Calamity Frontier

Chapter 185 Contact

Chapter 185 Contact
Equipment: Baipi True Spirit Blade
Level: Silver Level [-]

Introduction: It is a magical weapon tempered by Taihao real fire and Taiyin real water through the intersection of nine layers and three yangs.

Effect 15 (spiritual blade): sharpness +[-].

Effect 15 (Blazing Light): Sensitivity +[-].

Effect 30 (Heavy Mountain): The power of the sword +[-]%.

This is the basic attribute of Baipi True Spirit Blade. After all, it is a silver-level good thing, and it cannot be compared with ordinary props.

Then Qiao Yu took out the Attribute Furnace and the Black Flood Demon Devourer Knife.

"Old friend, old friend!" Qiao Yu gently stroked the Black Flood Dragon Demon Devourer and said slowly.

"In this world, as long as you are a person, you have the possibility of betrayal, but you are different. As long as you are in my hands, you will always stand with me. In this world, there are very few people I can trust, and you are one of them. But to be honest, I am too lazy to believe in anything, all living beings are illusory, true and false have no form, and the only one who can rely on it is myself in the end."

"In this life, why should you care about other people's words, judgments, and evaluations. I will do my own way, and anyone who dares to stop me will be killed, that's all."

Soon Qiao Yu shook his head again.

"There is no banquet in the world that never ends, and only when there is separation can there be reunion."

Immediately, Qiao Yu threw the Black Flood Dragon Demon Devourer into the attribute furnace.

The "evolution" in the Black Flood Demon Devouring Knife is a very powerful attribute, which can be integrated into the Baipi True Spirit Blade, allowing the Baipi True Spirit Blade to continuously grow by itself as it fights.

After a while, the "evolution" attribute of the Black Flood Dragon Demon Devourer was extracted.

After the Black Flood Dragon Demon Devouring Knife was taken out of its attributes, after its attributes collapsed, the entire equipment was directly invalidated.


Immediately Qiao Yu took out the Hundred Pieces True Spirit Blade, and manipulated the attribute furnace to fuse the "evolution" attribute into the Hundred Pieces True Spirit Blade.

When Qiao Yu merged, a message appeared in the disaster log.

"The evolution attribute is a bronze-level attribute, do you want to spend 300 Calamity Coins to upgrade it to a silver-level attribute?"

Low-level attributes are integrated into high-level equipment. If you are not willing to spend extra money, then you can only continue to be a low-level existence, which is not efficient.After spending the calamity coins to upgrade, this attribute will become very suitable for the equipment.


Naturally, Qiao Yu would not refuse this.

Soon, the Baipi True Spirit Blade was fused, and the three attributes became four attributes.

It is relatively rare for silver equipment to have four attributes, but for Qiao Yu who has an attribute melting furnace, as long as there are enough equipment and enough calamity coins, Qiao Yu can completely create a small magic outfit for himself.

Then, Qiao Yu upgraded Baipi True Spirit Blade.

97 silver equipment fragments directly upgraded the Baipi True Spirit Blade to Silver Level [-].The Baipi True Spirit Blade of Silver Level [-] has become extremely powerful.

Equipment: Baipi True Spirit Blade
Level: Silver Level [-]

Introduction: It is a magical weapon tempered by Taihao real fire and Taiyin real water through the intersection of nine layers and three yangs.

Effect 60 (spiritual blade): sharpness +[-].

Effect 60 (Blazing Light): Sensitivity +[-].

Effect 120 (Heavy Mountain): The power of the sword +[-]%.

Effect [-] (Evolution): Killing an enemy can consume a large amount of energy for self-improvement.

The Baipi True Spirit Blade, which has four attributes and has reached the fourth level of silver, is extremely powerful.

The sharpness of [-] points alone is shocking. At Qiao Yu's DD level, basically no one can defend up to [-] points. As long as he can touch it, Qiao Yu is basically a knife. Can cut the opponent to death.This is the terrifying effect brought by powerful weapons.

And Qiao Yu's defense of up to 42 points can resist the enemy's weapon attacks, even a dozen or even dozens of attacks with ordinary skills.

With a sensitivity of [-] points, Qiao Yu's saber is lightning fast.Such a high sensitivity will make Qiao Yu's Baipi True Spirit Blade more dexterous and faster than a dagger.

As for the power of the heavy mountain effect, it is even more terrifying, directly increasing the power of the sword itself by 1.2 times.

To sum up, this Silver Level [-] Baipi True Spirit Blade is powerful against the sky, and it is a magic weapon at this stage.

"Hundred True Spiritual Blades." Qiao Yu stared at the Hundred True Spiritual Blades, and said softly.

The Baipi True Spirit Blade is slightly smaller than the Black Flood Demon Devourer Knife, about five feet six inches in height, dark and silvery in color, very light in the hand, only about five catties, compared to ordinary one-handed swords, and Be lighter.

If the Black Flood Dragon Devil Devouring Knife still needs to rely on the weight of the saber to enhance the power of the blade, then the Hundred Pieces True Spirit Blade is completely unnecessary.The power of the Baipi True Spirit Blade lies in its powerful power at the Silver Level [-] itself.

Of course, if it can't exert its hidden power, then it can exert the most basic sword attribute power.

Qiao Yu stretched out his hand to gently hold the Hundred True Spirit Blade, closed his eyes and felt it gently.

The incomparably pure abyssal magic power slowly penetrated into it, and Qiao Yu could feel that the hundred true spirit blades were in a deep sleep. If no one woke them up, he would only be an ordinary soldier forever.

In a moment of tranquility, Qiao Yu gently called the Hundred Pieces True Spirit Blade.

In the eyes of others, this knife is just a knife, it is iron, and it is dead.

In Qiao Yu's view, this knife is not only a knife, but also spiritual and alive.

Slowly, Qiao Yu opened his eyes.

"Okay, don't sleep, it's time to get up." Suddenly, Qiao Yu shouted in a low voice.

The voice just fell.


A whistling sound, like a dragon's howl, burst out from the Baipi True Spirit Blade, and the sharpness echoed uncontrollably.For a moment, within the entire house, there was a whistling of blades.

The soft chirping of the blade was not intended to kill the kind of gold and iron horse.It is a sense of elegance like a dragon riding a blue sky.

"What a good guy." He looked at the Hundred Pieces True Spirit Blade in his hand.Qiao Yu laughed. "In the future, we will need you and me as companions to drink the blood of the world and kill the people of the world together."


Baipi True Spirit Blade trembled slightly, as if responding to Qiao Yu's words.

Seeing this, Qiao Yu smiled even more.

"Silver-level good things are really mysterious and unusual, and they can't be found anywhere."

Then Qiao Yu looked out through the window, at the many times in the sky—the timeline.

"I'm already DD-level, and the next mission world must be DD-level. Those legionnaires must be thinking of various vicious methods to deal with me. However, my equipment and attributes are already Gradually taking shape, now I am really not afraid of them."

"The second-level magic pool, the rare abyss magic power. The second-level leader-level heart. All these make me stronger. I want to see how those guys will deal with me."

(End of this chapter)

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