Calamity Frontier

Chapter 243 Enter

Chapter 243 Enter
My name is Bai Jie.

I am a member of the Starry Sky Demon City, and the place where I live is called the Starry Sky Demon City.

I have lived in the Starry Sky Magic City for 24 years.

The Star Demons are very, very large.

The core area in the middle of the Starry Sky Demon City is the main city of the Starry Sky Demon City.There live the top legion fighters of our starry sky clan.

Oh!By the way, I forgot to tell you that the outside world generally calls us "legion fighters".

In fact, this title is very prejudiced to us. After all, the three major legions are only the "combat department" of our Starry Sky Clan, and only the combat department has contact with the outside world. Therefore, to the outside world, "legion fighters" are Call us.

Actually, that's just the War Department, and our real identity is the Starry Sky Clan.

As I said before, the Star Demons are very large.

From the inside to the outside, the Starry Sky Demon City has a total of six floors surrounding the satellite city.

I just live in the third-floor surrounding satellite city. Although it is said that housing prices in the surrounding satellite city are cheaper, I heard from some of their elders that the six-floor surrounding satellite city is actually the sixth-floor defense layer of our Starry Sky Demon City.

Ok!Having said so much, it seems to be a bit far-fetched.

You must know that although the life in the Starry Sky Demon City is very comfortable and comfortable.

However, members of the Starry Sky Clan like us who don't have much fighting talent and are not keen on fighting are still under a lot of pressure in life.

After all, we don't have enough calamity coins to exchange for survival points to survive.

However, fortunately, the "Warhead" often releases some missions for the "Century of Hundreds".

To participate in these hundreds of missions, you only need to follow the powerful legion fighters and enter the hidden mission world for ten days and a half months, or a month or two. After completing the mission, you will pay the completed calamity coins.I will be able to get rewards of hundreds of calamity god coins.There are hundreds of calamity god coins, which is a huge sum of money.Being able to live happily in the Starry Sky Magic City for two or three years.

But sometimes, there will be some abnormal situations in these hidden mission worlds, such as special missions, or the need to kill a powerful enemy, or arrive at a specific location.

If there is an unexpected situation, it is likely to lead to the annihilation of those participants who are not strong in the Hundreds.

Every year, there will be one or two, or even three or four deaths of the Centuries.

This world is really cruel!

I've been involved in a lot of quest worlds.Now my grade has reached C level.However, my comprehensive strength evaluation is only just reaching E rank.

I'm not a combatant after all, and I don't like to fight.

Many of the Centuries were like me.

I plan to expand my store after I get this amount of calamity god coins this time, and then prepare all the preparation funds for the wedding. I will get married in a few months.

Oh!By the way, I forgot to tell you, my girlfriend's name is Bai Yu.

She is very beautiful and has a very good figure.Many of my friends envy me.

To be able to find such a good girlfriend is really a blessing I cultivated in my previous life.

This time, I will need to stay about one and a half months to enter the mission world, and the time spent in Starry Sky Demon City is about four days.

When I told my girlfriend about this yesterday, she was very happy.Also told me to pay attention to safety, she will wait for me to come back.

She was not so happy when I entered the mission world, which made me hear some gossip and rumors in the past.

But how is this possible.

I shook my head at the time, getting those messy rumors out of my head,
My girlfriend is always loyal to me, those gossip must have been made up by others, they are all envious, jealous and hateful, yes, it must be like this.

My relationship with my girlfriend is very good.

She often calls me when she is free, calling me in the morning, calling me at noon, and even calling me many times at night.

Most of the time when she called me, she was running and working out, out of breath, out of breath.

Every time at this time, I would tell her to take more rest after exercising.

But my girlfriend's body is really good. Once, she was on the phone with me while running and panting for half an hour.

Fitness, that's great.

Since then, I have also started fitness running.

But it's strange, why didn't I meet her once in the areas she mentioned that she often runs for fitness?

Maybe, our time is staggered!

Today is the day to enter the mission world.Through the authority portal, our hundred-member group can safely enter the mission world.

There is a security check in front, and after passing the security check, it is the permission transmission of the mission world.

After waiting for more than half an hour, it finally came to me. The speed of these security check guys is really slow.

It's finally my time.

I quickly walked to the middle area of ​​the teleportation array.

"Giant Beast Sandbox World, start teleporting."

The little beauty in charge of the transmission smiled at me with a sweet smile.

As the red light came on, I felt the force of teleportation distort the space around me.

When I come back, I can have a huge sum of money and...

Thinking of this, I am happier.


Accompanied by colored glaze light.

I entered the time teleportation.

"The current world distribution form, the disordered state distribution, the current position is randomly distributed."

When I felt that I was about to leave the teleportation and enter the mission world, suddenly, a cold and heartless voice rang in my ears.

"Random distribution?" I suddenly thumped in my heart.

Bad, the probability of one in ten thousand mistakes appeared in this mission world?

I care about your mother's Blue Star tribe, and I hate your fairy banban.

I cursed loudly.

Needless to say, every time there is a mistake in the mission world, it must be the ghosts of those Blue Star people who use their high-level privileges.

Those damn Bluestar people, they are the most disgusting existence in this world.They are a bunch of humble and shameless trash villains.

I growled angrily, but it didn't change anything.

I feel like I'm out of the teleportation tunnel.

"Oh my God."

As soon as I got out of the teleportation tunnel, I fucking appeared in the sky, in this shitty world.

Fortunately, fortunately, I have gliding props. Fortunately, I have all the preparations, otherwise I fell directly like this, and I would be severely disabled if I didn't die.

Damn, what should I do if I entered this mission world alone?
What the hell!

When I saw the specific situation ahead, I was almost scared to pee.

"What the hell is that..."

(End of this chapter)

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