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Chapter 5 Leaving Kitakami

Chapter 5 Leaving Kitakami
Qin Lihua instructed Cong Lu to understand that no matter what time it is, Oogyue Xiaozhu is a treasure, and she still understands the reason why it is a crime to conceive a bi.

Cong Lu handed the check to Qin's mother, and took out a storage ring, asking Qin Lihua to bleed on it to recognize the owner.After telling her how to use it, she walked out of the room, leaving Mother Qin alone in the room to practice storing and putting things away repeatedly.

Xiaoxiao and Sisi are sitting in the lobby waiting for Cong Lu. They haven't seen each other for so long, and the little sisters have endless things to say.

Only here can Cong Lu really relax, do as she pleases, laugh whenever she wants, and make trouble whenever she wants.Perhaps it is the similar experience that makes them cherish and care about each other.

Cong Lu lived in the orphanage for a month. For a month, when she got up early every day to help Qin's mother prepare breakfast, she took out a small amount of spiritual spring water from the space and mixed it with the boiled porridge. Cong Lu didn't dare to add more. She only drank two mouthfuls The pain was severe, and Cong Lu only added two or three mouthfuls to the weight of nearly 20 people.In the first few days, everyone had constant diarrhea, presumably because everyone was slowly discharging the impurities in their bodies.After a month, I can clearly see the effect.Needless to say, there are a dozen or so little ones, their cheeks are flushed, making people look like they want to kiss each other, while Xiaoxiao and Sisi seem to be more beautiful, and Xiaohui, Cong Lu heard him muttering to himself that day The strength has become bigger.

The biggest change should be Qin's mother. In the past, Qin's mother always suffered from insomnia, dreaminess, and weakness due to menopause. Now she not only sleeps soundly at night, but even the wrinkles on her face have become lighter.Xiaoxiao also made fun of her, saying that it was Qin's mother who made her happy when she saw Cong Lu come back, and kept yelling that Qin's mother was partial.

Only Cong Lu and Qin's mother knew that these changes were all due to the spiritual spring water in the Obscure Moon Villa.

Qin's mother knew Cong Lu's plan and didn't say much. The child has his own ideas when he grows up. As a parent, he can only respect it.

Cong Lu accompanied Qin's mother to take out all the checks handed over to Qin's mother, Qin's mother gave Cong Lu another 500 million, and told Cong Lu not to take out the jewelry in the space to sell unless it was absolutely necessary. Most of the money given to Qin’s mother was put into the ring, and only 100 million was left to tell Sisi Xiaohui and the others. It’s not that they don’t believe them, but Cong Lu’s experience is too bizarre, and it’s okay if there is one less person who knows Be safe.Qin's mother only told them that the 100 million was donated to the orphanage after Cong Lu met the boss of a large company when Cong Lu was looking for a job.The rest of the money will be taken out slowly later.

A month passed quickly, and it was time for Cong Lu to leave.Before leaving, Cong Lu took out a few more bottles of pills from the space, including Qi Bu Qi Pill, Zhuyan Pill, Yangshen Pill, etc., and even Da Huan Pill Conglu left ten for Qin's mother, afraid that the orphanage would In case something happened to Li and Cong Lu couldn't come back, this was their last resort to save their lives.

With everyone's reluctance, Cong Lu embarked on the journey northward.

Cong Lu went on the road during the day and went to practice and sleep in the space at night, living a fulfilling life.When Cong Lu encounters a place with beautiful scenery, he stops for a few days and walks around to see all kinds of animals. Cong Lu buys two or three pairs and puts them in the space, with various flowers, vegetables, and medicinal materials. , Cong Lu did not collect much.Delicious snacks are packaged in hundreds of servings, and you can take them out to eat when you want to eat them in the future.

Just stop and go along the way, Cong Lu gained a lot.Not only is Obscure Moon Xiaozhu more lively, Cong Lu's vision and state of mind are also different from when he first got the space.In the past, Cong Lu, although she didn't feel sorry for herself or even hated the society because of her childhood experience, but in the end, she still felt a little bit unfair.

When I was young, I watched other peers enjoy the love of their parents and elders, and were happy every day, but I even worried about my next meal. Cong Lu would involuntarily think in her heart, why is it not me who can enjoy the love, and why? Why do you usually only study cute and beautiful people when you are looking for a job, and why you can get the job you want without any effort.And the appearance is average, if you put it in the crowd, you will not be able to see why you can't do it yourself.Why does loneliness always pass involuntarily in my heart.Did all this not happen if there were parents?And why did my parents give birth to me but discard me?

Cong Lu has always been grateful to Mother Qin for picking her up that day, raising her, and giving Cong Lu warmth. Otherwise, Cong Lu, who asked so many whys, might not be standing here. I'm afraid she would have gone crazy. ? !

The uncanny workmanship of nature made Cong Lu realize her own insignificance, her grievances, and resentment gradually faded away, as if nothing was so important anymore.Now Cong Lu's heart is the tranquility after filtering out the hustle and bustle, and the indifference of the mind is as calm as water.

In fact, as long as people are content, they will be as calm as water.Humans are social animals, we can only live in the secular world, although the complicated and flashy world is hard to find peace, but peace can give us a blue sky, a leisurely pure land of mind.

After figuring this out, Cong Lu felt her consciousness was in a trance for a while, as if a stream was slowly passing through Cong Lu's meridian, and with a puff, it broke through some barrier, and her body was as comfortable as a baby in the mother's womb.Cong Lu knew that he had reached the foundation building stage naturally.

(End of this chapter)

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