Calamity Frontier

Chapter 143 Rubik's Cube

Chapter 143 Rubik's Cube (No.11)
With every movement of Qiao Yu's steps, his figure was as swift as the wind.

The big meat ball monster also sensed that Qiao Yu was going to attack him, and a huge tentacle as thick as a bucket came to Qiao Yu and bit him.

The Black Flood Dragon Demon Devourer swung slightly, followed Qiao Yu's sideways dodge, and slashed fiercely.

This seemingly thick tentacle fell down with a knife, and was chopped off by Qiao Yu again.

In front of him, this terrifying big meatball creature.

Within Qiao Yu's visual range, there is a full [-] points of life strength. Undoubtedly, this is a very terrifying guy.

However, the terrifying point of this big meat ball calamity creature lies in its powerful illusion ability, and its physical body is extremely weak.

It can easily pull a large group of people into the illusion, kill them one by one, and then swallow them into its own belly.But it can't resist the attacks of many people.

This is how he treated Qiao Yu before.

But unfortunately, Qiao Yu has a strong soul and a deep understanding of self-compassion, so he can easily get rid of the sinking of the illusion.

If it is a calamity warrior of average strength, even if it is free from the sinking of the illusion.

But to Qiao Yu, this big meat ball with a life strength of 340 and [-] points, except for those tentacles that are a little threatening, is completely a guy who is strong on the outside but capable on the inside.

As long as the tentacles of this guy are cut off, then this big guy can be squeezed and rounded.

After cutting off this thicker shot, Qiao Yu continued to move forward quickly.

The Black Flood Demon Devouring Knife began to cut crazily while flashing rapidly.


With the roar of the big meat ball, one after another, the tentacles were cut off by Qiao Yu's Black Flood Demon Devouring Knife.

Leaping across lightly, the Black Flood Dragon Demon Devourer Knife tore open a huge and hideous wound from top to bottom.

After a while, the whole body of this big meat ball was covered with wounds cut by Qiao Yu's Black Flood Demon Devouring Knife.

A large amount of blood flowed out like a small stream of spring water.

"Ow ooh..."

At this time, the big meat ball let out a fierce roar, and at the same time, the huge soul attack continued to attack Qiao Yu.

And Qiao Yu's soul is as solid as a rock, unmoved.

A few minutes later, this powerful illusory disaster creature with huge wounds all over its body cut by Qiao Yu suddenly collapsed and died.

If this powerful illusionary disaster creature encountered anyone else, it would not be as miserable as it is now.

It's a pity that it met Qiao Yu, who was extremely defensive in terms of soul, and it really didn't lose at all if it died.

After the big meatball died, a black bead the size of a fist emerged.

Props: Metal Destroyer

Level: Level [-]

Introduction: It has a strong ability to destroy metal

Effect: It can cause extremely strong destruction effects on metal forms, metal substances, and metal life.

"Beads with metallic properties."

Seeing the properties of the black bead, Qiao Yu knew the specific function of this thing.

In the calamity world, some props in the auxiliary state can be fused.

Such as gems with the ability to inlay, or some energy bodies that can be absorbed and utilized, such as the mutation of the Sky Striker and Magic Vine.

Or it is the treasures like beads with certain special attributes in front of you.

And if you want to integrate the attributes of one piece of finished equipment into another piece of finished equipment, you need an item like the attribute furnace as a medium.

"The Metal Destroyer."

Seeing Qiao Yu, the third-level Destroyer, think about it secretly. Obviously, the attributes of this Metal Destroyer are specially designed to deal with those demonic mechanical creatures. It is undoubtedly the best to integrate into firearms and equipment. Qiao Yu's first thought was own demon fangs.

"The Devil's Fang itself has a very strong offensive ability, and it is also a bronze equipment, which can accommodate the third attribute. Once the fusion is successful, the attributes of the Devil's Fang can be further improved, and it will be much easier to deal with those demonic mechanical creatures. gone."

After making a mental decision, Qiao Yu raised his head again.

At this time, Qiao Yu's expression became a little dignified.

The thing that has a slight appeal to Qiao Yu is certainly not the so-called bead.

It was something else that gently called to Qiao Yu, and Qiao Yu had already seen it now.

At this time, a Rubik's Cube emerged above the corpse of this huge flesh ball calamity creature.

This is a six-color hexahedron cube.

Its six colors are red, orange, yellow, blue, blue and purple.

At this time, the hexahedron Rubik's Cube was floating in the air, slowly rotating.

"Three warm colors and three cool colors, facing each other and echoing each other."

Qiao Yu stared carefully at the hexahedron Rubik's Cube, but there was nothing in his attribute eyes.

Qiao Yu couldn't see the properties of this Rubik's Cube at all.

"A mysterious object calling me?" Qiao Yu rubbed his brows lightly. "And according to my understanding of the calamity world, there is no relevant information about this six-color hexahedron Rubik's Cube at all."

"It seems that we can only slowly learn the secret of this hexahedron Rubik's Cube in the future."

After thinking for a while, Hou Qiao Yu gently held the Rubik's Cube in his hand,

Starting with it, this Rubik's Cube has no weight at all, as light as air.The Rubik's Cube floated gently like this, allowing Qiao Yu to handle it.


With a thought, Qiao Yu put the hexahedron Rubik's Cube into the space ring.

Looking around, Qiao Yu walked towards the depths of the crack and abyss, where the last guardian was.

On the way, Qiao Yu fused the Metal Destroyer Bead with the Devil's Fang.

The devil's fang, which incorporates metal destruction attributes, has changed its attributes.

Weapon: Devil's Tooth

Level: Bronze Level [-]

Introduction: This is a tribute to the coming-of-age of the demon machinery family. It is powerful and can cause severe damage to metal. I believe it will surprise you.

Effect [-] (Super Magazine): Are you still worried about not enough bullets?Supermag will end this problem for you.

Effect [-] (Metal Annihilation): The bullet will annihilate the objects it touches.

Effect [-] (Metal Destruction): The bullet will cause violent damage to metal objects, and it is the nemesis of metal.

"Very good effect." Looking at this attribute, Qiao Yu nodded slightly.

"The Devil's Fang is relatively good against ordinary blue demon creatures, but it is a bit powerless against dark blue demon mechanical creatures."

"With this metal destruction effect, if I encounter those dark blue demonic creatures again, it will be easy to deal with."

While advancing, Qiao Yu's many blood-eyed bats continued to fly quickly in front of him, surveying Qiao Yu's field of vision.

Soon, Qiao Yu saw the corpses of many goblin-like creatures on the ground.

Vaguely, the sound of fighting came from the front.

(End of this chapter)

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