Calamity Frontier

Chapter 103 Mechanical Disaster

Chapter 103 Mechanical Disaster
"Summon, Magic Armor Vine."

With a thought, on Qiao Yu's body, the vine armor woven from the tough and soft magic armor phantom vines spread out against Qiao Yu's body.Extending towards Qiao Yu's legs, body arms, neck and head.

A moment later, the magic armor phantom vine with parasitic properties completely covered Qiao Yu's body. At this time, Qiao Yu seemed to be wearing a withered yellow one-piece armor.The extremely flexible magic armor phantom vine does not hinder Qiao Yu's actions but can protect Qiao Yu.

Magic Armor Vine is a very powerful vegetation.In the abyss system, the stronger the vegetation, the shorter the time it is summoned to exist.

Vegetation like the magic armor phantom vine, when summoned, lasts for half an hour at most. If it is heavily worn out in battle, the time of existence will be even shorter, and it may disappear in a few minutes.

But don't forget the innate characteristics of Qiao Yu's abyssal wizard profession.

Conceive and nurture the plants that you summoned.


The magic armor magic vine, which was originally time-sensitive, is cooperating with this nourishing effect, that is to say, the magic armor magic vine worn by Qiao Yu is permanent.

As long as Qiao Yu doesn't die, the Magic Armor Illusory Vine will continue to be nourished and exist.And the magic armor phantom vine parasitic on Qiao Yu's body is always protecting Qiao Yu.Parasitic on the host, complete each other to form a virtuous circle.

For Qiao Yu, this magic armor phantom vine is a piece of powerful intelligent armor that has life and can recover by itself.And Qiao Yu can also upgrade this Magic Armor Vine in the future. At that time, this Magic Armor Vine will become more and more powerful.

Qiao Yu's abyss wizard's ability to breed vegetation will become more prominent with the strength of his skills.

The summoned Magic Armor Illusory Vine, with its defense +4, camouflage +4, and interest rate +4 effects, was also blessed on Qiao Yu's body.

If Qiao Yu is willing, Qiao Yu can completely disguise himself as the surrounding sand, so that others can't find him.

But Qiao Yu didn't do that, because those armored trucks had already arrived.

On the hot Gobi Desert.

Four large armored trucks drove quickly, and then stopped in front of Qiao Yu.

More than 20 people armed with guns who were similar to armed groups walked out of the car, all pointing their guns at Qiao Yu, and these people obviously showed bad looks on their faces.

Looking roughly at the firearms in these people's hands, Qiao Yu already understood the power of these firearms.These are conventional assault rifles or submachine guns, with a bullet power of about [-] joules.

Qiao Yu's defense against bullets is now as high as [-] points, and Qiao Yu is not afraid of bullets with a power of less than [-] joules.

A man with short hair, a black vest, and a pistol on his waist walked over.

"Who are you, why are you here?" The ferocious man asked Qiao Yu.

After looking around, Qiao Yu's eyes fell on this fierce man. Looking at the appearance of a group of people, Qiao Yu knew that these people would not honestly tell him what happened here without resorting to any means.

"Do you think you are pointing a gun at me, and you seem to be stronger than me, so you can question me casually?" Qiao Yu looked at the fierce man and asked.

"Of course!" The vicious man simply gave the answer. In this chaotic era, guns and bullets are everything.

"Thank you for giving me this answer, but what I want to say is that you probably won't like this answer." Qiao Yu said slowly.

"Idiot." The ferocious man sneered.

Immediately, the man took out his pistol and pointed it at Qiao Yu.

"Bang!" The gunshot rang out.

For a small leader of a small armed organization like him who is rampant in this chaotic world, killing people is no different from drinking water.

The bullet flew towards Qiao Yu, but what frightened the fierce man was.

After one shot, Qiao Yu was cut in place, and the bullet that flew past seemed to have no effect.

"What's going on?" The vicious man was taken aback.

Immediately, the ferocious man continued to pull the trigger.


Shot after shot.

When those bullets hit Qiao Yu's body and touched Qiao Yu's body, an invisible "defensive" force was highlighted.

Those bullets collided with this layer of defense, they couldn't penetrate an inch at all, they could only be deformed by the impact.

After a shuttle of bullets was fired, the distorted bullets that hit Qiao Yu's body fell to the ground one after another.

At this time, not only the man was stunned, but also many soldiers with guns around him were also stunned.

What the hell is this guy?How could the bullet not kill him.

"Shoot and kill him." Suddenly, the vicious man said fiercely.


"Da da da……"

More than 20 people fired at Qiao Yu at the same time.

Many bullets hit one after another, but these bullets could not cause the slightest harm to Qiao Yu at all.

A large number of bullets hit Qiao Yu's body, and were all blocked by Qiao Yu's "defense" ability.

While everyone was firing, the bullets hitting Qiao Yu's body fell one after another.In an instant, the bullets that fell around Qiao Yu were densely piled up.

After a few seconds, everyone finished their magazines.

And Qiao Yu was still standing there.


Everyone was stunned, how could this be possible, it was too unscientific.

"Come on! Kill me!" Qiao Yu opened his hands and said with a faint smile.

A group of burly men who are fearless in life and death, all of them looked at Qiao Yu as if they had seen a ghost, and they couldn't be killed by bullets. This is so fucking weird!

"Everyone, be careful, there is something wrong with the withered yellow armor on this kid, take it off." Seeing that he shot repeatedly, but the other party didn't intend to fight back at all, the vicious man became much bolder.

After the words fell, two armed soldiers with short knives approached from left to right.

"Okay, the game time for the defense experiment is over, let's start working!"

Qiao Yu let this group of lawless armed fighters attack, mainly to try out the actual combat effect of this "defense" attribute.This effect is obviously very good.

After the experiment is over, Qiao Yu will start his official disaster journey.

Stretching out his hand to grab it, the Black Flood Dragon Devil Devouring Knife suddenly appeared.

The black blade light flashed.

scoff - scoff -

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the two great heads were thrown into the air, crossed an arc, and landed at the feet of everyone.


The vicious man who woke up suddenly roared loudly.

The vicious man just roared, before everyone could react, Qiao Yu moved.

When the life strength reaches 35 points, Qiao Yu's basic speed can explode to the level of 56 meters per second. Coupled with the speed increased by the shoes, Qiao Yu's current regular speed has reached about [-] meters per second.This is not counting the addition of pure abyssal magic power.

However, this basic speed is already hopeless for these people.

Hu Lin, the fierce man who just turned around and wanted to escape, suddenly felt a powerful kick hit his waist, and then he flew seven or eight meters and fell heavily on the gravel ground.

Just when he was about to stand up, Hu Lin felt that his waist was about to break.

Hu Lin, who turned around and looked around, was stunned.His more than 20 subordinates were all beheaded at this time.In just a short moment of being kicked away, more than 20 people all died, and they all died in exactly the same way, all of them had their heads cut off.

In an instant, under the scorching desert heat, Hu Lin felt cold from the top of his head to the bottom of his heart.

"Hey..." Qiao Yu walked over slowly with a faint laugh, and put a gun on the man's forehead. "Remember what I just said? You don't like the theory that the strong can kill at will."

(End of this chapter)

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