Chapter 106
This is an ancient and magnificent, dilapidated, abandoned, and ancient ruins swept by yellow sand,
When looking at it from a distance, he just thought it was just a land of ruins, but when he got closer, Qiao Yu realized how vast it was.

Here, ordinary houses are at least five times more majestic than those outside.An ordinary wall is a full meter thick, and a one-story building is 30 or [-] meters high.Ordinary streets are two to thirty meters wide.Broken walls and ruins with a height of [-] meters abound.

Standing on the edge of the ruins, Qiao Yu looked at this huge, mysterious, deep, and silent ruined ancient city.

"The silence is terrible, it seems like nothing, but..."

Qiao Yu's mouth curled into a smile.

"The quieter the place, the more terrifying creatures there will be."

With this in mind, Qiao Yu gradually entered the "latent" state with his breathing. The pure abyss magic power can make Qiao Yu restrain his breath more perfectly.

Holding the Black Flood Dragon Demon Devourer Knife, Qiao Yu quietly entered the ruined ancient city at dusk like a silent shadow.

The deeper he went, the more Qiao Yu felt that the silence here was terrifying.

It stands to reason that ruined ancient cities like this in the Gobi Desert are often shelters for many animals.But there is no trace of animals here.

When he came to a corner, Qiao Yu's expression moved slightly and he looked to the other side of the corner.

The eye-catching scene made Qiao Yu narrow his eyes slightly.

Snake way!

That's right, what Qiao Yu saw was a snake path.

This snake path is extremely wide, a full ten meters wide. Of course, the ten meters wide does not mean that the unknown python here is ten meters wide, but that it swings around ten meters wide when swimming.

"A swing of ten meters wide, that is to say, this unknown monster is probably two or three meters thick and three to forty meters long. This is really a huge guy." Qiao Yu was vigilant about the surroundings, secretly in his heart thinking.

After crossing this corner, Qiao Yu followed the path of the snake and began to explore gradually.

After about 2000 meters in this way, Qiao Yu stopped.

Because Qiao Yu saw a lot of metal debris.

Qiao Yu knew that these metal scraps belonged to those demonic mechanical creatures, and at the same time, Qiao Yu also saw traces of fighting here.

As Qiao Yu's field of vision gradually deepened, after a while Qiao Yu discovered the huge monster.

This is a huge and suffocating "Mechanical Flood Python", he is resting under the corner of the wall.

Its volume is about the same as Qiao Yu's calculation, about 40 meters long and two or three meters thick.

At the same time, there are many differences in this mechanical dragon python.

First of all, it is the exaggerated external equipment of this mechanical dragon python.


It is hard for you to imagine how many gun barrels this mechanical dragon has on its body, from head to tail, the body of this mechanical dragon is big or small, or densely or loosely packed with hundreds of gun barrels.

The gun equipment on the head and neck of the mechanical dragon python is obviously more than other parts.There are various large-caliber muzzles piled up there.

Perhaps in the view of this mechanical dragon python, the more gun barrels on his body, the more powerful he can be!

Among the many barrels, there are quite a few that can threaten Qiao Yu.

However, this is not the most important.

The important thing is that most of the body of this terrifying mechanical dragon python is made of ordinary gray-white metal, some are slightly green, some are dark green, and some are light blue.On the head of this mechanical dragon python, there is a touch of unusual dark blue.

Obviously, this mechanical dragon python is an aggregate, a mutant aggregate of demonic machines.

With the dark blue demon mechanical wreckage as the core, it swallowed, absorbed, digested and grew, and then evolved into such a terrifying monster. The quality is not good, so this dragon python simply uses quantity to make up for quality.So a mobile weapon platform monster was born.

Qiao Yu calculated that he could almost deal with dark green or light blue demonic mechanical creatures.And such a terrifying monster with dark blue as its core and such a huge size is really hard to deal with.

His eyes glanced at the demonic metal wreckage around him.

Qiao Yu's heart moved slightly. "Obviously this mechanical dragon swallows the mechanical life of the demon as food. Otherwise, it wouldn't grow into this weird state."

"It won't be long before those demonic mechanical creatures will come after me. At that time, when they fight each other, I might be able to fish in troubled waters."

Qiao Yu's idea is undoubtedly extremely perfect.

Qiao Yu had just made such a decision in his mind.

Suddenly, the body of this huge sleeping mechanical dragon swayed slightly, and the pair of eyes with special vision opened.

Qiao Yu, who was hiding behind the stone wall, froze slightly. Qiao Yu felt that the big guy woke up.


A moment without warning.

A shell bombarded the wall behind Qiao Yu, the shock wave, the shock wave, and the flying debris bloomed in a brutal gesture, sweeping the surroundings, forming a shell death zone, the wall behind Qiao Yu was blasted Torn apart.

The powerful soul strength gave Qiao Yu a sharp insight. The moment the opponent's shell was fired, Qiao Yu moved, and Qiao Yu flew away like a gust of wind, avoiding the bombardment of the missile.

"The insight ability is so powerful that I was discovered directly." Qiao Yu, who hid behind another wall, chuckled lightly. "Originally, when I wanted you to fight those demonic mechanical creatures to the death, I would come out to deal with you, but now it seems that I need to deal with you myself."

Now, Qiao Yu's basic life strength has reached 50.

In addition, Qiao Yu also has an elite-level Shadow Ankylosaurus heart, which allows Qiao Yu's body to exert its own strength more powerfully.Moreover, Qiao Yu has the essence of abyssal magic power.

Taken together, Qiao Yu's foundation can reach about [-] life strength levels.

As far as Qiao Yu is concerned, a life strength of about [-] is more than enough to deal with creatures with a life strength of about [-].

According to Qiao Yu's rough inference.

This light green demonic mechanical creature has a life strength of around 100, and dark green around 200.

Light blue is about 300-500, while dark blue is 500-1000.

Of course, this is the general level of the strength of the basic life forms. If the firepower of long-range attacks is added, their threat will be greatly increased.

Although the core of this powerful mechanical dragon python in front of him is dark blue, its only core is dark blue, and most of its body is patchwork.

Facing this big guy, Qiao Yu wasn't too scared.

Qiao Yu held his Black Flood Demon Devourer and stretched out his hand, and one after another, second-level blood-eyed bats were summoned.

The second-level blood-eyed bats are smaller, faster, and have stronger visual ability. They can be used as Qiao Yu's most perfect vision. One after another, blood-eyed bats fly out. Everything is contained in the heart.

Da da da……

At this time, the mechanical dragon unceremoniously opened fire on those tiny bats.

(End of this chapter)

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