Calamity Frontier

Chapter 177 Done

Chapter 177 Done


The sound of fighting and gunfire intertwined.

All the demon mechanical creatures, under the urging of the horn, have only one purpose, which is to rush into the metal fortress, and then kill all humans.

chi chi-



Suddenly, the air became chaotic, chaotic, and manic.

"what happened?"

In an instant, many human masters, as well as those blue creatures among the demon mechanical creatures, they all noticed the abnormal state in this world.

"This is……"

A blue mechanical feathered armored dragon carefully felt the chaos in the air.

"not good."

In an instant, the eyes of this azure mechanical feathered armored dragon stared round.


A wild lion not far from the mechanical feather armored dragon roared directly, and this blue wild lion also discovered the situation here.

The mechanical feather armored dragon suddenly turned around in the air, flapped its wings frantically, and all those acceleration and acceleration skills burst out.

At this time, not only this mechanical feathered armored dragon, but also all the blue-level demonic mechanical creatures frantically escaped from the metal barrier.

They all felt that something terrifying was about to explode.

"Do you know how to escape now? It's a pity that it's too late."

Standing on the edge of the metal barrier, Qiao Yu looked at the many powerful demonic mechanical creatures that were fleeing here at this moment, and said softly.

The violent and chaotic air vibrated with the fierce atmosphere.

Suddenly, the whole world paused slightly.

In an instant, the violent air calmed down, and those chaotic effects seemed to disappear from the world in an instant.

"It's coming." Feeling the brief silence before the storm, Qiao Yu said softly.


Like an ancient desolate beast, a force powerful enough to overturn the sky, earth and sky exploded.


A slight golden streamer visible to the naked eye suddenly penetrated the earth and shot straight into the sky.

Terrifying energy fluctuations shone with a slight golden arc that instantly permeated the entire world.What this electric arc contains is the power to crazily destroy metal life.

"Do not……"

Realizing that the energy veins in his body were about to be torn apart by the violent energy, a blue wolf roared loudly.

The shock wave swept directly.

This blue wolf's body froze suddenly, and the energy veins in the running body were instantly torn and shattered.The blue war wolf fell to the ground with a bang, it was too dead to die.

When the shock wave swept over, not only the blue wolf died directly.

Those ordinary creatures from the demon world, the green demonic mechanical creatures, and even the slow-moving purple king black tortoise that was running away suddenly fell to the ground.

"Damn it, what's going on!" The Purple King Xuangui roared with all his strength, and immediately, a terrifying energy shock wave swept over.

After the shock wave swept through, all the demonic creatures fell to the ground.

None of them survived at all.


"What's the situation?"

"These demonic mechanical creatures are... all dead?"

Everyone was stunned when they saw all the demonic mechanical creatures fell to the ground and died in an instant.It's hard to believe the scene in front of you, it's really unexpected, even unbelievable.

Previously, many participants were preparing to fight to the death, but now the enemies were all dead in an instant.

Just when everyone was in a state of surprise.

The icy voice of the Calamity God suddenly sounded.

"The task of guarding the metal barrier is completed ahead of schedule, and the door of return is opened."


Everyone heard the sound of the return of the disaster lord god.

First he was slightly startled, and then many people burst into laughter.

"Finally I can return, hahaha..."

"The task this time is really a bit strange, and it was completed in an instant."

"Yes, it is indeed a bit strange, but it is a good thing to be able to return now."

"Yes, it would be great to be able to go back."

First, a terrifying energy shock wave swept over, and a large number of demonic mechanical creatures around died. The task was completed in an instant, and then the message of the Lord of Calamity was prompted, and the return could be completed.

These things came together so abruptly that it was really hard for everyone to accept.

"Have you noticed? The state of the safe zone here seems to be..." One, the adventurer looked at the surrounding space, and he said suddenly.

"The status of the safe zone has disappeared."

"The safe zone disappeared?"

At this time, no matter whether it was the legion fighters or the disaster fighters, they all suddenly discovered that the safe zone had disappeared.

Originally, the legion fighters and disaster fighters could safely complete the mission together because of the existence of this safe zone.

However, at this moment, the task is completed, and the safe zone is naturally revoked.

Once this safe zone is revoked, then——

"Ah—you bastard actually dared to attack me."

Suddenly, there was a scream, stirring up.

This scream immediately made everyone tense up.

The disappearance of the safe zone means that it is possible to fight, and it means that everyone can tear their faces apart.

There are many corpses of demonic mechanical creatures outside here, and those high-level corpses, there are a lot of good things that explode, and inside this metal barrier, there are many legion soldiers.


For a moment, this similar idea appeared in everyone's mind.


A disaster warrior who reacted immediately roared, and rushed towards the area where the legion soldiers were located.

Brothers, kill those Legionnaires.

"Yes, kill those bastards."


At this time, on the side of the legion soldiers, there was also a surge of voices.Apparently, the legionnaires also reacted.They are also going to kill them.

And those guys with bright brains, the first thing they thought of was not to kill people from the opposing camp, but to aim at the explosive things that exploded from the blue demonic mechanical creatures in the outside world.

Even, these guys also know that there was a purple black turtle just now, and that thing exploded, and the stability is a silver-level good thing.Even if you can't get the things that burst out from the purple black turtle, even if you can get the good things of the bronze level that those blue creatures burst out, that's still very good.

After all, for these ordinary disaster fighters, bronze-level equipment is enough to improve their strength a lot.

Of course, there are also some guys who know that their strength is not strong, and the first thing they think of is returning, not participating in the battle.

Some want to kill people for profit, some want to find the door to return and return as soon as possible, and some want to go out and search for those good things that have exploded.There are also those who want to fish in troubled waters.

In less than a minute, the wave just ended, and this chaotic battle broke out again, even hotter than the previous wave.

Mania, confusion, fighting, screaming.

For a time, staggered.

(End of this chapter)

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