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Chapter 8 Resolved

Chapter 8 Resolved
According to Sisi, the incident was not such a sensation at the beginning, but one day a large group of reporters suddenly came, and their questions became more and more outrageous. Deliberately lead Qin's mother to say more specious and ambiguous words, so as to mislead those donors who don't know the truth.

Gradually, more and more people misunderstood, and the three became tigers. Later, no matter how Qin's mother explained, it was useless.The most abominable thing is that no one knows who organized a demonstration against Qin's mother, clamoring to reveal the true face of Qin's hypocrisy, like the last straw that broke the camel's back, and completely made Qin's mother feel depressed. up.

After listening to Sisi's words, Cong Lu pondered.This is obviously someone who is fanning the flames against the orphanage. Is it really just because the source of the 4000 million yuan to buy the orphanage is unknown?Not only that, but also an explanation to the public about the origin of the money.Cong Lu took out the receipt issued by the other party when she sold jewelry in Boguzhai, as well as the transfer records, Qin's mother's withdrawal certificate, and the income and expenditure details of the orphanage that Xiaohui had sorted out during the past ten years. I personally found several authoritative media and held a small press conference, explaining the source and purpose of the orphanage's funds over the years, and giving the public an explanation with facts.

Soon, after the news was released, many people calmed down, but there was still a small group of media who insisted on telling Cong Lu how to get the priceless antique jewelry, no matter how Cong Lu explained that it was her. The family heirloom of my family, I didn't sell it when I was down, and I only sold it in the first two years.Also keep asking questions.

Thanks to Cong Lu being an orphan, he can't find his family members for the time being, otherwise even the [-]th generation of Cong Lu's ancestors would have been found out for you!Now, even who Cong Lu used to eat when she was a child, and what grades she got in the exams at school have to be announced clearly.Cong Lu finally understood how Qin's mother felt at that time.

Calm down, Cong Lu and a few friends analyzed, in fact, the masses are not as angry as before, and they can't understand.
It's just that a small group of voices are still coming out, constantly reminding people that this incident cannot be forgiven, as if someone is specifically mentioning these media.

If something happens to the orphanage, who will benefit first?developer! ! !Several people looked at each other and found their way.

Cong Lu contacted a detective agency to investigate the real estate developer.Soon, the detective agency sent a message, saying that the real estate company failed two or three large projects in succession earlier, and the company's cash chain was broken. If the current plan to develop the real estate in the orphanage area cannot If it goes smoothly, the board of directors will remove the current executive chairman Xu Dong.

Now it seems that the matter is most likely a scheme set up by Xu Dong or Xu Dong's subordinates in order to drive the orphanage away.

When Cong Lu thought of this, she was really going to be angry. If you can sit down and discuss it properly, lower your posture a bit, don't do any dirty things, and give others a little room to move, that's a good thing. It's easy to solve. The orphanage can't only be opened in this street, but Qin's mother feels that she has stayed in one place for a long time and has feelings. If that Xu Dong or his subordinates tell Qin's mother about their situation , Qin's mother will move out without saying anything.

Now they have adopted such a low-handed method and caused such great harm to Qin's mother and the orphanage. It is unbearable. Since you want to leave no room for it, don't blame us for treating him in the same way. human body.

Soon, news about the real estate company and its executive director Xu Dong became rampant. News such as "the well-known real estate is only a shell" and "a certain executive director was suspected of using public funds for private use and keeping mistresses in captivity" appeared frequently, and the real estate company was quickly exhausted. To deal with it, I was too busy to take care of myself, and quickly withdrew the funding from this project.As for the orphanage, because the news frequently appeared in people's sight these days, some readers with sharp eyes discovered that there are more than ten well-preserved ancient buildings in this area, most of which are from the Song and Ming Dynasties. Period, with very high cultural relic value.One of them is an orphanage.

Soon, after the on-site investigation and appraisal by the cultural relics protection department, experts believed that although it was not a key cultural relics protection unit, it was also a historical and cultural heritage with a very high value.In this case, it is best not to dismantle it temporarily, so as not to cause regret.The government quickly made a protection plan for historical and cultural sites in this area. In the future, more than a dozen ancient buildings, including the orphanage, will not be demolished, and the government will come to help with restoration on a regular basis.

The incident finally came to an end. Mother Qin's body has recovered after this period of recuperation.

After this incident, the children in the orphanage became more united. Cong Lu decided to take out three storage rings and give them to Xiaoxiao, Sisi, and Xiaohui. After all, Qin’s mother is old and has rich life experience. Her psychological endurance is not so strong anymore, and the three of them, Xiaoxiao and the others, will help her bear the burden together, so the pressure will not be so great.With more protection in the orphanage, Cong Lu can feel more at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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