Feixue was persuaded by Xing Lu, "Tell me, how much do you want to prepare?"

"Why do we need a three-year or five-year amount? We don't have a clear destination yet, and we don't know when we will come back!" The two of them haven't discussed this matter, but on the way back to the guest house, Xing Lu suddenly had a whim, saying that she still wanted to travel around, Chu Yu just took it, saying that after the two got engaged, they might as well go out for a walk.

"Prepare as much as possible!" Chu Yu said, "Maybe we will never come back."

"Why do you say that?" Xing Lu frowned, she hadn't thought about never seeing them~
"I'm about to form an alchemy," Chu Yu explained, "After the golden alchemy stage, I can use the magic weapon to fly. I want to go back to the cultivation world where I am as soon as possible, and understand the cause so that I can ascend as soon as possible."

Although cultivators have a long lifespan, the age at which they reach a higher level is directly related to the future achievements of the cultivator.The younger you are when you ascend to the upper realm, the greater your future achievements.The premise of ascension is to break off the karma in the world and achieve no desires or desires.

Chu Yu still had enemies in the world he was originally staying in. Naturally, he couldn't keep his mind on it when he ascended, so he needed to end it in time.

"Can you fly with the help of magic weapon? Why didn't I know?!" Xing Lu asked in surprise.

"These are the most basic common sense in the world of comprehension, and they are not recorded in the books in the Obscure Moon House." Chu Yu explained, "It's just that there are a lot of flying magic weapons in the storage room, and someday you can choose from them. Come up with a handy one."

"I didn't tell you before, but I just wanted you to lay a good foundation. If the foundation is not solid, you can't do two things while flying, and accidents are easy to happen." Chu Yu continued to explain, for fear that Xing Lu would be angry because of this.

"Oh, I'm just asking, why are you so nervous?" Xing Lu laughed. "Afraid I think you're hiding something and don't want to teach me? Don't worry, I'm not that stingy~"

Chu Yu's nervousness dissipated in an instant. He was really afraid that Xing Lu would get into a corner. He thought that he was afraid that he would not be able to keep up with her progress, and he did not accept strong women and weak men.Although I really feel that my cultivation base is not as good as Xing Lu's now, I am a little embarrassed~
But if I want to become stronger, I will only work hard on my own, so that the other party will stop making progress, and I will become relatively stronger.

"Okay, it's important to do business first, let's go to alchemy!" Xing Lu suggested. "Since you plan to never come back, why don't you explain our situation to your father?"

The 'situation' that Xing Lu mentioned was to announce to Chu Aojun the identities of several people as cultivators. I wonder if he can accept it~Xing Lu thought so.

"When we first met our father, we already told him. Besides, my father has already selected a kung fu method, and he is hurrying up to practice it!"

Xing Lu was surprised by Chu Yu's answer, "Yo, you guys are quick enough~"

"That's right, I handed over the rest of the exercises selected in the secret cave on the cliff to him. He has secretly selected twenty Chu family elites, and all of them are cultivating intensively!"

"So... Uncle accepts our identities?!"

"Of course, he is still very envious that we have already established the foundation~" Chu Yu wanted to laugh when he thought of his father talking about how difficult it is to step over the threshold of foundation establishment. A person who has always been calm and solemn is just like a child , showing a look of envy, jealousy and hatred, this picture is really a bit inconsistent.

"Don't worry~" Chu Yu reassured Xing Lu, "Even if we leave, with their abilities, they will definitely have a good time in this apocalypse~"

"No, I'm not worried." Xing Lu retorted, "It's just that I don't want to experience parting, and I don't want to say goodbye to others~"

Speaking of this, Xing Lu suddenly felt sad, and tears flowed down so easily.

"Look at you, it's not easy if you don't want to say goodbye to people? Let's leave a note and leave quietly," Chu Yu stepped forward to hug her, "Let's put down the things we gave them, write a few words and leave Let’s make them hurry so they don’t see us~”

"Pfft!" Xing Lu was amused by Chu Yu's nonsensical words, "Okay, I'm fine, let's get down to business!"


The business that Xing Lu said was that they were going to refine as many pills as possible and leave them for Chu Xiran and the others in case they needed them.

(End of this chapter)

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