Chapter 101 Dialogue
Weird, really very weird.

Qiao Yu looked at everything in front of him and felt very strange.

Originally, Qiao Yu was wrapped in the light of the Lord of Calamity's teleportation, and he would have entered the world of disaster missions created by the Lord of Disaster.After all, a month has passed, and Qiao Yu needs to enter the second terrifying disaster world.

However, Qiao Yu did not enter that world, but came to the space in front of him.

This is a world composed of black, white, gray, three boring colors.

Qiao Yu feels that he should be floating in the air, of course, he may be standing somewhere, but Qiao Yu can't feel his body, let alone control his body, and at the same time, Qiao Yu can't feel the temperature, and can't feel the danger , can't even feel the passage of time.

Undoubtedly, this is a very strange state.

"This should be some kind of 'absent state' mysterious space, which does not have the time, space, measurement, perception, control, strength and other aspects of the conventional world. Does my consciousness still exist, some kind of ideological world? "

"Is anyone there?" Qiao Yu wanted to speak, but couldn't.

"Okay!" After trying to no avail, Qiao Yu calmed down and waited.

After a long time, suddenly, the chaotic black and gray in front of my eyes faded away, leaving only a blank space.

Immediately afterwards, something black floated over and began to form words in front of Qiao Yu's eyes.

"Hi, my name is 'Lie', nice to meet you."

"I know you are very strange, why you came to this weird space, limited by space and time, I can't tell too much. Even, I can't reveal too much information about myself."

"Please believe me, I have no malice towards you, I need your help, but I know that I cannot ask for your help in vain, so I hope to use a transaction in exchange for your help to me. You enter the next A calamity world will soon be hunted down by those legion fighters and disaster fighters. Those calamity fighters are not strong, but those legion fighters are very strong. Don’t underestimate the strength of those legion fighters! strength."

"I can feel that there is something in your space ring with a smelting attribute that is similar to my strength. I can give you part of my power to blend into that thing with a smelting attribute. I hope it can help you, I I can't confirm whether you will help me with my sacrifices, but I have learned from you humans that there will be gains if you pay. If you become stronger in the future, I hope you can help me."

"Also, let me tell you one more thing, that book of black consciousness is not a good thing, be careful with him."

Those words end here.

While Qiao Yu looked at these things, his heart was calm and indifferent.

Before Qiao Yu could do more thinking.

"Welcome to the disaster world."

The incomparably cold voice of the God of Calamity rang in Qiao Yu's mind.

Immediately, the black, gray, and white intertwined world in front of him disappeared, replaced by a withered and yellow desert Gobi world.

This is the real disaster world, Qiao Yu's second mission world.

"The amount of information is too much in one moment!" Qiao Yu smiled lightly and rubbed his forehead.

"Let's stroke it first!" Qiao Yu's eyes began to sharpen.

"The first choice is that mysterious space and that guy named "Lie". Give me part of his power, and then let me help him."

Is this true or false?Qiao Yu was noncommittal.

Afterwards, Qiao Yu opened his space ring and looked at his so-called thing with smelting properties.If nothing else, it should be the attribute melting pot.

Qiao Yu really saw a little difference when he saw it.

Props: Attribute Furnace

grade:? ? ?
Description: A forge fused with the power of a mysterious flame, it is extraordinary.

Effect [-] (extraction): A certain attribute can be extracted.

Effect [-] (Fusion): A certain attribute can be integrated into the equipment.

Effect [-] (Refining): Various attributes can be collected and transformed into the most basic equipment fragments.

Previously, this attribute melting furnace only had the first two items of extraction and fusion. After all, this is the basic function of the attribute melting furnace.

But now this attribute melting furnace has a third attribute "tempering".

Refining this ability can refine various attributes into "equipment fragments", and equipment fragments can be used to upgrade the equipment level.For example, upgrade equipment from level one to level two, and from level two to level three.

The improvement of equipment can be upgraded directly in the disaster store, which requires a lot of calamity coins. If this attribute furnace has the ability to refine and upgrade, it would be great.It can be said that this ability can save Qiao Yu some calamity coins.

"Since the attributes of my attribute melting pot have really been changed by that guy's power, it seems that this guy may not have lied to me. In this way, things will become much more interesting. A magical guy, It has extraordinary power, but it seems to be suppressed or restricted, and needs help from others." Qiao Yu thought so inwardly.

"Sure enough, the world is not that simple."

After thinking for a while, Qiao Yu suppressed this "fierce" matter for the time being, and whether to help or not is a matter for the future.Now that he has entered the disaster world, what Qiao Yu needs to face is this terrifying world.

"My second, an unknown world where horror and nightmare coexist, where death and disaster are integrated." Qiao Yu raised his head and looked at this brand new world of disaster.

at this time!

Above the sky is a scorching sun.

In front of me is a yellow, dry desert Gobi world.

Layers upon layers of hills present rough lines, outlining the grandeur and desolation of this barren desert.

The harsh and blazing heat wave is wrapped in the weather-beaten gravel, which makes people feel the roughness of this desert.

The scorching air blew across Qiao Yu's cheeks unscrupulously, like a knife cutting.

Qiao Yu was standing under the only shade provided by an old tree that was about to die.

"What kind of disaster world is this? What are the major disaster events in this world?" This was the first thought that came to Qiao Yu's mind.

The easiest way to find out what kind of large-scale catastrophic event is happening in this world is to catch a person, beat him up first, and then get the truth out of the opponent's mouth, and then kill him directly. This approach has always been Qiao Yu.

But before that, Qiao Yu had more important things to do.

With a flip of his hand, Qiao Yu took out the Book of Black Consciousness.

"Huh? What's the matter?" The Book of Black Consciousness immediately asked as soon as it was taken out.

Qiao Yu didn't say much, and directly manipulated a trace of abyss magic power combined with the power of the holy source to infiltrate into the book of black knowledge.

"What are you doing?" The Book of Black Consciousness yelled immediately.

"What am I doing? Hehehe..." Qiao Yu laughed.

"I think you should know better than me what I'm doing? Don't pretend to be me, Legion's undercover agent. I've already seen through you. It's just that I didn't expose you in order to get more information about this world from you." That’s all. You really thought that your little trick could fool me.” Qiao Yu said lightly to the book of black knowledge.

(End of this chapter)

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