Calamity Frontier

Chapter 187 Time River

Chapter 187 Time River
Dark, breathing, static, nuanced.

Inside the hotel, in a dark environment, Qiao Yu sat cross-legged on the sofa, practicing quietly.

With the practice, Qiao Yu has already felt that although the subtle beauty is still a little slight at this moment, it can be clearly displayed in Qiao Yu's direct perception.

"Into the micro!"

A smile formed on the corner of Qiao Yu's mouth.

Being subtle is a very mysterious realm. It is a bridge between the body and the heaven and earth, and it is also a means for the mind to contact the nature of the heaven and the earth.

Now Qiao Yu has gradually begun to feel it more clearly, and has come into contact with the mysterious realm.

Without nuance, it is difficult to appreciate the mysterious feeling of nuance.

Once you get into the details, the world, the nature, the body, the soul, what you see, what you hear, what you care about, what you feel, are all useless.

The most intuitive manifestation is that the strength is stronger and the insight is more detailed.


Suddenly, Qiao Yu let out a long breath, which was like a horse training, flying more than a foot away.

Then Qiao Yu slowly opened his eyes.

Slightly squeezed his fist, Qiao Yu's smile gradually bloomed.

"After a few days of strengthening, the strength has increased a little. Even after entering the DD-level task world, it is still in the top state. But I have to be careful. Other participants, some even went through four or five The mission world has only entered the DD level."

"Generally, F-level and E-level mission worlds are either high-tech worlds, low-armed worlds, or low-magic worlds."

"And once you enter the D-level, the world of science and technology will be relatively less. The world of Chinese martial arts and the world of demons will become the mainstream at this time. At the same time, many supernatural projections, horror projections, mythological projections, etc. will begin. Appear."

"If nothing else happens, the next mission world will be either the Zhongwu World or the Zhongmao World. According to those forums, in this Zhongwu World and the Zhongmao World, those boss-level powerhouses are all powerful. It is extremely terrifying. In the world of Chinese martial arts, those masters can kill people by picking flowers and flying leaves. And in those worlds that are enchanted, some powerful legendary creatures may even appear, such as giant dragons, titans, abyssal demons, etc. "

Wanting to see this, Qiao Yu smiled lightly.

"But for me, cold weapons are my strength. With hot weapons, those guys are still a bit threatening, but once they enter the era of cold weapons. I want to see those guys on the side of the legion fighters, they can still take How can you deal with me?"

"Brother Qiao, look, something big is happening outside."

Suddenly, Xiao Zilong flew in along the window, and then hurriedly yelled.

These days, after returning to the Calamity Castle, Qiao Yu played Xiao Zilong in the Calamity Castle by himself. Anyway, here, he can't hurt anyone, and no one can hurt him.

"What's the big deal?" Qiao Yu walked over and asked unhurriedly.

"Look at the sky, look at the sky." Xiao Zilong hurriedly urged.

Qiao Yu raised his head and looked towards the sky.

It didn't matter if it didn't matter, Qiao Yu was obviously taken aback.

"Is this...a vision? What that guy said is indeed true."

At this moment, above the sky, in the long river of time.

Originally, the various kinds of oriented scattered presented different forms, thick or thin timelines, but at this moment, all of them have changed.

At this time, the timelines of all the worlds in the sky all follow the direction of the long river of time and become extremely straight, regardless of thickness or length, they all follow the direction of the river and become straight.

At first glance, it is spectacular and very strange.

"What a wonderful sight."

"But I have never seen such a mysterious and unusual scene."

"If you can tell me, what's going on?"

"Who knows? But then again, anyway, I feel that in this disaster world, no matter how bad it is, what can I do?"

At this time, many people in the castle seemed to have been notified or aware of the situation, so many disaster fighters came to the open area of ​​the castle one after another, looking up at the starry sky.


Above the starry sky, above the sky, on the side of the long river of time.

The edge of the Starry Sky Demon City.

At this time, Saint Shen Hao, Mo'anhua, and the high-level core personnel of the Black God gathered here.

At this time, the darkness was overwhelming, and there were hundreds of people.

These people just stood silently on the edge of the Starry Sky Demon City, looking at the long river of time where the vision was happening at this moment, everyone was silent.

However, among the hundreds of people, there were only four people in the front stands.

These four people stood here alone like this, no one else dared to approach.

Among these four people, there is an old man with white beard and hair, a monk with a celestial demeanor and a pale face, an old woman with a hunchback, and a handsome face, who is not angry and majestic, has the air of a superior, and holds his hands. the young people behind.

After a long time, an old man with white beard and hair spoke slowly.

"It's been more than 600 years without knowing it." The old man looked at the long river of time and said slowly.

"Yeah, time flies so fast, 600 years have passed before you know it, it's really white clouds and dogs, and white horses pass by." The old woman responded slowly.

"The situation of the last battle is still vivid in my mind, and that battle was really tragic."

"It was tragic, but we survived after all."

"Back in the day..." The old man with white beard and hair slowly talked about the past.

And many other people behind the four of them listened quietly.

Although many of them are the core of the three major legions, the three major legions were established by the four "sages" who survived the previous era.

If not, the three major armies would not be so powerful.

After all, even though Starry Sky Demon City is a demon city, its interior is not that stable.

It is also fortunate that there are three major legions ruling everything strongly, which makes the Starry Sky Demon City prosperous and stable all the time, and all of this is due to the four "sovereigns" in front of us.

"During this period of time, I heard that many powerful disaster fighters have developed." Suddenly, the old man with white beard and hair looked sideways at the current head of the Saint Shenhao Legion, and said asked.

When the old man asked, Sheng Shenhao's army was shocked, and he immediately replied.

"Reporting to Venerable Dry Candle, during this period of time, the three major legions have been busy cleaning up the remnants of the Blue Star Clan, and the main battle powerhouses of all levels have all gone to the battlefield of time. I'm afraid they will be there this time." During this period, the suppression of those calamity warriors was slightly relaxed, so those calamity warriors became rampant. Once the star glory this time is over, At that time, we will definitely step up the cleanup of the disaster fighters, and all those jumping and jumping guys will be cleaned up. After all, our legion soldiers are the real masters of this world, and those disaster fighters are just let in It's just prey." Said the head of the Saint Shen Hao Legion.

"En!" Venerable Kuzhu nodded slightly.

Immediately, the old man with white beard and hair looked at the young man who had never spoken from the beginning to the end, and said slowly: "At this time, the light and stars are coming, and you don't want to express your opinion?"

"If you have any opinions, beware of the abyss, the mother's nest, the sacred tree, and the ladder, and then step up the suppression of the remnants of the Blue Star Clan, and then continue to harvest the disaster fighters that came in, that's all."

The young man told everything concisely.

"after all……"

In the end, the young man added.

"After all, you and I experienced Xingyao not once or twice."

Listening to the young man's words, the old man with white beard and hair nodded slightly with a slight smile.

"Yes! Not once or twice, but quite a few times."

The old man with white beard and hair refocused his eyes on the long river of time not far away, and murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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