Calamity Frontier

Chapter 128 Depth Perception

Chapter 128 Depth Perception
"If you still dare to yell in front of me, I'll let you yell as much as you want." Looking at the yelling little black hat, Qiao Yu grinned sullenly.

As soon as he moved his steps, Qiao Yu's body was like a swimming dragon.The Black Flood Dragon Demon Devouring Knife moved ferociously, carrying black flames.

Cleverly crossing the side of the little black hat, the saber slashed down again.


Another huge wound emerged.

The painful little black hat quickly turned sideways and grabbed Qiao Yu again.

Qiao Yu, on the other hand, seemed to have figured out how the little black hat would move, and took advantage of the trend to move deftly to avoid the blow, and then slashed down fiercely.

At this time, Qiao Yu was not running around, but relying on speed and dexterity, he kept moving and flying around the little black hat,

Avoiding the attack range of the little black hat, and then attacking the little black hat frantically with the help of the black dragon demon devouring knife.

For an ordinary creature with more than 100 HP, Qiao Yu could kill it with just a few knives.

However, this creature with more than 600 life strengths is unparalleled in terms of defense, speed, and attack ability. Qiao Yu also needs a lot of strength to kill it.

While moving around, the Black Flood Dragon Demon Eater kept leaving wounds on the little black hat, but the little black hat still couldn't catch Qiao Yu.

Suddenly, a sharp claw ignored him.

Little Black Hat's sharp claws hit Qiao Yu's Black Flood Demon Devouring Knife.

Just a collision, Qiao Yu felt how ferocious this terrifying creature was.

Under the force collision, Qiao Yu's body floated back.


At that time, the little black hat came to slaughter with a ferocious face.


Qiao Yu sneered, and quickly moved away from the side with a slight step, while the little black hat swung fiercely and pounced on the big tree.

Immediately, the big tree was smashed to pieces by the claws of the little black hat.

Qiao Yu, on the other hand, took the opportunity to gain a firm foothold, and then culled him again.

This creature with more than 600 life strength needs a lot of fighting.

Qiao Yu and the little black hat fought all the way, and they didn't go anywhere.

Where Fangzheng and the two fought, there were traces of battle along the way, and some ordinary disaster fighters also saw it.But they can't intervene in this level of battle at all.

Seven and eight minutes later.

The sharp claws of the little black hat hit Qiao Yu's saber again, and Qiao Yu obviously felt that the strength had weakened a lot.

Qiao Yu, who has the power of Qinggang, has a long breath and continuous physical strength, which is most suitable for this kind of long-term fierce battle.

In the nearly 10-minute fight, Little Black Riding Hood exhausted a lot of energy, while Qiao Yu was able to handle it with ease.

"It's not enough anymore?" Qiao Yu smiled lightly.

At this time, the little black hat was covered in blood, and the surrounding open space was covered in blood red.If there is no special force supporting it, I am afraid that he would have died long ago.

As soon as he moved, Qiao Yu's figure was like the wind.

The Black Flood Demon Devourer swept across the air, creating waves of determination.

Little Black Riding Hood still wanted to dodge the knife, but at this moment it was too weak.


The black blade brushed by.

Little Black Riding Hood froze slightly, then his head fell to the ground.

After fighting for 10 minutes, the little black hat was finally decapitated by Qiao Yu.

"It's really not easy to kill." Looking at the beheaded little black hat, Qiao Yu shook his head slightly.

At this time, most of the abyss magic power in Qiao Yu's body was consumed, and one-third of his physical strength was also consumed. This terrifying creature with a life strength of nearly [-] was not easy to deal with.

"But I was killed in the end."

With a smile on his face, Qiao Yu began to collect his spoils.

A second-level ordinary equipment popped out from the little black hat. After looking at it, it was not suitable for Qiao Yu and could only be smelted into equipment fragments.

Then, Qiao Yu opened the mission log.

Quest: A Witch's Request (Completed)

Task content: kill the "little black hat".

Mission reward: Acquire the witch's depth perception ability.

Do you accept rewards?

"Accept Reward"

With a thought, Qiao Yu accepted the reward.

Suddenly, a blue breeze came gently, as if some kind of elf was whispering in Qiao Yu's ear.

Witches, they are elves who communicate between heaven and earth and nature, they understand the mysteries of nature, they understand the whispers of all things, and they listen to the waves of time.

Qiao Yu is well aware of the witch's ability to communicate with nature.Once I have gained this kind of deep perception, I will naturally have a deeper understanding of this world.The path of practice in the future will also be broader.

Perhaps in the eyes of many other professions, this ability to deeply perceive the nature of the world is useless.

This ability really cannot increase your strength, increase your speed, or make your blade sharper.

However, after subtle and in-depth perception manipulation.It can make your strength more precise, your steps lighter, and your blade more in line with the sky and the earth.

The reinforcement given by the Calamity God will only be stacked in number.

However, in terms of subtlety, meticulousness, and accuracy, the participants need to comprehend, comprehend, and control themselves.

The reason why Qiao Yu is strong may not be as good as others in terms of foundation, but in terms of control and perception in the subtleties, Qiao Yu will definitely crush anyone.The same [-] points of life strength, perfect grasp of the burst of strength, precise control of the pace speed, coupled with strong perception ability, so that you can kill a powerful person with [-] points of life strength, or even [-] points of life strength. biology.

This is the foundation of Qiao Yu's strength.

With the subtle blue breeze surrounding Qiao Yu, Qiao Yu could feel that his eyes could see more clearly, his ears could listen more carefully, and his perception ability became more delicate.

Vaguely, Qiao Yu could hear the deep wailing of the alien forest that was falling into the abyss of death.

With the soft whisper of the blue breeze, Qiao Yu knew a lot of information about the Alternative Forest.These things were left by the witch for Qiao Yu.

After a long time, Qiao Yu opened his eyes.

"It turns out that the only way to leave this forest is to kill these eight powerful forest guardians." Qiao Yu said lightly.

This alien forest is very strange, it is equivalent to a huge life, but it is now on the verge of decline.

As Qiao Yu said, it was half dead, but not completely dead.

Everything in this alien forest is not dead, mainly because there are eight powerful forest guardians, and these eight forest guardians represent.

Gluttony, lust, greed, sorrow, rage, laziness, conceit, arrogance.

And this little black hat is gluttonous with horror.

The other predators are also in different forms, hunting everyone who enters the forest.

These eight guardians are immortal, and the road to the forest will never end.

As long as these eight guardians are killed, the jungle will die, and everyone can leave here.At the same time, after killing these eight guardians, they will get rewards of various attributes.

(End of this chapter)

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