Calamity Frontier

Chapter 147 The Reappearance of Qinggang

Chapter 147 The Reappearance of Qinggang (No.15)
A cold, dark, dark underground crack space, a hidden place.

Suddenly Qiao Yu opened his eyes, which were as deep as a cold pool.

"The weird energy was dissipated by me, and the injuries on my body have healed." A smile appeared on the corner of Qiao Yu's mouth.

Qiao Yu could quickly dissipate that strange energy, and the injuries on Qiao Yu's body, not to mention Qiao Yu's powerful green power and strong heart, gave Qiao Yu an incredible ability to recover.

In less than ten minutes, the blood scab on the bloody hole on Qiao Yu's back had already begun to fall off, and after falling off, there was no scar left at all.

Qiao Yu, who stood up, turned his body slightly, and felt the energy recovery in his body, and his body recovered perfectly, and his state returned to its peak.

His eyes glanced at the depths of the abyss, where he was injured just now.

"For the time being, those two guys are really difficult to deal with. When my strength improves a little, then I can deal with those two guys very well."


Suddenly, Qiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Qiao Yu felt that in this alien forest, the last of the eight guardians had just died.Obviously killed by those legionnaires.

"According to the rules of this alien forest, after the death of the eight guardians, a shortcut to the next node will be opened. At the same time, the entire alien forest will be released, and those mechanical demon creatures will also come after them. "

"Now I have to leave here as soon as possible, and then continue to migrate to the south, otherwise, even if I am surrounded by many demonic machines, my chances of survival are slim."

With that in mind, Qiao Yu began to look for the way back.

Along the dark underground abyss passage, Qiao Yu began to move forward step by step.


As he went deeper, a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Qiao Yu's mouth.

At this time, in the cold darkness, Qiao Yu saw a calamity warrior with strange movements using the eyes of a blood-eyed bat.

"It's him."

After staring for a while, Qiao Yu saw clearly who this strange warrior was.

This strange warrior is the little fat man that Qiao Yu used to test the power of Sky Striker and Demon Vine.

Qiao Yu clearly remembered that this guy's skills include lightness skills - Feidu Xianyunbu.

Compared with the many skills sold in the disaster world, this kind of light work skill, or some kind of martial arts attack skill, needs to enter various special worlds to obtain it.

This little fat man can possess lightness skills, and he must have entered the world of martial arts disasters.

"This little fat man's strength is not bad. He won't come here for no reason. I think there must be some clues or discoveries." Qiao Yu thought to himself.

With that in mind, Qiao Yu moved slightly and followed up lightly.

After a while, Qiao Yu caught up with the little fat man who was winding forward on the dark and rugged road.

Although this little fat man is fat, his skills are extremely strong. He can deftly walk through the rugged roads, complicated terrain, and even dangerous points everywhere. However, the fly in the ointment is that this little fat man does not control energy It's not perfect, and there are many times when there will be some movement of footwork.

But compared to other disaster fighters, being able to do this is pretty good.

And Qiao Yu, in the process of the little fat man advancing, was like a ghost, silently, only more than 30 meters away from the little fat man, quietly followed, the little fat man was not aware of Qiao Yu's existence at all.

The two of them advanced all the way, unknowingly, between the cracks in the mountains, they advanced two to 3000 meters.

"Finally here." After crossing a wide corner, the little fat man suddenly let out a sullen breath and said.

"Oh? Has the destination finally arrived?"

Qiao Yu's slight voice came faintly like a ghost.

"Who?" The cat, as if its tail had been stepped on, instantly frowned, and the little fat man suddenly turned around and roared.

When he saw clearly that it was Qiao Yu, the little fat man shivered suddenly.

"It's you?"

"Of course it's me, or who do you think it would be?" Qiao Yu walked over slowly with a slight smile on his face.

Because, at this moment, Qiao Yu already felt that the little fat man came here for this purpose.That special energy body looming not far away.

Qiao Yu walked forward slowly, and the little fat man stared at Qiao Yu with a pair of eyes, fully alert, and even held weapons in his hands.Fights can break out at any time.

The little fat man will never forget those ghostly magic vines and that cannonball, those are his indelible memories.

"Last time, I let you escape. I didn't expect that this time, you would fall into my hands again. It's really hard work!"

Qiao Yu moved his eyes slowly, and put his gaze on the little fat man.

At this time, the little fat man's face was dark and even livid.

When Qiao Yu's eyes fell on him, although the other party seemed very relaxed and natural.But the fat man felt it.

Dangerous, extremely dangerous, under the relaxed and natural appearance is a tiger waiting to attack, a dragon waiting to devour people.

As long as I am negligent, I will definitely die.

call out--

In an instant, a black shadow swept from the side.

Fatty Xia was startled suddenly. His fighting instinct for a long time made the hammer in his hand strike away without hesitation.

But the moment he made the move, he regretted it, because out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the young man named Qiao Yu, holding the big black knife, sweeping towards him like a gust of wind.The black saber, above the blade, rippled with traces of incomparably mysterious traces.


The little fat man knew he was done.Those who can show the trajectory of the blade are all masters of "vector static".

He just had a little contact with it, and the other party has completely mastered this state.


Putting down the fat man's head, it flew leisurely, with unwillingness and remorse on his face.


The little fat man's head hit the wall and bounced back to Qiao Yu's feet.

"Thank you for bringing me here. In return, I skipped the death process and let you enter the final stage of death. For you, this--it is very profitable."

Then, Qiao Yu turned his eyes slightly and looked deep into the crack.

The energy body there was obviously discovered by the little fat man, and now it is about to fall into Qiao Yu's hands.

This force is the power of Qinggang, or - the power of the holy source.

Qiao Yu obtained the power of Qinggang very early last time. I have to say that Qiao Yu was really lucky.

In the subsequent series of battles, Qiao Yu survived many difficulties with the power of Qinggang.The power of Qinggang's effect on Qiao Yu is self-evident.

And now, Qiao Yu is about to acquire Qinggang for the second time.

Standing in a quiet corner, Qiao Yu stretched out his palm, and began to carefully manipulate the free power of the green gang, and then refined it and inhaled it into the body.

Compared with the slow absorption last time, this time Qiao Yu already has the power of Qinggang in his body, and the speed has increased by more than ten times.

"Last time, the number of green gangs I absorbed was seven, and this time the number of green gangs was obviously more than last time, a full eleven points. In this way, the power of my green gangs has reached ten." Eight o'clock."

"The threshold of 25 points for 'Cell Armed' is not far away."

While absorbing, Qiao Yu thought secretly in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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