Chapter 197

With a roar, Lei Yun's figure was as swift as the wind.

On the battle spear, there was a smear of blue rainbow light, aiming at Qiao Yu's chest with overwhelming determination.

It's too fast to make a move, even those people from all corners of the world can hardly see it clearly.

In other people's eyes, it is as fast as lightning, but in Qiao Yu's eyes, that may not be so.

The all-round effect improvement brought by the second-level heart, and the all-round increase brought by the rare abyss magic power of the second level.Qiao Yu's current reaction ability is incredible.

Stretching out his hand to grab it, the Baipi True Spirit Blade swung out leisurely.

"The tip of the spear can swing a slight trajectory, which is not bad. It is barely an introduction to 'vector static'. Unfortunately, it is still too weak for me."

With his body slightly on one side, the Baipi True Spirit Blade leisurely bombarded him from one side.

The Baipi True Spirit Blade directly bombarded the battle spear.

With just one blow, the Spearman felt a sudden numbness in his hands, and his tiger's mouth was instantly shattered.

"What a terrifying strength, this Qiao Yu, he has not been attacked by chaos. His strength is intact."

After just a moment of fighting, Lei Yun knew the real situation of Qiao Yu.

The next moment, the Baipi True Spirit Blade swept over at an incredible speed. Facing these legionnaires, Qiao Yu has never been soft-handed. But never careless.

"What kind of 'chaotic state' is a fucking lie." The moment before the blade swept, Lei Yun cursed in his heart.

The blade passed by, and Qiao Yu chopped off Leiyun's big head.

"What a quick knife."

In the instant of fighting, the head of the Spearman was cut off in an instant.Qiao Yu's knife was so fast that almost no one around could see it clearly.Seeing that Qiao Yu's knife was so fast, many people around were horrified.

After killing the legionnaire, Qiao Yu looked over his head and looked at the three disaster fighters.

Qiao Yu glanced over, and the three disaster fighters suddenly felt a mountain-like pressure on their hearts.

Qiao Yu's great reputation was achieved step by step by stepping on the corpses of legionnaires.It's a real god-killer.The wrong number of the demigod's hand is not fake.

"Hello, Brother Qiao." The injured boxer forced an ugly smile on his face, and said so embarrassingly.

"Hello, Brother Qiao." The other two also smiled together, but their laughter was uglier than crying at this moment.

"Okay." Qiao Yu waved his hand. "I'm in a good mood today, so I won't kill you, but you three remember, release the news, just say that I, Qiao Yu, are in Bianzhou City, and those who are sensible, don't get in the way of my Qiao Yu's task line."

There is no gain in killing people, let them release their news through their channels, so that they can achieve the effect of gaining fame and reputation.

"Thank you Brother Qiao for not killing him." The three said quickly.

"Also." The boxer said after thinking about it.

"I heard that the blood demon real person seems to have come to this mission world, and that guy also said that he wants to challenge Brother Qiao."

"Oh? Real Blood Demon?" Qiao Yu frowned slightly, then nodded slightly: "I see."

"Farewell." The three left quickly.

The three left, and Qiao Yu went upstairs again. At this time, many martial arts people around him gradually dispersed.

"The boss is the boss, and he killed that guy with a gesture of his hand. This kind of method is really enviable to others." On the way the three of them left quickly, a guy said.

"Those big guys are not something we can admire, so let's find a way to see how to complete the two main quests! Damn, in the main quest, killing people at the level of martial arts masters, those guys are all dozens If you don't make a good plan for the old monster, I'm afraid you will die in this world."

On the third floor, Qiao Yu sat down again.

"The real blood demon." Qiao Yu thought lightly in his heart.

In the calamity world, there are many strong people.

There are also many people who are comparable to Qiao Yu in terms of technology.

These people are sometimes strangled by legionary soldiers, but sometimes they rise against the trend and become extremely terrifying existences, just like Qiao Yu.

Either be killed, or rise against the sky.This is the path of the disaster fighters under the high-intensity suppression of the legion fighters.

Qiao Yu is obviously the latter, and for some reason, Qiao Yu rose very quickly, almost crushing the legion soldiers all the way up.

However, this Gorefiend real person is different.

As far as Qiao Yu knew.

This real blood demon entered the world of calamity without a name, and then quietly improved his strength.

Then, in an EE-level mission world, he teamed up with several disaster masters and wiped out more than 300 legion soldiers in one fell swoop.The income is very rich.As a result, his strength has become great and his reputation has been greatly improved.

Afterwards, the blood demon real person, like Qiao Yu, completed the achievement of "Dangerous Species" and was wanted by the Legion.

In the D-level mission world, this blood demon real person, similar to Qiao Yu, slaughtered many legion soldiers forcefully, and established his name in the first battle-the blood demon real person.

"The blood demon real person is a demon cultivator, with superb methods of demonic methods and extremely strong strength."

"But..." Qiao Yu shook his head slightly. "I'm not afraid of him either. If he dares to come over, I don't mind another dead soul under the sword."

Then Qiao Yu opened his mission log.

Calamity Log: Kill the Legion Warriors and get 24 Calamity Coins.The calamity fang talent is activated, and an additional 120 calamity coins will be obtained.

"It's really valuable. After all, it's a DD-level mission world, and the value of a head is not low."

"However, relatively speaking, in these DD mission worlds, the number of those legion fighters will be much smaller. It is already impossible to obtain the God of Calamity Coins as much as in the previous world. However, high-level In the mission world, the income in the mission world itself is very considerable."

"In this world of Chinese martial arts. There are many good things that can improve my strength in various aspects."

"According to the information I know, the Longgu Tianmai, the Great Kunlun Ruins, and the Meteorite Ghost Cave are all excellent places to obtain income. However, these things need to be gradually opened as the plot advances, At the same time, at each stage, you need to gain enough reputation. In this disaster world, it is impossible to say that in the future, you will become a celebrity in the world after one battle. The improvement of reputation and reputation is gradual. As far as the current stage is concerned, I want to get most of the income in Bianzhou City, and then completely raise my reputation."

"Huh?" A slight smile appeared on the corner of Qiao Yu's mouth.

"The Seven Night Walkers finally couldn't bear it any longer. Are you going to start doing something to me? Forget it! Let you see what I, Qiao Yu, do."

(End of this chapter)

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