Calamity Frontier

Chapter 195 Night Tower

Chapter 195 Night Tower

"The ancients said that the epee has no sharp edge, and great skill does not work. This is the way they said. I once saw a senior expert expounding on an ancient scroll, 'Many moves are complicated, and I discarded them all. Just use clumsiness to defeat cunning, use slowness to defeat speed, use strength to defeat qi, all martial arts in the world will be defeated in my hands'. This kind of supreme state is the supreme wonderland of breaking the law with strength."

When several people heard the words and felt the spirit of the hero who defeated the world, they all felt admiration in their hearts.He was also impressed by the legacy of the ancestors who killed the ancestors.

"However, all these supreme wonderlands are based on solid cultivation bases. If the foundation is not stable, then we can't talk about the supreme wonderland." The boss explained slowly.

This is true of all practice.If there is no foundation support, everything is nothing but magic.

"Then, since Qiao Yu can easily cut off the fifth child's calf with a heavy knife, he probably has a lot of internal strength. That's the way to go."

"What the boss said is true." At this time, the old seven said so. "Then Qiao Yu does have unfathomable internal strength." Lao Qi said so.

"After Qiao Yu killed the fifth child, he slowly returned to the Qiao Mansion. Only then did I realize that that guy was originally called Qiao Yu, and he was a member of the Qiao family."

"Then when Qiao Yu was eating, he actually..."

Lao Qi narrated what he had seen before and after.

"One person eats so much, is that guy a pig?" When the seventh child finished speaking, the slender third child "Blood Flowing" beside her exclaimed in disbelief.

"There are strange people in ancient times who can eat a lot of food every day. It's not surprising that Qiao Yu can eat so much food. On the contrary..." The second child in the team narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the boss in the team—— Dream silkworm.

"Southern Border Esoteric School, Great Dreams Shocking the God Art, Brother, have you ever heard of it?"

Thinking for a moment, Meng Tianchan shook her head slightly.

"I have been in southern Xinjiang for more than eight years, and I have never heard of this so-called Great Dream Art. However, in the land of Southern Xinjiang, there are many strange sects and heretics. At the same time, Southern Xinjiang is known as the Three Thousand Little Esoteric School. I don’t know if there really is such a so-called Great Dream Shocking God Art in the Southern Border, but since that guy said it, it probably has something to do with it.”

"But..." said at this time.

The eyes of the dream silkworm permeating the pitch-black night were already filled with killing intent as cold as frost.

"If you dare to kill the seven of us who walk in the night, you will definitely slaughter his Qiao family this time."

"Indeed, if they don't slaughter the Qiao family, it's hard to solve the hatred in my heart." The rest of the people expressed their hatred.

Seven people travel at night, advancing and retreating together.

This time the fifth child was killed, the other six of them must have bloodbathed the enemy's family, in order to pay homage to the spirit of the fifth child in heaven.

"Second, third, seventh, the three of you, tomorrow, go to the Qiao family and find out from the inside out. Tomorrow night, we will bloodbath the Qiao family. Seven of us walked at night, and we haven't seen each other for a long time. He showed his face in the Jianghu, and today, we are going to bloodbath the Qiao family to uphold the prestige and remind those who want to call our attention. We are seven people at night, that is not easy to mess with."

However, the Seven Night Walkers did not notice that in the dark night, a strange bat was hanging under the eaves not far away, quietly watching and listening to the conversation of the group of six people.

Inside Qiao's mansion.

At this moment, Qiao Yu was sitting cross-legged on the bed and practicing.

"Oh? Seven Night Walkers?"

A smile formed on the corner of Qiao Yu's mouth.

"However, at this time in the past, killing this group of guys surreptitiously, most likely no one knows about it, and it won't gain much experience."

"Tomorrow, they will come to my Qiao's family to make a big fuss, and then they will kill these jumping clowns, so that it will be widely spread. This should increase a lot of prestige." Qiao Yu said in his heart at this time So secretly thinking.


The next day, early in the morning.

It was early spring, the cold snow had just melted, and the chill was still a bit bitter.

Qiao Yu came to "Yunhu Restaurant" early.

Yesterday, Qiao Yu looked at the entire Bianzhou city imitating a blood-eyed bat.

On one side of Bianzhou City, there is a lake called Yunhu Lake.

Yunhu Lake is divided into an inner lake and an outer lake. The outer lake is very large, and there are many flower boats on the outer lake.

The inner lake is quite small, and many restaurants are built along the lake.And this "Yunhu Restaurant" is one of several large restaurants built along the lake.

This Yunhu restaurant has three teachings and nine schools, and there are many people from the world, it is an excellent place to listen to all kinds of rumors.

And Qiao Yu also knew that as many disaster fighters entered this arena, presumably this arena should gradually become lively.

On the third floor, near the window, Qiao Yu ordered some broad beans, fennel beans and other side dishes, and the two accompanying maids warmed the wine for Qiao Yu. Qiao Yu listened to many people talking about it while drinking, and watched the lake view .

After a while, Qiao Yu heard a lot of information about witchcraft, puppetry, and rookies.

No need to think about it, Qiao Yu still knew that most of the disaster fighters or legion fighters began to gradually become famous in this arena.

The bigger the reputation, the more benefits you can get.

Therefore, every participant who enters this world of rivers and lakes will be unwilling to be lonely.

After some listening, Qiao Yu laughed. "Sure enough, it was leaked out."

Yesterday, Qiao Yu strictly trained many servants, forbidding to spread the news of his so-called "Dameng Shocking God Art" miraculously accomplished.

As expected by Qiao Yu, the more Qiao Yu strictly prohibited the spread, the faster it spread.It's only been one night, and Qiao Yu heard those low-ranking people around here, such as storytellers, put some of the so-called Qiao Yu, the son of the Qiao family, with the magic trick of dreaming and shocking the gods. Many words were spread.

Qiao Yu opened his mission log.

Current Reputation: Entering the arena for the first time.

"It's the first time to enter the rivers and lakes." Qiao Yu couldn't help smiling.

"The first stage is just entering the rivers and lakes, and the next stage is to emerge."

After appreciating his reputation, Qiao Yu gradually calmed down, and then Qiao Yu took a deep breath, and his expression became cautious.

Look slightly to one side.

Qiao Yu looked at a tall tower not far away.

This towering tower has an extraordinary momentum, and its height is even more than thirty feet high.In the entire city of Bianzhou, there are only a handful of buildings as high as ten feet.And this majestic tower is a full [-] feet, it really stands out from the crowd.

This tower is named—Ye Shen Tower!

Needless to say, this tower is related to the famous night boat in the rivers and lakes.

Of course, it may be strange for others to see something that is not a ghost, but for disaster fighters like Qiao Yu, it has long been familiar.

What attracts Qiao Yu to this Yeshen Pagoda is mainly that this Yeshen Pagoda is a place where "disaster events" are carried.

However, the map shows that the Yeshen Pagoda is now locked by chains.That is to say, this catastrophic event has not yet started. It is conceivable that if it is opened, it will definitely be a battle between dragons and tigers.

After staring for a moment, Qiao Yu looked away from the Yeshen Pagoda.It was placed on the misty cloud lake again.

"Yun Lake in Bianzhou, chained dragons and tortoises, Spring Thunder Awakening, wind and cloud gathering." Qiao Yu said these words silently in his heart, "I don't know what will happen in this Yun Lake when the Spring Thunder Awakens. "

(End of this chapter)

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