Calamity Frontier

Chapter 179 Nuclear Bomb

Chapter 179 Nuclear Bomb
Charge, shoot, fight.

chug chu...

Dense bullets shot out frantically.

People kept dying at Qiao Yu's gunpoint.

At this moment, Qiao Yu didn't care who the enemy was, how many enemies there were, and where the enemies were.Just hear the sound of fighting.Qiao Yu will follow the sound and charge towards him.

Although those guns and bullets had already threatened Qiao Yu, Qiao Yu was still cautious, chasing and killing him carefully with the Demon Night in his hand.

Facing these legionnaires who almost killed him in the passage before, Qiao Yu would not show mercy at all.

As long as you see it, kill it all.

chug chu...

A burst of dense bullets exploded, and a small group of soldiers from the six legions were all shot to death by Qiao Yu.


With strange steps and erratic figure, Qiao Yu kept advancing along the corridor, and there were legion soldiers all around.

Qiao Yu killed completely.

The bullets of Devil's Fang slanted out crazily, constantly shooting and killing legionnaires.

puff puff...

Another four legionnaires died under Qiao Yu's gun.

During the fight, Qiao Yu's calamity coins rose crazily.

These legion fighters, without the protection of core masters, rely on these mid-level fighters, they are not Qiao Yu's opponents at all.

"Be careful, old money, that Qiao Yu is rushing towards you, be careful." A mage on a high platform saw Qiao Yu rushing all the way, and he was about to rush to his good friend. The mage on one side immediately roared loudly.

chug chu...

The dense bullets shot directly at the mage, who only showed his head for a second, and his head was blown off by Qiao Yu.

call out--

call out--

Immediately afterwards, two rockets roared towards Qiao Yu.

The shock wave bloomed around Qiao Yu with terrifying explosion damage.

Qiao Yu bore all the attacks of this hot weapon as if nothing had happened.

Quickly evading behind a steel stone pillar, the attacks of more than 30 legion soldiers came densely and staggered.

"Quick, take out your heavy weapon and kill that Qiao Yu."

At this time, the legionnaires also knew that bullets couldn't kill Qiao Yu, so they immediately started loading heavy weapons.

"Old cow, you bastard, don't hide the miniature nuclear bomb, quickly take it out, and launch it over there. Ordinary weapons are useless against that Qiao Yu, we need to use nuclear bombs. If we don't kill him, we will all die. We Fight him." A legionnaire roared heart-piercingly.

"Damn it, my launch tube is broken, which one of you has it." The legionnaire called Lao Niu responded loudly.

Before these people took out the nuclear bomb, on the other side, a dozen disaster fighters rushed over.


As soon as these calamity fighters came over, no matter whether you were Qiao Yu or a legionnaire, they fired randomly, and those heavy weapons slammed towards them crazily.


call out--


All kinds of explosion sounds come and go, completely intertwined into one piece.

The addition of these dozen disaster fighters made the battle situation even more chaotic.

At this time, many disaster fighters only need to see that they are enemies.

Then directly, cannon fire bullets, crazy pouring.

A chaotic battle, in full swing.Some don't even know who they should hit, and they just do it when they see someone.

"Be careful, the enemy is coming over there, you suppress it with firepower, the nuclear bomb here is ready, and Qiao Yu is about to be killed."

This group of legionnaires knew that they were not Qiao Yu's opponents, so at this moment they were desperate to give it a go.

"Get ready, use defensive props. It's about to launch. Whether you can survive or not depends on luck." A commanding legion soldier directly roared loudly.

This group of legionnaires was really ruthless. Seeing Qiao Yu attacking him, he knew he couldn't stop him, so he immediately started nuking him.

call out--

The nuclear bomb was launched suddenly.

"[-]-ton equivalent will blow you up, you bastard." Lao Niu ruthlessly sent the miniature nuclear bomb he harvested when he cleaned up a FF-level world back then.

"Damn it, it's a nuclear bomb!"

"Hide away."

"Find cover."

"The soldiers of the legion are going to desperate, run!"

Some guys with the attribute of consciousness saw this miniature nuclear bomb in an instant, and this group of fighters jumped up and down.Run around.

"Want to blow me up? You are thinking too much."

Earlier, when he heard the opponent screaming and launching a nuclear bomb, Qiao Yu directly jumped down a small ladder on the side.

Even though Qiao Yu's defense ability is extremely strong, facing this nuclear bomb, even if it is a miniature nuclear bomb, if it hits nearby, the power will be unbearable. If it hits directly, he may die.

Therefore, Qiao Yu immediately ran away. The group of guys were desperate, and Qiao Yuhe was not interested in letting the other party hold the back.

When the opponent launched a nuclear bomb, Qiao Yu had already hid directly in a small bunker.

There are not many other things in this metal barrier, but there are quite a lot of bunkers.

Qiao Yu just hid in the bunker.


Suddenly, an indescribable explosion sound swept across in an instant.

Although the explosion site of the nuclear bomb was hundreds of meters away from Qiao Yu, and there were layers of obstacles.But the terrifying concussion shock wave of the nuclear bomb swept across, and it still made Qiao Yu deaf in an instant.

The violent rumbling sound instantly deafened Qiao Yu's ears, and at the same time, black blood flowed out from the seven orifices.

Qiao Yu, who couldn't hear the sound, only felt a sudden violent shaking around him, and all the air was instantly suppressed.

Withstanding the impact of the nuclear bomb, Qiao Yu did not once or twice. Qiao Yu did not use the magic power of the abyss, but used his body to resist the shock wave. The magic power of the abyss was not enough to see under the terrifying shock wave.

The sweeping suppressed air directly pressed Qiao Yu to the ground, and the power of the nuclear bomb was truly terrifying.

Fortunately, the shock wave passed in just a few seconds.


As soon as the shock wave passed, Qiao Yu, who was lying on the ground, spurted out a mouthful of thick, black blood.

"Legion soldiers of the dog days." Qiao Yu, who was panting on the ground, cursed.

"Fortunately, I got a piece of silver equipment, and the injury is not serious. Otherwise, I would have been disabled for at least ten minutes."

Qiao Yu, breathing in the hot and radioactive air, climbed out of the bunker.

He twisted his body slightly, and there was an explosion in his bones.

"It's not bad, it's not serious, and it still has [-]% of its strength." Qiao Yu, feeling his body, secretly said.

Immediately, Qiao Yu, who was twisting the Black Flood Demon Devouring Knife, came to the open area in the middle of the metal barrier.

Those legionnaires fired nuclear bombs from the opposite side just now.Fortunately, Qiao Yu hid quickly, otherwise, he would be severely disabled even if he was not dead.

The dust cloud raised by the nuclear bomb gradually dissipated.

Qiao Yu saw the terrifying power of the nuclear bomb after it exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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