Calamity Frontier

Chapter 264 Deng Ping

Chapter 264 Deng Ping
Stretching out his hand to grab it, Qiao Yu held the Baipi True Spirit Blade in his hand.

Then Qiao Yu came to the first freezer.

The devil's true energy surged in the eyes, and after a while, the attributes of the disaster warrior were checked by Qiao Yu at a glance.

"The speed is quite fast, but it is not suitable for following me."

The next moment, the Baipi True Spirit Blade swung leisurely.

This calamity warrior who was still frozen, together with the frozen warehouse, was cut in half by Qiao Yu.

Immediately Qiao Yu looked at the second Calamity Warrior blankly.

After a while, Qiao Yu shook his head and killed the second one again.

Then came the third, the fourth, the fifth.

Every Qiao Yu checked carefully, and if he didn't meet his own standards, Qiao Yu would kill him directly.

After killing six people in a row, Qiao Yu frowned slightly.

"It seems that there are really not many people with special detection ability and spiritual ability."

Then Qiao Yu continued to check one by one.What Qiao Yu is looking for is the kind of disaster fighter with team ability.

When you know that the mode of the calamity frontier is different from the previous calamity world.Qiao Yu easily deduced that this world is more suitable for team survival.

After all, this calamity frontier is not like the mission world. In the mission world, all you need to do is complete the mission, and just kill the rest.

In this calamity border, what is needed is more cooperation of various abilities.

Therefore, Qiao Yu also hopes to build a strong group centered on himself.After all, in this calamity world, only groups can become bigger and stronger.

An existence as powerful as "Lie" needs to find himself and him to cooperate with each other.If he wants to survive better in this world, Qiao Yu also knows that teamwork is essential.

"the seventh!"

Immediately, Qiao Yu looked at the seventh person.

When looking at the seventh one, Qiao Yu couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

"Is there such a coincidence?"

I saw that the seventh frozen calamity warrior was the one who had worked with Qiao Yu, the guy named "Deng Ping".

But Qiao Yu remembered that this guy was very powerful, and the shocking sword is still fresh in his memory.He specializes in swordsmanship and does not fall halfway, so it may not be impossible to aspire to the pinnacle in the future.

Qiao Yu didn't expect that this guy would actually enter this calamity border.

After thinking about it, Qiao Yu's saber did not fall.This Deng Ping has extraordinary strength and can be a great help to Qiao Yu in this disaster border.

Afterwards, Qiao Yu continued to look behind.

Soon, the next five people were all killed by Qiao Yu. There are no such people with teamwork skills here.

After killing all the other people here, Qiao Yu sat cross-legged at the door to practice, quietly waiting for Deng Ping to wake up.

After almost an hour.

After the thaw, Deng Ping woke up leisurely.

"Whirring whirring……"

The first thing Deng Ping felt when he woke up was extreme fatigue, and he had no strength at all.

With a thought, Deng Ping directly used a powerful recovery item.

With the function of the recovery props, Deng Ping gradually felt the power growing in his body bit by bit.

Feeling that his body had regained some strength, Deng Ping walked out of the freezer.

As soon as he stepped out of the freezer, Deng Ping saw the other freezers around him, all of which had been shredded, and the disaster warriors who were frozen inside had all died.

Seeing this scene, Deng Ping's heart throbbed slightly.

"After so long, you finally woke up."

Deng Ping, who was wondering in his heart, suddenly heard a rather familiar voice.

When Deng Ping looked over, he was suddenly startled and lost his voice.

"Joe Yu."


After ten minutes.

In a small cafeteria of the Twilight Experiment Research Institute.

The two sat together and talked while eating food.

"In a mission world, my strength has greatly improved, and I killed forty or fifty legion soldiers in one go. Although the legion side did not list me as a 'dangerous species' like you. However, they also listed me in one The level of super hunting targets. That is to say, in the follow-up mission world, only I will not die, and the legion fighters will continuously send the main fighters to hunt and kill me."

"However, I know that I am very strong, and I am not afraid of those legionnaires. In addition, Xingyao is about to attack, and those legionnaires dare not enter the mission world wantonly, so I entered a large-scale mission world alone. "

"But..." Having said that, Deng Ping slightly sighed.

"I still underestimated the strength of the legionnaires. They actually directly used a powerful exile item on me."

"Exile item?"

Hearing this, Qiao Yu's expression moved slightly.

"That is to say, you are exiled here because you were exiled by the exile item."

"Of course." Deng Ping nodded.

"It took me a long time to come here before I realized that this place is called the Calamity Frontier, which is adjacent to the Calamity World, but it is different from the Calamity World."

"Entering this calamity border, I wandered alone for more than half a month before I gradually came into contact with the survivors here, and I had to know a lot of information about the disaster border."

"Later, I joined a small team of survivors. Our small team performed some tasks before and after, and our small team also earned a lot of supplies."

"Later, our team originally planned to go to the lava mountain in the north to hunt the 'Lava Black Bull', but we didn't expect to meet 'Dr. Scalpel' on the way." Having said this, Deng Ping shook his head slightly.

"Doctor Scalpel?" Hearing this, Qiao Yu frowned slightly. "Is that the S-level strongman who founded the Twilight Institute of Biology, Dr. Scalpel?"

"Yeah." Deng Ping nodded, "That's Dr. Scalpel."

"That guy is too powerful." As he spoke, Deng Ping shook his head with a wry smile.

"My strength, although it is C-level, but overall, it has reached BB-level. There is even a B-level master in our team, who can reach A-level explosively."

"However, in front of Dr. Scalpel, we have no room to resist. That guy is too strong."

"After all, it's an S-level powerhouse, so it's not something we can compete with." Qiao Yu nodded.

When Qiao Yu said this, Deng Ping looked up at Qiao Yu and laughed. "Brother Qiao, this doesn't sound like your tone. You should say, it's only S rank, and it should be cut directly with a single knife."

"Hahaha..." Hearing this, Qiao Yu just shook his head and laughed.

"After your breakthrough, your strength is much worse than mine. As far as you and I are concerned, we are just at the same level. I am slightly higher and you are slightly lower."

"But at our level, in front of the S-class, we are all the same."

"Indeed." Deng Ping agreed with this point. "S-class is too powerful."

(End of this chapter)

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