Calamity Frontier

Chapter 109 Killing

Chapter 109 Killing
Da da da……

The moment the gunshot rang out, Qiao Yu's figure fluttered slightly, and then rushed out like a cheetah.

In the dark night, Qiao Yu, who was running fast, had treacherous steps and a speed like the wind.

As he moved forward, Qiao Yu did not move in a straight line, but swayed slightly from side to side. Only a small amount of those dense bullets could hit Qiao Yu.

These legionnaires know a lot about Qiao Yu's information, and Qiao Yu also knows a lot about these legionnaires' information.

The weapons used by these legionnaires are basically ordinary firearms, and these ordinary firearms can't pose any threat to Qiao Yu at all.

However, Qiao Yu didn't want the other party to know that his defense was already so high.In this way, the opponent can foolishly think that guns can threaten him, and use information asymmetry to bring the opponent into the ditch. It has to be said that the Book of Black Knowledge has played a very important role.

Therefore, while Qiao Yu was advancing, he was also avoiding it.

"He's coming, be careful."

Suddenly, someone in a three-person army team shouted in a low voice.

Da da da……

Da da da……

The three of them held assault rifles and frantically fired at Qiao Yu.

And Qiao Yu approached the three of them, no longer dodging, and directly charged at each other's bullets.

The Black Flood Dragon Demon Devouring Knife, the blade cut across the heads of the three people in a perfect trajectory.

The three guys who thought that guns could threaten Qiao Yu, just before they died, were still pulling the trigger, trying to break Qiao Yu's bulletproof props.

However, the three of them did not break Qiao Yu's "bulletproof props" before they died.

"Why is this guy's bulletproof props so powerful?" The three of them had this thought, and they couldn't rest in peace.

Da da da……

At this time, there was another dense bullet impact shooting.

Qiao Yu stepped forward and hid to the other side.

As soon as a few people entered the combat state, the invisibility effect was broken.Qiao Yu was able to clearly know the positions of these people by using the vision of the blood-eyed bat.

"Follow me!" someone yelled.

Immediately, the remaining nine people surrounded Qiao Yu from three directions.

"A good strategy." Seeing the nine people encircling from three directions, Qiao Yu nodded slightly.

"Using guns to forcibly break my bulletproof props, and then using bullets to kill me, I have to say, your strategy is perfect. It's a pity - let you down." Qiao Yu's mouth curled into a sneer.

Stretching out his hand to grab the bronze-colored "Devil's Fang" shaped like a submachine gun, Qiao Yu held it in his hand.

Devil's Fang is very powerful, Qiao Yu still needs to see how it works in actual combat.

With a vertical posture, Qiao Yu galloped towards the group of three on one side.

Da da da……

Da da da……

Da da……

Intensive gunfire rang out.

Intensive gunshots sounded, including Qiao Yu's gunshots, and the gunshots of three legion soldiers.

During the shooting, Qiao Yu still kept moving at a high speed. The bullets of these people had a terribly low hit rate on Qiao Yu.And Qiao Yu was almost shot.

puff puff!

The first unlucky guy was broken by Qiao Yu's bulletproof props, and then died under Qiao Yu's devil's fang gun.

After killing the first guy, Qiao Yu had no intention of stopping at all.

The other two guys were still moving slightly to shoot at Qiao Yu.

"Looking for death!" While Qiao Yu chuckled, he shot at the remaining two guys without hesitation.

Soon, these two brave guys fell under Qiao Yu's gun.

Qiao Yu hid quickly.

"Ordinary assault rifles, the shooting speed is only about five rounds per second, but my devil's fang can shoot up to fifteen rounds per second. The firepower is very fierce, completely crushing their ordinary firearms, and..."

Qiao Yu will think about the situation just now.

"And, I observed through in-depth attributes. Just now, it seems that one bullet of mine destroyed the two effects of that guy's bulletproof props. It should be the first impact effect of my bronze firearm, plus the annihilation effect, Only in this way can we knock down two layers, and the bronze-level firearms are really powerful."

Previously, Qiao Yu's ordinary abyss magic power could only see the level of the opponent's life strength, but now the attribute vision of the pure level abyss magic power allows Qiao Yu to see more deep-level things, for example, the opponent's equipment, such as The opponent's bulletproof times, and when Qiao Yu restrained himself, it was even more perfect.It can be said that the pure-level abyss magic power far surpasses the ordinary-level abyss magic power.

"Are these guys starting to be a little timid?"

Qiao Yu saw these guys through the hidden blood-eyed bats, and instead of rushing over indiscriminately, he hid vigilantly.

"Huh?" Suddenly Qiao Yu's expression changed slightly.

Immediately, the devil's fang lifted up.

Qiao Yu shot down a black bird summoning creature.

"You still want to compete with me for the high-altitude vision area? You are thinking too much." The powerful perception ability and the precise and terrifying marksmanship can enable Qiao Yu to gain high-altitude vision to a large extent.

"However, by now they should already know that I'm not afraid of bullets!"

At this time, behind the wall bunker not far away.

The six people looked at each other, their faces were all a little pale, and an atmosphere of tension and despair wrapped around them like invisible vines.

"Are you sure you read it right?" The boxer looked at the man in the robe with a ferocious expression.

Although he couldn't believe it, the man in the robe still nodded with a distorted expression. "That guy's bullet defense is probably already fifteen points, or even higher."

After hearing the confirmation from the man in the robe, everyone else felt chilled.

"It's over!"

Desperation completely flooded everyone's hearts.

The guns and bullets in their hands are all ordinary, with fifteen points of defense, they are no longer afraid of their guns.

There are some powerful sniper rifles, but few of them know how to play with them. Instead of using sniper rifles, it is better to go up and fight the opponent in close combat.

And their opponents had already forcibly killed six people, and their strength was beyond imagination.They don't have any advantages in close combat. Besides, the opponent can rely on their speed, shoot with guns, and kill them alive.

No matter how you look at it, the six of them feel that there is nowhere in front of them.

There was a slight rustling sound.

The six people's hearts were shocked, and they looked around,

I saw a man twisting the Black Flood Demon Devouring Knife in his hand, walking slowly through the darkness. This man was terrifyingly silent, like an ancient well in a secluded land, and like an abyssal demon, choosing to devour people.Along the way, it seems to be born in blood.

Qiao Yu looked at these six people, and these six people also looked at Qiao Yu.

"Come on! Let me see, as E-level legionnaires, what qualifications do you have to fight against me." Qiao Yu lightly swiped the sword, and the blade made a mysterious round trajectory.


Although the six people were terrified, they did not lack the courage to fight, and the six people charged up brazenly.

(End of this chapter)

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