Calamity Frontier

Chapter 126 Little Black Riding Hood

Chapter 126 Little Black Riding Hood

I have a nice name - Little Black Riding Hood.

Because I always have a black hat on my head, this hat is made for me by my grandma.

My grandma told me she found me at the edge of the forest when I was very young.My parents were dead when she found me, blood trailing deep into the forest.My parents' bodies were taken away by some unknown monster, leaving only me.

Grandma said I was a very lucky little boy and because of that, I was able to survive.

Xeno Forest is the name of this jungle.

It's a fun place and I love it because there's a lot of "food" going on here.

Those "food" with two legs and holding various weapons in their hands.

Whenever they see me, they exude the delicious aroma of "food".I love the deliciousness of that food.

I often play in the alien forest, maybe I will run into the food that has entered the jungle at any time.

However, these days, I am very unhappy because my grandma is sick.

But what makes me strange is that every time my grandma lying on the bed sees me, I feel that there seems to be some kind of "food" smell on my grandma.This is very strange, this is not the case before.

In order to make grandma get better soon, I started to grab food in the jungle these days.Strange to say, a lot of food has come in these days, and at the same time, these foods are also very powerful.This has never been the case before.I feel that this world has become so weird, it seems that I don't even know it.

Just now, I saw a food, his speed is very fast, but mine is faster.I caught up to him, and I bit off his arm, and he screamed, the smell of food.

Oh!By the way, I forgot to tell you, my food is called "horror", do you want to taste it?It's really delicious.

Huh?Well, I won’t tell you anymore, I saw another food, this food was holding a big black knife.But it's strange that this food doesn't smell like food at all.Why doesn't he have "Thriller"?
He saw me, which was so weird, still no food smell.How is this possible, no matter what food sees me, it will emit a "horrifying" fragrance.But this food has no horror taste.Could it be that he and I are of the same race?

My grandma usually taught me to be polite to people, um, by the way, this human being may not be food, um!I have to talk to him politely.If he smells like food, I eat him politely.Well, it's such a happy decision.

at this time!deep in the jungle.

Qiao Yu, twisting his saber, looked at the terrifying creature in front of him with a faint smile.

First of all, this terrifying creature is in the form of a human body, with a black hat on its head.It is a full five meters high, and its head is round and strong, with a diameter of 1.5 meters.On the face, the nose, eyes, and ears all match this head, the only thing that doesn't match is this guy's mouth!
If the head is divided into 360 degrees, Qiao Yu estimates that the mouth can occupy more than 180 degrees.

This is a real big mouth.

Even, Qiao Yu could see flesh, fur, etc. in the gaps between the sharp teeth that were as thick as fingers.

Obviously, this guy in front of him is a terrifying monster that eats people.

"Hello, food." When Qiao Yu carefully looked at the scary monster in front of him, the scary monster spoke, and the horrifying voice actually contained the quality of politeness.

"A polite monster? This is really interesting." Qiao Yu laughed.

As a good young man, Qiao Yu, when faced with the politeness of others, it is natural to reciprocate courtesy.

"Hello, monster." Qiao Yu responded politely.

"I really want to eat you," said the little black hat.

"Unfortunately, I really want to kill you too." Qiao Yu said slowly.

" don't have the smell of food?" Little Black Riding Hood thought seriously.

"What food tastes like?"

“Scary taste of food.”

"Oh!" Qiao Yu nodded. "Do you feed on horror? Unfortunately, I don't have that stuff."

"No horror?" Little Black Riding Hood thought seriously.

"Compared to other people's horror, I like higher-level things, such as death, because it makes me feel more secure."

"So that's the case, so are we the same kind of people?"

"In a sense, we are the same kind of people." Qiao Yu gave an affirmative answer.

"Oh?" Little Black Riding Hood suddenly became happy. "My grandma is sick, can you help me treat my grandma?"

"Of course, I'm a professional." Qiao Yu lied, always swearing.

"That's really great. My grandma is in the deep jungle. If you save my grandma, I promise not to eat you." extremely fast.

Qiao Yu thought for a moment, and kept up with every move.

"Very powerful, very strange creature." Looking at the monster with a black hat that was advancing rapidly in front of him.Qiao Yu thought about it secretly.

Qiao Yu, who can see more and feel more, knows the monster in the black hat in front of him.Most likely it is a very special creature, and it may even be related to leaving this forest.

That's why Qiao Yu is willing to spend more time dealing with this black monster for a while.

Soon, Qiao Yu followed the little black hat to a remote corner deep in the jungle.

Here, under the dappled eyes, there is a wooden house built in the woods.The wooden house is very big, the door alone is five or six meters high.

"Grandma, I'm back. There is a human. He said he can heal you." The little black hat that got into the house said quickly.

Qiao Yu, who was standing outside the house, thought for a moment and then sank into the wooden house without moving.

Others would not dare to enter the same room with this terrifying monster, but for Qiao Yu, although the monster's life strength reached more than 670.However, he still has the strength to fight.Even the winning rate is quite high, so Qiao Yu is not afraid.

Walking into the house, what came into view was a white-haired old woman lying on the bed, and the monster was squatting aside at this time.

With just one glance, Qiao Yu could tell that the old woman was a witch.Qiao Yu couldn't hide the strong magic power.

Even Qiao Yu was able to see that the witch used her magic power to wrap some of her emotional blooms.

If Qiao Yu's guess is right, there must be horror in the packaged emotions, otherwise the monster would have eaten the old witch long ago.

However, this old witch is already too old, and his magic power is a little unstable.Qiao Yu speculated that he should have faintly revealed some of his horror, because, from the monster's eyes, Qiao Yu saw his desire for food.

And that old witch seemed to have noticed this too.

"Do you know what's wrong with my grandma?" At this time, the little black hat looked at Qiao Yu and asked.

"Your grandma is like this forest. She is not sick, but she is not dead." Qiao Yu thought in his heart.

"I need a good diagnosis before I can find out." Qiao Yu came to the old witch's bed and said so.

"If you dare to reach out and grab me, I will cut off your claws without hesitation." Then, Qiao Yu said in a cold voice, with a slight glance in his eyes, which were cold, dark, gloomy, and tyrannical, as if from Like hell.

Behind Qiao Yu, seeing Qiao Yu's deep eyes, the little black hat immediately retracted his half-outstretched hand, and then obediently stayed aside.

"My child, you go out first! I have something to tell this 'doctor'."

At this time, the old witch spoke.

"Okay, grandma." The little black hat was still very obedient to the old witch's words.So, the little black hat turned around and quickly left the jungle cabin.

(End of this chapter)

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