Calamity Frontier

Chapter 162 Cooperation

Chapter 162 Cooperation
Jian Qiushi died.

Jian Qiushi, who tried in vain to break through the big comeback, vainly tried to Tu Qiaoyu, and proved the way of kendo, died.

Died by Qiao Yu's knife.

He died without any resistance. In front of everyone, Qiao Yu chased him and chopped off his head with a single knife.

Kong Kongli, who jumped back, saw Qiao Yu cut off the head of Jian Qiushi, who was in the same camp as him, with a single knife.

"Let's go." However, he didn't hesitate because he was a bit sad, he knew that he couldn't stay here for too long.

His jumping skill is only 50 meters, and Qiao Yu's battle location is more than 100 meters away from the safe area of ​​the metal barrier.In other words, his current location is equivalent to being in the desert, and this location is not safe.

However, when Kong Kongli turned around and came back, the corners of his eyes suddenly twitched slightly.

Because behind him, the gate leading to the safe zone of the metal barrier.A common swordsman, and an assassin wearing a gray and white cloak and playing with a dagger, were blocked there.

Kong Kongli only pays attention to the front, he didn't expect that his back road was cut off by others.

"Hello, the dying gunman—Kong Kongli." At this moment, Qiao Yu's voice came at the right time.

In front of him were two disaster fighters who were not weaker than him, and behind him was that Qiao Yu.

"Desperate situation." In an instant, Kong Kongli clearly recognized his own state.

He took a dull breath.


Kong Kongli, with a solemn expression, let out a long roar, and brazenly launched a charge.

However, this charge is destined to be the last charge in his life.

Deng Ping and Yingli blocked his charge.

Then Qiao Yu came from behind.

Three on one.

This is an empty and desperate battle.

As soon as this battle started, it was doomed to end, and Kong Kongli was doomed to be unable to make any waves.

Under the restriction of two people, Qiao Yu only used three knives to cut along Kong Kongli's right shoulder to his left waist, and cut Kong Kongli to death with one knife.The death was extremely tragic.

So far, the battle has come to an end.

As strong as Jian Qiushi, such a master as Kong Kongli, even if they join forces, they are no match for Qiao Yu.

The disaster fighters have already felt it. After returning this time, I am afraid that Qiao Yu's name will be completely publicized.After all, today's battle was witnessed by so many people, and many people even recorded it.

But at this time, Qiao Yu was not concerned about these things.

"Thank you for helping me kill this guy." Qiao Yu thanked the two of them.

To be honest, if these two people hadn't helped Qiao Yu, Kong Kongli would have escaped today.

His eyes flicked over the two of them, and then Qiao Yu's eyes fell on Deng Ping.

"The sword that day was so sharp." Qiao Yu said lightly.

"Hahaha..." Deng Ping shook his head slightly and smiled. "On that day, that sword was only for self-protection, and there was absolutely no intention of offending."

Deng Ping's words are true. If he raged with his sword that day, and then exploded, killing the two protected people, he would also bring Qiao Yu into the pit by the way, causing Qiao Yu to lose 20.00% Qiao Yu will definitely hunt him down to the ends of the earth for all the benefits.

Fortunately, this Deng Ping is a smart man and did not do such stupid things, otherwise, he would not be alive now.

"Okay, the chat is over, then it's time to get down to business, what are you two going to do?" Qiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the two of them like a sleeping lion.

"Cooperation." Yingli stated her purpose in a straightforward manner.

"Cooperation?" Qiao Yu glanced at the two of them.

For Qiao Yu, cooperation is a very interesting word.After all, cooperating with those powerful guys can often produce the effect that one plus one is greater than two.Even many things can be done easily.

Therefore, Qiao Yu has never rejected cooperation, but has not found a suitable partner for a long time.

And the two guys in front of them, at least in terms of strength level, are sufficient.

"I'm very happy to cooperate." Qiao Yu nodded slightly.

"In this case, let's find a hidden place and have a good talk."

Immediately, the three of them sank into the safe area of ​​the metal barrier together, and then disappeared.

Above the metal barrier, many legionnaires felt something bad when they saw Qiao Yu and the other three entering the metal barrier together.

"Brother Qiushi and Brother Li are both dead, what should we do?" Someone in the crowd suddenly asked.

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, this is a safe zone. Those Qiao Yu and others really dare to come and kill us?" someone asked.

"That's true." Someone nodded.

"This is a safe zone after all. Those three guys are powerful, but they don't dare to kill us. As long as we don't make trouble, those guys won't mess with us."

"Having said that, I think we still need to be united, and at the same time, we need to be careful. Maybe they have some vicious conspiracy."

"Unite together? What an idiot. In my opinion, it's better for each team to fight on their own, so as not to be led into the pit by others."

"Who do you call an idiot?" An angry voice sounded.

"I'll call whoever is an idiot?" A yin and yang voice sounded.

As soon as the pillars of the second watch fell, the group of legionnaires turned into a mess.

No one can decide to pay attention, and no one can make the decision.

However, this scattered situation didn't last long. Seeing a group of people quarreling, some teams simply left with their team members.

One after another, the more than 200 legion soldiers who originally gathered together dispersed one after another.


Deep in the metal barrier, a hidden corner.

Qiao Yu and the other three gathered together.

"...In this way, this plan can come true." Ying Li slowly explained her plan. "Once successful, the benefits will be extremely impressive. What do you two think?"

Yingli's plan is not very complicated at all, it can even be said to be very simple.

But such a simple plan was very sinister and sinister, which won Qiao Yu's heart.As long as it succeeds, the benefits are as Ying Li said, the benefits are huge.

"This plan..." Deng Ping glanced at Qiao Yu out of the corner of his eye. "very good."

Deng Ping knew that the only special variable in this plan was this Qiao Yu, and at the same time, this Qiao Yu was also a key point in the plan.If Qiao Yu is willing to cooperate, this plan will definitely be successful.

"I very much agree with this plan." After thinking for a while, Qiao Yu nodded slightly to express his agreement.

"Very good!" Seeing that Qiao Yu agreed, Yingli smiled. "Brother Qiao Yu's strength is undisputed number one in the whole world. Although Brother Deng Ping and I have few strengths, we have few opponents. Coupled with Brother Qiao Yu's miraculous marksmanship, the three of us Together, this plan will surely be a great success.”

"It's still too early to say success. After all, it's not certain whether we can hold all these barriers." Qiao Yu interjected calmly.

"Well, brother Qiao Yu is more thoughtful." Yingli also nodded slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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